Meteor sightings


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Thought it might be a good idea for anyone to log their sightings of meteors or other unusual occurrences.

In January, I spotted 2 meteors (tiny ones, mind you) over Melbourne, Australia. One was right above me but disintegrated within 5-6 seconds. Anyone else spotting fragments?
I saw my first meteor around 1980. But in the last one year I have seen 2.
May the big cluster is getting nearer...

I live in Washington State, and last weekend went camping. I went outside about 3am to take the dog outside and I saw a meteor streaking across the sky from south to north. It seemed like it was very low and it was very bright--lasted about 2.5-3seconds.
In the last year or so i've seen shooting stars with a stunning regularity. Usually if its late out and im outside with friends smoking Ill aimlessly stare at the sky and catch at least one in the brief period we're out. Specifically i can recall one i saw a few weeks ago, and before that there was one or two in the winter, so i've seen prob about 3 since the new year. Thats alot for me when there's not a meteor shower.
Meteor crash in Germany near Braunschweig according to "Der Spiegel"

June 11: A meteor crashed somewhere near Braunschweig, Germany. 13 witnesses have seen a bright fireball. They are still searching a crash site. No pictures.,1518,422472,00.html

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