mudpuppy said:
I have known the channeller for years, and I do not doubt his sincerity.
The channeler, like many other people, may have good intentions. For example Americans have a sincere desire to spread "freedom and democracy". But they have been doing the exact opposite, and were deceived into believing a total lie. So good intentions do not automatically lead someone to truth. Being critical and questioning everything while making no assumptions and doing away with existing ones is what is required, osit.
mudpuppy said:
HOwever none of that proves anything about the mission1017 stuff any more than the info in amazing grace/wave series can be trusted or even interpreted accurately. So ultimately we are left only with our own intuition which is fine with me.
But is that true? Is it all just pure guesswork and shooting in the dark? Because it seems that this is not, in fact, the case. If you collect data and apply critical thinking, there is a way to arrive at certain understandings, and you can use those understandings to gauge what is more likely to be true, and what is more likely to be a deception. The same can be done for channeled material, it is no exception, not all channeled material is equal, not by a long shot. There are many indications that can help us determine the validity of material. Because if it was all intuition, then apparently our intuition and your intuition are totally different? Our intuition tells us something is true, and your intuition would say the direct opposite. So then what's the use of intuition if it's so inconsistent and contradictory and subjective? Then it's no different than just randomly guessing and is useless in determining truth! Just like you can tell if someone is lying or manipulating you, and another person, who doesn't have experience with lies and manipulation, will not be able to tell due to lack of understanding. They can say "but how can you know he's lying, if I don't know, then you can't either! It must be intuition nothing more!". But knowlege protects, and what can be obvious/clear to someone can be totally incomprehensible to another. Knowledge makes all the difference. But you are blocking yourself from receiving that knowledge if you make a preconceived assumption that it's all just based on intuition, that there is no other way to tell, period.
mudpuppy said:
But I am reading the wave series and enjoying it, so I am curious to get a response/insight from laura or other people who have channelled info and have more direct experience in this area. I thought laura might even want to corroborate the mission1017 material from her own sources because I think it is fascinating material, and Blue has been an amazing delight in the past.
What is fascinating and amazing and delightful to one person may be silly nonsense to someone else. Think of it like a magic trick. When you know how it works, it's no longer amazing or delightful or fascinating, and you no longer wonder if it is true or not - you KNOW practically instantly upon seeing it that it's very clearly a lie, you see right through it. And the lies/manipulation is so clear and transparent in this channeling, it is not worth 1 second of Laura's time to corroborate it and analyze it and dissect it. It takes about 3 seconds if reading it to understand exactly what it is. You can see it too, it's not a matter of guesswork or intuition or belief, it's a matter of knowledge which is gained from data, experience, and applying critical thought to both. I think the channel watch series by AdPop on this forum is a great reading suggestion that someone made that would go a long way to give you the necessary data and food for thought, osit.