Metal Houses & EMFs

Hi Gonzo,

I did consider that. There's no way to know for sure. If 4Dsts wants to give me a few intuitive dreams so that I'll believe a message in a subsequent dream, I wouldn't know one way or another. I considered that maybe they really DON'T want me in that house because maybe I would be protected from mind control technology. But with all the analyses presented here, I tend to agree that EMF's would enter at some point and then reverberate continually possibly being more damaging. I'm still not 100% sure and it appears that I have more time to think about it.

One thing (and maybe thats how 4DSTS would get me) is that the issue was in my subconscious and then I did pipe breathing and POTS several times before having this dream. So should I pay more attention to this or not? Perhaps its just the beginning of my personal experiment/experience with "dream work" as mentioned in the most recent C's session. In any case, my dream pointed out an issue that I hadn't considered beforehand. Now I can consider this option carefully instead of jumping into a potentially health-hazardous situation!

Thanks again,
Thanks Tree and Psyche and others for commenting. In reading the following posted by Psyche and some of the questions concerning Lead Paint, thought to add a few comments.

Before purchasing or renting a house or apartment to live in, look carefully at the Construction of the house and the materials with which the house has been built. Generally speaking, you are looking for a house that can act as a Faraday cage and an Anechoic chamber, protecting you from electromagnetic fields by either conducting fields away from you or shielding you from these fields.

If you already own a house, you might consider making the following upgrades or renovations to help make your house more environmentally friendly. If at all possible, you or a friend should perform the renovations.

Both the Location and the Construction of a house will determine the EMF exposure of a house.

A) House Construction: Walls

The walls and roof of your house are your primary protection from surrounding towers. Materials that provide shielding from EMFs include:

1. Metal (Steel, Aluminum, Copper)
2. Stone
3. Stucco (covering chicken wire)
4. Cement block
5. Double Brick (two layers of brick)

Houses that are made of wood should be avoided. Fungus, which is considered to be a possible cause for EMF sensitivity, thrives in wood. Wood also does not offer strong shielding from electromagnetic fields.

B) House Construction: Roof

The roof of your house will also block EMFs from surrounding towers. Consider houses that use one of the following roofing materials:

1. Metal (Steel, Aluminum, Copper)
2. Tile
3. Slate/stone
4. Concrete

Roofs made of asphalt or wood are usually not strong enough to provide significant protection from EMF fields. [...]

psyche said:
The following interview is also very informative:

On Lead Paint or whenever lead is absorbed, especially, critically even, as vapour gas and small particulate (grinding, heating etc.) the physical effects are well documented and tragic. Here is a brief on the Paint component alone.

On the fungus issue in wood, generally mycotoxins and others, there is a belief by some (legal defence mostly) that there is no ill effects or at least none that can be proven. This seems very ill advised as the evidence is there to the contrary; however are other toxins the direct cause and is the fungus masking those toxins that were already in the body? Is this polluting that real evidence? This is a relatively new science with many camps on both sides but mycotoxins in the respiratory tract surly must have effects. If you see fungus, photograph and identify, then research, there are many types.

As to wood being the carrier, yes defiantly, especially in these new air tight vacuum sealed construction techniques when water penetrates (because there not so well designed) into wood – these houses just don’t breathe (northern cold climates); hotly debated by builders.

Wood such as logs might be another matter or wood ceilings and internal walls where water moister (dry climates) is not so problematic. Sometimes these wood products replace worse ones such as asbestos containing textures.

As to EM resistance there is some interesting things here short of living under a silk membrane house; wish mine was thus. I kind of like the idea of the older European stone houses with 3 foot walls; but last time I was in a city, in an underground parking lot with tons of concrete adjacent and above, was amazed and frightened that cell phones still worked; seems there is almost nowhere that is immune to these frequencies. :cry:
From what I understand EMF "rebound" on metal sheeting.

So radiations coming from outside (cell phone emitters for example) are reduced but radiations generated inside (cell phone, wifi network, wireless phones...) are increased a bit like sound in an echo chamber.

So, if the level of radiation outside is high and level or radiation inside is low, I would say metal sheeting is beneficial, on the contrary if the level of radiation outside is low and level or radiation inside is high, a metal sheeting would be detrimental.

Keeping in mind that it seems easier to control radiations generated inside than radiations generated outside.

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