Michael Moore encourages protesters to "not think" and "act on raw emotion"


The Force is Strong With This One
I took a dip into the mainstream media this morning and was pretty shocked with what I saw. I clicked on the #2 or #3 link on msnbc.com (they arrange articles in order of their popularity I think). It was an interview with Michael Moore, the documentary filmmaker, on all the anti-trump protests going on.

The interviewer and Moore spent a fair amount of time explaining how this is an organic movement and "no memo was sent out" -- there is clear evidence that MoveOn.org sent out a press release Weds night organizing supporters around the country to go out and protest... was there not? Is this just a blatant lie?

Even more shocking "Really what we need to do right now is not do a whole lot of thinking." (or something close to that) "I encourage everyone right now... it's okay to act on your raw energy emotion." He compared "thinking" about the election results to overthinking relationships when you are dating someone. Don't overthink it!


The points I mentioned above are at 1:25 and 5:54. The interviewer did nothing to counter this ridiculousness, but was quite good at feeding it.
Piped Piper... especially useful when they imagine themselves independent, no strings attached... but that's all part of the illusion... that black magician and his sheep come to mind... hypnotizing some to think they are wizards extraordinaire. ;)
So it seems that many long rumored to be "gatekeepers" against truth and reality are now revealing themselves to be exactly that. Lobaczewki's work becomes even more invaluable in sorting out the tricks and traps of ponerized ideology, paramoralisms, and so forth.
Yeah, although I don't see Moore as a conscious "gatekeeper". I'm not surprised that he advised people to act on their emotions, because that's precisely what he did in his campaigning for Clinton, when he actually did know better because he knows about her criminality, has spoken about it recently, and knows exactly why many people voted for Trump, for very good reasons, that were the result of corrupt and feckless economic policies under the Obama administration.
I can't say I'm surprised. Moore always struck me as kinda creepy. I wonder if they've got some dirt on him?
There's some information surfacing that "suggests" - Michael Moore (MM) may have close ties with Soro's?

On MM's facebook page, he has an entry, "Morning After To-Do List:" which follows closely with Soro's
"5-point-plan" (in hopes of abolishing "the Electoral College")

The only reason he's president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we'll continue to have presidents we didn't elect and didn't want.


The five steps that Soros uses in his efforts to destabilize and undermine a country.

1.ESTABLISH LEGAL FOUNDATIONS AND NON-PROFIT GROUPS. Use these groups to build a "home" for the development of leaders/followers and allow for the movement of money. The people involved in these foundations and non-profits work to slowly infiltrate the government, simultaneously working in the government and for the foundations. This creates a shadow government structure in which individuals are a sort of double agent loyal to both their government position and the Soros groups.

2.CONTROL THE MEDIA. Use said foundations set up in step one to steadily gain control of media companies and media personalities. This provides influence over the general population and helps to frame the narratives needed in the future. The primary goal of controlling the media is to be able to PROVIDE AND FRAME NARRATIVES.

3.WEAKEN THE STATE. In this process the goal is not so much to weaken the government, but rather it is to weaken the structures of government. The goal of this process is to cause people to doubt the credibility of governmental structures. This tends to include doubt about the credibility of law enforcement, the credibility of leadership, and credibility of the voting process.

4.DEVELOP AND PROVOKE AN ELECTION CRISIS. The cause or flavor of the crisis does not matter. All that matters is that the core of democracy, the credibility of the voting process, is doubted to the point of anger and frustration.

5.STAGE MASS PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS. An election crisis leads directly into protests that build and build until eventually the government responds with force and a change in the current status.

From:eli@moveon.org To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2008-12-05 11:28 Subject: FW: CONFIDENTIAL: Rough draft


Moveon.org helped Podesta do the transition with Obama last election. Their pitch includes how they fund it.


A DCLeaks document from an Open Societies Foundation meeting in February 2016 to discuss various efforts in the United States. There is a large section on election plans, but as the primaries had not happened yet - Trump is not mentioned.


In the Pdf above - the introduction of a narrative The act of “othering” .

Much of our 2015 racial narrative work focused on the role of “othering” and implicit bias as a vehicle for limiting opportunities for immigrants and communities of color. As defined by grantee the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, “othering is a set of common processes that engender marginality and persistent inequality across any of the full range of human differences.” Societies use these distinctions to justify unequal treatment that ranges from discrimination to genocide. The act of “othering” dehumanizes an individual or group, making it possible to rationalize unjust and otherwise objectionable treatment of those outside the group. Implicit bias, the more familiar term in the U.S. racial narrative context, impacts everyday interactions, which reinforce or exacerbate already existing inequalities within and across systems. As such, implicit bias is a form of othering that motivates the micro-aggressions and disparate treatment of an outsider group.

Michael Moore predicted president-elect Donald Trump won’t make it to the end of his first term in the White House as the documentary film-maker believes Trump will either resign or be impeached before then.

Michael Moore: Trump Not to Last Four Years, He Resigns or Impeached

"When you have a narcissist like that, who’s so narcissistic where it’s all about him, he will, maybe unintentionally, break laws. He will break laws because he’s only thinking about what’s best for him,” Moore told MSNBC’s talk show ‘Morning Joe’.

Moore admitted after the interview the 7 minute segment was extended to 45 minutes, with host Joe Scarborough skipping five ad breaks to continue the conversation.

“He is racist, he is misogynist. He is an authoritarian,” Moore said about the president-elect.

Moore also had harsh words for Democrats who failed to appeal to middle-America or read the feeling of the voters.

Pointing to Clinton losing by 11,000 votes in Michigan, Moore explained how "ninety thousand Michiganders voted for every office and every ballot proposal on both sides of the ballot and refused to vote for president."
Laura said:
So it seems that many long rumored to be "gatekeepers" against truth and reality are now revealing themselves to be exactly that. Lobaczewki's work becomes even more invaluable in sorting out the tricks and traps of ponerized ideology, paramoralisms, and so forth.

Yes, I saw it quite clearly that the Trump phenomenon was separating the 'wheat from the chaff'. When I saw some of the Republican leaders, openly distancing themselves from Trump quite publically early on, I felt that it shone a light on hypocrisy that they generally were able to keep hidden. Maybe they felt so desperate, that they felt it was a risk they had to take, hoping that no one would notice, also knowing that the media would create a cover for them. A lot of people were sort of forced out into the open, and their true allegiances revealed. I thought it was similar to Syria where their narrative was kind of blown up with Putin going in and taking out the terrorists. You would think that there would be a great relief that a world power was actively joining the fight against those terrorists whose depravity was splashed across TV screens almost nightly. But the reaction was clearly panic and horror. Whenever you see a paradox, something is wrong. Something is not matching up. Words and deeds don't match up. In truth, when you have all knowledge, there are no paradoxes.
Laura said:
So it seems that many long rumored to be "gatekeepers" against truth and reality are now revealing themselves to be exactly that. Lobaczewki's work becomes even more invaluable in sorting out the tricks and traps of ponerized ideology, paramoralisms, and so forth.

These are quite interesting times; great examples to "help" illustrate/demonstrate couple of points on Lobaczewki's Political Ponerology. Nothing better than live samples. These last weeks have been quite great in that regard, and the times to come may likely be quite rich as well.

Learning is fun.

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