
Millie said:
One more thing, to judge another is to judge yourself. I dont think I was , but who can say? If I did, it was not meant like that, but I was sure surprised by the others judging comments. But I don't hold any grudges.
Just a little clarification, Millie. No one was 'judging you' in the commonly accepted understanding of that phrase. This is a forum on which clarity of thought and expression is critical, so when someone posts something that seems illogical or 'out of line', as it were, that person will be questioned about it to clarify what is really going on. Most of the time, nothing is 'really going on'. However, sometimes a post that prompts a response does so because it reveals a mind set that is contrary to what we're trying to do here, which is simply to uncover and discuss the truth, in all its guises. Hope that makes sense.
Millie said:
Nina, I find it hard to believe that so many people are just not understanding what I meant. The way the world is today, I would not bring a child into this world.
YOU would not do it. That's a personal business. How can you know others don't need that particular lesson of bringing a child into this world now ? How can you determine the need of a being to (re)incarnate (or not) just at this particular point in time ?
Not to say that it's not something to consider, and that we oughtn't be responsible in this extremely crucial choice.
I wonder though what would be the effect of everyone on earth consciously deciding right now not to have children anymore. Interesting idea !

One more thing, to judge another is to judge yourself. I dont think I was
I think you did, and that's why other people here have reacted to this the way they did.
Do we not all, in some ways pave the way for ourselves?The coming merely a trap set by us all.
Convincing and confirming our doubts.
Tiring in the face of the really beautifull earth.
Squabbles between her and I.
Returning us to sleep for peace sake.
After taking a break from this forum and looking at how I interact with the world I've come to the inescapable conclusion that I'm psychologically damaged. Soon after my last disastrous post on this thread I reviewed everything I had ever posted on this forum and I can tell you for me and probably others it was embarrassment that was the dominant feeling, I wanted to delete everything. Then I swung to being amazed at my own self importance (1. Revealed in the content of the posts and 2. For thinking they were such important posts they should be worthy of such attention) before finally settling with mild stupidity.

I'm not going to respond any of the posts in this thread because I'm not really sure I of what I know at this point plus I'm in a transitional period attempting to re-wire my brain/emotions and psychology. Thanks to Beau for the kind words and I'm going to really think before I post anything in future.
moonwalker said:
Then I swung to being amazed at my own self importance (1. Revealed in the content of the posts and 2. For thinking they were such important posts they should be worthy of such attention) before finally settling with mild stupidity.
I usually settle for having a good laugh at myself and recognising that if anything, there is nothing mild about my stupidity. If I am an idiot then that is amusing (to me).

I find it helps to have a good laugh at oneself and not take things too seriously. There's enough seriousness in the world without getting cut up about it.
moonwalker said:
After taking a break from this forum and looking at how I interact with the world I've come to the inescapable conclusion that I'm psychologically damaged.
Hi Moonwalker,

As we are on a planet that is dominated by psychopaths and is STS, I think that the vast majority of us are psychologically damaged to varying degrees. You are not alone in this that's for sure. We can only begin to clean our machines when we realize that we are riddled with programs, narcissism, sacred cows etc. and don't know anything. This is a painful process, I know from experience, but it must be done if we want to be able to do anything to change this mess we're in.
Moonwalker, I wouldn't describe your post as disastrous. It may seem like disaster initially, when such stuff comes out for everyone to see, unsuspectedly one finds himself stripped to the bones with his nasty programs and messed up reasoning laid on the platter.

Well, it's not a disaster, it's not the end of the world - to the contrary, it may be a blessing in disguise. What you haven't seen, you now see and I think you'll make good use of this awareness.

Many of us here are messed up psychologically, so you are not alone in your conclusion about yourself. Keep this in mind, maybe it will be easier to remember that you are not judged. You are given a mirror by people who at some point were or still are similar to you. This forum is among other things created for such uncomfortable self-discoveries, so what you've written was written in exactly right place, provided you are interested in working on yourself.

By the way - you haven't met a woman who wouldn't fit to this derogative generalized idea? At least, in your everyday life? Then it's two of us. Maybe we weren't ready, maybe we were too blind to see them, like Beau suggested? I think I'm not such a "miracle guy" after all, so why would universe decide to place such a woman on my path? However, I would't say I feel sorry for myself, or for you for that matter. We are who we are. Who will we become - it's in our hands.
Hey Moonwalker, all:

You're certainly not alone in your conclusion, as j0da pointed out. Such a conclusion is in fact necessary for the Work, for without being sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that one is a machine, one cannot have the Willpower to wake up from this state.

More and more often I catch myself in mid-sentence or mid-action, wake up, and realize the utter stupidity of my mental state at that point. What's more important is that more and more often I catch myself BEFORE speaking or doing something that is not really 'me'. By 'more often' I mean a few times a day at the most; the rest of the time I'm asleep and 'doing the motions' of so-called life. When I wake up again and realize my 'lost time,' I'm truly horrified.

The realization of the fact that we operate in a constant state of divided consciousness, mindlessly switching back and forth between narcissistic and predatory personalities is terrible - sometimes I just want to SCREAM at my own insanity! - and yet it is awesome and most liberating. It is in this 'cubic centimeter of luck' that we (real 'I') achieve victory over ourselves (personality/machine), even if for a relatively short while. It is in these short whiles that we realize the potential of what we MAY become; as j0da said, it's ENTIRELY 'in our hands.'

The following thread on the SOTT forum deals with this situation thoroughly:
I re-read it often.

Thank you for sharing your insights and best of luck in your future efforts!
Interesting thread! And moonwalker, thanks for not deleting your posts. You may underrate them significantly, given your current situation. Besides, wiping history prevents yourself and others to learn from it.

Ruth said:
moonwalker said:
Then I swung to being amazed at my own self importance (1. Revealed in the content of the posts and 2. For thinking they were such important posts they should be worthy of such attention) before finally settling with mild stupidity.
I usually settle for having a good laugh at myself and recognising that if anything, there is nothing mild about my stupidity. If I am an idiot then that is amusing (to me).

I find it helps to have a good laugh at oneself and not take things too seriously. There's enough seriousness in the world without getting cut up about it.
Ruth, I have some trouble with these suggestions. Laughing 'stupidness' away won't bring you anywhere in this case. Something like, "oh, it's just my funny self-importance, hahaha"? There is nothing funny about self-importance. You have to get rid of it.
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