Miracle noodles / Shirataki noodles

Hmmm. Yeah, it just keeps getting more and more complicated to choose what to eat and what to avoid. Not surprisingly, everything seems to be stacked against us to make that choice as difficult as possible. That in itself is a great indication of how important diet/nutrition is.

I'll read the link from Psyche to the thread with more lectin information as well.
JEEP said:
* made of naturally water soluble fiber with no fat, sugar, or starch.
* contain zero net carbohydrates and zero calories, no gluten -made of a healthy natural fiber called Glucomannan.

Well, they sound too good to be true. Is anyone on the forum familiar with these noodles? I used the search function and nothing came up for Shirataki, Konjac, or Glucomannan. A google search of Glucomannan showed it being available as a supplement with side effects and warnings, including being banned in some countries, noted at this site: http://www.dietspotlight.com/glucomannan-review/

the fact that this product has already been banned in Australia makes us wary of recommending this product as part of your weight loss programme. A number of warnings have been given by the FDA, regarding safety issues with Glucomannan. We would like to see proper controlled and standardized trials with this product over a very long time period, which assess the long term effects of taking Glucomannan and any risks involved. Until we see these tests, we need to be wary of using Glucomannan on its own and also as an ingredient in other supplements.

Don't know if the noodles have similar issues. Although the warning and banning seem ominous, I can't help but think of laetrile, also made illegal by FDA - BECAUSE IT CAN HELP CURE CANCER! Maybe that's why FDA doesn't like Glucomannan - it's actually TOO beneficial! After all, can't have people losing weight and controlling diabetes and high/bad cholesterol! :evil:

Indeed, your suspicions seem justified since glucomannan (and other polysaccharrides) play such a critical role in cellular communication:


Interestingly, it has been documented that malignant (cancer) cells often display incomplete or abnormal sugars (communicators) on their surfaces. In other words, cellular recognition and communication has been disrupted. Efficient cellular communication throughout the body will promote an ideal state of ease throughout the body. The more efficiently the process of cellular communication is allowed to function, the greater the effect of preventing and overcoming existing disease.
Polymannans are complex carbohydrates which are made up of individual sugar molecules linked together to form molecular chains of various lengths. These complex “sugars” are not sugar as we think of table sugar - they do not increase blood sugar levels, but in fact, help to normalize blood sugar levels. They are not used by the body for their caloric content; rather, they are incorporated into cells, cell membranes, antibodies, hormones, connective tissues, and many other vital functional areas of the body.

Researchers have concluded that the very long-chain polymannans of one million Daltons and greater (a Dalton is the weight of one hydrogen atom), help orchestrate the other healing components... they have thus been named “Conductor Molecules.”

Curiously, the root of "mannose" is manna, which the Bible records as the food God supplied to the Israelites for their survival during their journey through the Sinai Peninsula. The people ground it, or pounded it, and then baked it. (Num. 11:8). A double portion was to be found on the day before the Sabbath, when none was to be found.

Despite the fact that the human body can breakdown complex carbohydrates into simple sugars and can then reassemble them into more complex structures, the body cannot produce the vital polymannans in their various forms. They are comparable to essential vitamins and minerals which the body must have for the prevention of disease and optimum health.

There are many more molecular configurations possible with polysaccharides as compared to proteins, it became logical to investigate these carbohydrates as possibly being the basis, in large, of the biological information (the symbols of the Code of Life). In large, they actually make up the physiological Code which determines the endless functions that must be carried out on a moment to moment, minute by minute, hour by hour, day to day, year to year basis, over our entire lifetime.

Many of these processes of communication, assumed to be performed by protein molecules are actually performed by a wide variety of complex carbohydrate molecules (polysaccharides) including polymannans, glycoproteins, glycolipids, glucomannans, and others. These precisely shaped molecules attach to and protrude from cell surfaces and are recognized and understood by neighboring cells.

The polysaccharide molecules are involved vastly in cellular recognition, including immune functions. Without these complex carbohydrates that attach to cell surfaces, the body’s operating systems can break down, resulting in an entire host of disorders, immune and autoimmune diseases which either weaken or inactivate their normal response, or cause immune cells to attack and destroy our healthy tissues. Our disease fighting cells may not recognize disease–causing invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, toxins, or even cancer cells. Hormones may be misdirected, contributing to physical and emotional problems, and pre-mature aging. It is an undisputed fact that health begins at the cellular level. Interestingly most, if not all of the building blocks of these biologically active carbohydrates, as well as many unique healing carbohydrate compounds, are found in high concentrations within certain species of the aloe vera plant.
For a multitude of reasons relating to improved health, the ingestion of these Aloe-derived polysaccharides is vitally important. The human digestive tract has cells called endocytes that actually take up these Aloe-derived substances intact.

It has been determined that after they are transported into the bloodstream, they are utilized as is, or broken down and reassembled to form other compounds or “symbols.”
Cellular communication is essential for virtually every important function in the body. How does the stomach know when and how much acid and digestive enzymes to produce? How do the killer cells of the immune system recognize your own healthy tissues from foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or other disease-causing pathogens? How do our killer immune cells recognize a healthy cell from a diseased one such as a cancer cell? The answer is astounding!

