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What is your opinion of the following?

A cosmic trigger event is occuring on the 17th of October 2006. This is the
beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013.

New age propaganda, lies designed to put people to sleep and create the illusion of something for nothing. Nevermind that sending love and light interferes with free will and is STS. My suggestion is, for your own meantal health, do not read such pathocratically-created nonsense.
Agreed. I've posted some snippets below it's definitately of the YCYOR mold. I can almost hear the arrogance and sniggering of the source.

An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in
universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain
approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant flourescent in
nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although it resonates in this frequency
band, it is above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which
you, Earth articulate in. However due to the nature of your soul and soul
groups operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.

Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on,
this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated
rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.

For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create
your reality.
This is your first post and you post this? Very suspicious.
I think the two posters who have responded so far to my question have given an off the cuff, shallow response that shows lack of integrity to the matter and even disrepect to me for posting the question.

I thought I was posting a question to the editors of signs of the times, but the replies have not come from one of the names listed under 'questions for the editors'.

So if I may try again, there are three messages in the linked forum/website channelled by Raphiem/Blue.

The messages there are simply saying that we reap what we sow, and That will be amplified on oct. 17.

"Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is
good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in
strength. "

Would the editors of signs of the times care to respond after reading the website?

corrected link: http:(2slsh)mission1017.googlepages.com/
Mudpuppy, I'm afraid the two posters you refer to have responded in line with the accumulated knowledge/wisdom/thinking that is embodied in and by this forum and its associated websites. You will find that the mods/eds are equally scornful towards such 'off-the-cuff' grandiose metaphysical prophecies. They simply have little or no basis in reality and thus are dangerous because they offer the illusion of change to humans, whislt in fact assuaging his innate sense that something is up at this point in time.

There's a lack of integrity and disrespect alright... but it's directed ENTIRELY at the material you brought up, not your good self!
mudpuppy said:
I think the two posters who have responded so far to my question have given an off the cuff, shallow response that shows lack of integrity to the matter and even disrepect to me for posting the question.
maybe the response was in proportion to your own initial efforts. All you brought to the table was:

mudpuppy said:
What is your opinion of the following?
With a little more indication of serious effort on your part, others might have been more disposed to spend some effort on detailing their responses.

ie. what are your own views, and why? what research have you done in this matter, and what are your conclusions? and what sources back up these conclusions? it sounds as though you feel you are entitled to be spoonfed the results of others' efforts.
Mudpuppy, maybe a good starting point for your searching for answers would be reading AdPop's "CHANNEL WATCH" series in "Channel Watch & New Age COINTELPRO" section of this forum.
I have known the channeller for years, and I do not doubt his sincerity. The entity Blue has compiled some amazing stuff over the years which can be read at smartgroups.com/foreverblue. HOwever none of that proves anything about the mission1017 stuff any more than the info in amazing grace/wave series can be trusted or even interpreted accurately. So ultimately we are left only with our own intuition which is fine with me. But I am reading the wave series and enjoying it, so I am curious to get a response/insight from laura or other people who have channelled info and have more direct experience in this area. I thought laura might even want to corroborate the mission1017 material from her own sources because I think it is fascinating material, and Blue has been an amazing delight in the past.
mudpuppy said:
I have known the channeller for years, and I do not doubt his sincerity.
The channeler, like many other people, may have good intentions. For example Americans have a sincere desire to spread "freedom and democracy". But they have been doing the exact opposite, and were deceived into believing a total lie. So good intentions do not automatically lead someone to truth. Being critical and questioning everything while making no assumptions and doing away with existing ones is what is required, osit.
mudpuppy said:
HOwever none of that proves anything about the mission1017 stuff any more than the info in amazing grace/wave series can be trusted or even interpreted accurately. So ultimately we are left only with our own intuition which is fine with me.
But is that true? Is it all just pure guesswork and shooting in the dark? Because it seems that this is not, in fact, the case. If you collect data and apply critical thinking, there is a way to arrive at certain understandings, and you can use those understandings to gauge what is more likely to be true, and what is more likely to be a deception. The same can be done for channeled material, it is no exception, not all channeled material is equal, not by a long shot. There are many indications that can help us determine the validity of material. Because if it was all intuition, then apparently our intuition and your intuition are totally different? Our intuition tells us something is true, and your intuition would say the direct opposite. So then what's the use of intuition if it's so inconsistent and contradictory and subjective? Then it's no different than just randomly guessing and is useless in determining truth! Just like you can tell if someone is lying or manipulating you, and another person, who doesn't have experience with lies and manipulation, will not be able to tell due to lack of understanding. They can say "but how can you know he's lying, if I don't know, then you can't either! It must be intuition nothing more!". But knowlege protects, and what can be obvious/clear to someone can be totally incomprehensible to another. Knowledge makes all the difference. But you are blocking yourself from receiving that knowledge if you make a preconceived assumption that it's all just based on intuition, that there is no other way to tell, period.

