Mirror please - I just dunno...

cassandra said:
Well actually I`ve been thinking about volunteering to sign up at our Neighbourhood Help Society. For example, you can help an elderly person by doing their shopping.
I just know there are plenty of elderly people who are lonely and neglected by their families.

I think this is a great idea. I also think, Pete, that you're latest realizations are important. At the end of the day, I think that things are they way they are on this planet because so many people just wait to have an opportunity to help. So few actually lift their heads up from their day to day routine and necessities to survey the area around them and look for what needs to be done. Laura has spoken many times about the fact that she looked around, realized that information needed to be spread and no one else was doing it, so she began. Not everyone is a Laura, but the basic premise is the same. If everyone on this planet lifted their head up from their own concerns for just a fraction of their time here and did what was before them to do - because it needs to be done and no one else is doing it - everything would change.

How does this apply to each and everyone one of us? Very simply, I think. The world is on fire and we are running out of time. Now is the time to decide if your life is going to be one of service or not. If it is, then find a way to be of service - in your own life. There are innumerable ways to be of service here with this group alone - not to mention the sort of thing that cassandra is talking about (and the two types can be combined!).

We talk about it often - spreading the DCM, spreading EE, helping on SoTT, posting on the EE forum about your experiences to help others, putting up flyers for Sott/EE/dcm. Just 'doing' something to help in whatever way that fits you best. Not everyone will be an EE instructor, a SoTT editor or contribute to the DCM, but without all those people who talk about it, share it with others, grow from it, give of their personal experiences and just give something back every day in whatever way they can, we're dead in the water anyway.

So - apologies for the length, but - yes - it is important to look for ways to be of service and to have the discernment to see where efforts might produce fruit and where they are just serving the ego. I think that's the rub - understanding where your time is best spent - but even if you don't ever figure that out, at least give and do something.

Time is short, folks. If you died tomorrow, would you be satisfied with what you gave, considering all that has been given to you on these pages alone?

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