On the surface of each cell are protein and carbohydrate molecules that miraculously identify through the code, the state of intracellular activity (within the cell). Other cells that must interact are also covered with their own protein and carbohydrate identifiers that determine how they will specifically interact with the others, and so on, down the physiological line until the desired substance is produced and the desired effect is obtained.

This production line, controlled in large by these polysaccharide encoders, is responsible for the formation of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, substrates, and the building blocks of life. New cells, glands, tissues, organs, and re-growth and repair are carried out in this fashion. The symbols in this coded language are the key to these processes of growth, reproduction, regeneration, healing, cell repair, and recovery from disease. Improved function results from the restoration and adequate maintenance of this process.

It has been shown that even the ends of dendrites (extensions of nerve cells) are surrounded by immune cells, indicating that there exists cellular communication between the nervous and immune systems. These communications or chemical messages are often controlled by these carbohydrate-containing molecules. The process known as chemotaxis (the movement of cells controlled by chemical messengers) is to a great extent, dependent upon the symbols in this code. It has been determined that energy is required to convert these molecules from one form to another. Also, the rate of these conversions is dependent on the quantities of these molecules present. The greater the presence, the faster the rate of production. It is scientifically apparent that sub-essential communication between cells, and between cells and the immune system causes us to age prematurely, inevitably contract disease, and if lacking severely, cease to exist.
There is much current research being directed to more fully decipher this coded language. In the meantime, we can benefit enormously by ensuring adequate consumption of the building blocks of this code – the full compliment of Aloe-derived healing components including the short, medium, long, and very long chain polymannans, which are the components and building blocks, in conjunction with adequate protein, phytonutrient, mineral and vitamin support of which more will be discussed.

The dietary lack of these complex carbohydrates and nutrients will become recognized as a major deficiency syndrome. I have named this condition Cellular and Immune Communication Deficiency Syndrome (C.I.C.D.S). Just as many of the deficiency syndromes currently recognized today were misunderstood as to their origins, C.I.C.D.S. has been largely unidentified and yet will prove to be the underlying cause of a vast number of immune, auto-immune, and chronic degenerative diseases, as well as premature aging.

Due to the absence of these essential polysaccharide phytonutrients and support components, including vitamins and minerals in our modern food supply, ]b]we all may be currently suffering from C.I.C.D.S to a greater or lesser degree.[/b] Soil depletion, pesticides, gene manipulation, hormones, toxins, pollution, processed, preserved, adulterated, fast, and overcooked foods are but a few reasons for the gradual destruction of these vital natural compounds. These biologically active components possess numerous healing properties in addition to their cellular communication functions. They are essential to our quality of life and survival! They are our food and medicine by design.

they have been shown to possess an array of healing benefits.

1. Provide much of the language of The Code of Life for cellular recognition, intracellular communication, and communication between cells (intercellular) and the immune system.
2. Contain antioxidant and free radical scavengers. The importance of antioxidants to overall health and longevity is profound. Not only do antioxidants protect us from tissue damaging free radicals such as protection of the skin from sun damage, the lungs from air pollution and second hand smoke, the retina of the eye, and even the destruction of DNA. Research indicates that the amounts of antioxidants we consume are directly proportional to how long we will live and the quality of our lives.
3. Possess hypoglycemic and blood sugar normalizing functions in both Type I and Type II diabetics.
4. Contain an insulin-like growth factor that lowers the required amount of insulin needed to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
5. Reduce the amount of insulin needed, thereby reducing cardiovascular risk factors and stress on the pancreas and likely increasing its useful life, overall improvement of the intake of nutrients through the cell membrane.
6. Are incorporated into the cell membranes throughout the body, enhancing the membranes effectiveness regarding a number of known functions.
7. Enhance the excretion of toxins from the cells by a process known as exocytosis.
8. Possess anti-inflammatory functions particularly effective in ulcerative colitis and arthritis, due at least in part to the specific inhibition of leukotriene B-4, a highly pro-inflammatory substance.
9. Are likely to reduce the incidence of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. This is due primarily to the scientifically established fact that chronic inflammation increases the incidence of these conditions.
10. Possess antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal effects which are of particular interest especially today, linked to the increased incidence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria that are no longer responsive to treatment. (This further establishes why the ingestion of these Aloe–derived polymannans are so helpful in preventing, normalizing, and correcting so many digestive tract disorders.
11. Possess immune modulating and immune stimulating effects. Examples of enhanced immune functions by the ingestion of these very long chain polysaccharides are: stimulation of antibody production (by leukocytes) and an increase in the number of killer T-cells produced. This expresses the tremendous importance in these immune stimulating functions. The levels of antibody present in our blood directly affects our ability to destroy pathogenic (disease causing) organisms. The killer T-cells are among our first line of defense in destroying dangerous bacteria and viruses and may even protect us from those responsible for an array of cancers.
12. Enhance chemotaxis, the migration of immune cells to a site of injury or infection, thereby initiating the repair and healing response; promoting tissue growth and regeneration.
13. Protect the mucous membranes lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts resulting in an increased resistance to infections.
14. Help stop and prevent the damage and leakage of the intestinal wall, thereby alleviating the stress from the immune system.
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