mudpuppy said:
But I am reading the wave series and enjoying it, so I am curious to get a response/insight from laura or other people who have channelled info and have more direct experience in this area. I thought laura might even want to corroborate the mission1017 material from her own sources because I think it is fascinating material, and Blue has been an amazing delight in the past.
What is fascinating and amazing and delightful to one person may be silly nonsense to someone else. Think of it like a magic trick. When you know how it works, it's no longer amazing or delightful or fascinating, and you no longer wonder if it is true or not - you KNOW practically instantly upon seeing it that it's very clearly a lie, you see right through it. And the lies/manipulation is so clear and transparent in this channeling, it is not worth 1 second of Laura's time to corroborate it and analyze it and dissect it. It takes about 3 seconds if reading it to understand exactly what it is. You can see it too, it's not a matter of guesswork or intuition or belief, it's a matter of knowledge which is gained from data, experience, and applying critical thought to both. I think the channel watch series by AdPop on this forum is a great reading suggestion that someone made that would go a long way to give you the necessary data and food for thought, osit.
That was really well put, SAO - thanks. A review of the Channel Watch thread is a very good idea in this case. The first one can be found here, and there are 10 so far...

Sao, I am in the process of reading the channel watch thread, but my initial impression from your post is that you are an incredibly arrogant guy with little integrity. Basically, you took statements of mine out of context and misinterpreted them for your own rhetorical self amusement, it seems. You made no attempt whatsoever to communicate with me or to critique the mission1017 info. You just dismiss both outright as if I should accept your knowledge without question, and then on top of that you even claim to speak for laura. I guess you figured your posturing and condescension was supposed to scare me into submission into your cult of knowledge? Well it didn't work, and in fact it made me more leary of the mentality here, esp with the follow up post by one of your disciples, moderator anart. Intuition, as I define it, is the integrated conclusion of all aspects of one's being after careful consideration. I certainly trust that, and from what I have seen so far from you and some others, there is much too much arrogance in this group for any new learning to be discovered by the participants.
mudpuppy said:
Sao, I am in the process of reading the channel watch thread, but my initial impression from your post is that you are an incredibly arrogant guy with little integrity.
that is quite a personal accusation to make. personal attacks are completely inappropriate to the original discussion. Are you really interested in discussion the topic you brought up. Read the forum rules.

mudpuppy said:
Basically, you took statements of mine out of context and misinterpreted them for your own rhetorical self amusement, it seems. You made no attempt whatsoever to communicate with me or to critique the mission1017 info. You just dismiss both outright as if I should accept your knowledge without question,
now you're just projecting. You come onto this forum, and as soon as anyone disagrees with you, you say they are arrogant and lacking in integrity! Is everyone supposed to immediately just accept your opinion without question?

mudpuppy said:
and then on top of that you even claim to speak for laura. I guess you figured your posturing and condescension was supposed to scare me into submission into your cult of knowledge? Well it didn't work, and in fact it made me more leary of the mentality here, esp with the follow up post by one of your disciples, moderator anart. Intuition, as I define it, is the integrated conclusion of all aspects of one's being after careful consideration. I certainly trust that, and from what I have seen so far from you and some others, there is much too much arrogance in this group for any new learning to be discovered by the participants.
you are using a lot of emotionally loaded language here. This means that YOU are the one who is brandishing your words in order to 'scare us into submission', so again, you are projecting.

Maybe you are here to confuse and distract, or maybe you truly are here to discuss these topics in an open manner - but if so you will have to learn that you are not automatically right, and you cannot 'trample' a discussion into submission using these tactics.
If you want to sensibly talk about it, and are open to discovery, and are questing for the truth wherever it may lie, and you always accept that new information may change any working hypothesis, bring it on. otherwise, you might as well leave now.
mudpuppy said:
in fact it made me more leary of the mentality here, esp with the follow up post by one of your disciples, moderator anart. Intuition, as I define it, is the integrated conclusion of all aspects of one's being after careful consideration. I certainly trust that, and from what I have seen so far from you and some others, there is much too much arrogance in this group for any new learning to be discovered by the participants.
Our arrogance makes us blind so don't loose your time, many other forums will be very interested in your information.
How come Scio gets a disciple? anyway you are hereby banished from the cult of knowledge. Seriously and I'm trying to communicate with you here do you not see that this mission 1017 is at best a distraction to spiritual development and at worst self-induced self-destruction.
mudpuppy - you say you want a response from Laura but have you considered that:
1) She has probably already seen this thread and has no disagreement with the responses you have recieved?
2) She (and others) have better/more important things to do than respond to every inqury on this forum? - no matter how much some of us may like to (for instance) sit down over coffee and have a discussion.

edit: there are two e's in coffee

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