Merry Christmas from the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind

Yesterday, as Christian Orthodoxy was celebrating Epiphany,I was absolutely thrilled to receive my gift... and duly unrapped it today, (around 1.30am this morning 🤭) it being my Birthday...the very creatively crafted magnet.....and I'm adamantly considering it to my Birthday gift...😊🤭😌🌹

On seeing it, the memory, vibrations and feelings I got were those I got on seeing the Auch Cathedral - { all thanks to Laura's inspiration } - the stained glass windows and Choir carvings - whispering of secrets attainable to the Truth Seeker and the willing Conscious sufferer who partakes upon himself the mantle to Work.
The energy radiating from the magnet is of Truths embedded on the artful image. (I have never felt this before on seeing our FOTCM logo)

For those who might be interested and have not yet read it, one of Laura's master pieces, is this article she penned on her experiences of the Auch Cathedral, aptly titled " The Companions Devoted to Liberty "

Thank you Chateau for this very appropriately insightful and meaningful gift.
A big Thank you to the Chateau for the Ceasar greeting card. It happened to arrive on a day which for us was quite special, namely the 6th of January. It carried a good omen for the next year even if on the outside, it doesn't look like it. And so much has happened since in just a few weeks. All the best to everybody :hug2:
Thank you very much for the beautiful card. I liked the quote you had chosen a lot: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love."

And then I thought about it on the backdrop of the latest year where authorities have discouraged closeness, promoted social distancing and have directed the minds of people to have faith and hope in the speedy arrival of a vaccine. The contrast between these policies and the words of Paul is hard to miss. Wishing you all the best for the new year.
Just wanted to say a huge thank you- I received my T-shirt (which fits perfectly), magnet & calendar and they’re all so lovely! All the hard work and effort that goes on behind the scenes to make our goodies is very much appreciated 🌺
Are there any magnets and calendars left? I would like to purchase one of each if there are :-)
Hi Rhys, I found your question you had a month ago. So am not sure if it is still relevant for you. In case it is, the webpage of has the magnet displayed in the French section. But due to non sufficient knowledge of French I can't say if it can still be purchased from there.

Chu and others might know better for the magnet and the calendars though. You can also contact them via this form and put your request in there, so they will get back to you as soon as they find the time.
I am still waiting for my calenar to arrive. I thought I bought one a few months ago. Is it possible for you to check if I did actually order and pay? I am happy to pay again if you direct me where I need to go to do that? Thanks!
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