Mistral talks between France and Russia are over


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I guess the matter is settled, what a farce ! The psychopatic Empire just has to have its way and its hissy fit shelves two Mistrals....

Mr.Cyan said:
I guess the matter is settled, what a farce ! The psychopatic Empire just has to have its way and its hissy fit shelves two Mistrals....


Yep, it's a total joke, especially given French public opinion: http://www.sott.net/article/299473-80-of-French-citizens-want-a-good-relationship-with-Russia

What a triumph for democracy! :rolleyes:
An excellent example of what "shooting oneself (France) in the foot" means! :headbash:
Though many of the workers who had built the Mistrals protested the decision, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in November that France would not deliver the Mistrals to Russia, even if it cost the country €1.2 billion.

In other words, France cares more about kissing a*s of the USA than it's own people and their welfare.
Laura said:
Though many of the workers who had built the Mistrals protested the decision, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in November that France would not deliver the Mistrals to Russia, even if it cost the country €1.2 billion.

In other words, France cares more about kissing a*s of the USA than it's own people and their welfare.

Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.
Tomek said:
Laura said:
Though many of the workers who had built the Mistrals protested the decision, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in November that France would not deliver the Mistrals to Russia, even if it cost the country €1.2 billion.

In other words, France cares more about kissing a*s of the USA than it's own people and their welfare.

Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

You are probably right. Wonder what that "gun" is? Blackmail? NSA been tapping the phones for awhile?
Tomek said:
Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

Part of the bullying process is the record fine applied to BNP (9 billion dollars) :


Tell you what, my account is at BNP and i've received a paper explaining that no problem, this fine can perfectly be handled and clients don't have to worry. It may be true regarding the fine. A 9 billion dollars fine in its statement of account hurts but can be handled.
Tomek said:
Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

Well, they may have a compensation. Like the recent order of Rafale planes by Egypt, India and Qatar.

French Wikipedia states :

Le 16 février 2015, l'Égypte commande 24 appareils, dont 3 ont été livrés dès juillet 2015. Le 10 avril 2015 l'Inde annonce son intention de commander 36 appareils, le 4 mai 2015 le Qatar commande 24 appareils.
My quick translation :
On February 2015, Egypt order 24 devices, including 3 that have been delivered in Jully 2015. On April 2015 India announce its intent to order 36 devices, on May the 4th 2015 Qatar order 24 devices
Laura said:
Tomek said:
Laura said:
Though many of the workers who had built the Mistrals protested the decision, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in November that France would not deliver the Mistrals to Russia, even if it cost the country €1.2 billion.

In other words, France cares more about kissing a*s of the USA than it's own people and their welfare.

Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

You are probably right. Wonder what that "gun" is? Blackmail? NSA been tapping the phones for awhile?

Yeah, i think so too, i think the intel agencies of the Empire most likely have full dossiers on all European leaders that they can use to blackmail or threaten them into submission....1.2 Billion, indeed i wonder what the "gun" was ...

Which makes me think how much they must have been trying to "get" Putin too, and yet they have nothing so far - goes to show what great integrity Putin has.
Laura said:
You are probably right. Wonder what that "gun" is? Blackmail? NSA been tapping the phones for awhile?

What is also interesting, that even if France probably isn't the only country that requires "reminders" about the importance of "loyalty"/keeping in line, it did get an unusually high number of "public" reminders, the ones we can spot and notice. And it doesn't matter who's the leader of the country at that time.

For example, remember Israeli guard, who committed suicide in front of Nicolas Sarkozy during the farewell ceremony when he was in Israel in 2008?

Just what exactly France knows and can expose, and why the French leaders need those constant reminders when on the surface they appear to follow the party line?
Keit said:
Laura said:
You are probably right. Wonder what that "gun" is? Blackmail? NSA been tapping the phones for awhile?

What is also interesting, that even if France probably isn't the only country that requires "reminders" about the importance of "loyalty"/keeping in line, it did get an unusually high number of "public" reminders, the ones we can spot and notice. And it doesn't matter who's the leader of the country at that time.

For example, remember Israeli guard, who committed suicide in front of Nicolas Sarkozy during the farewell ceremony when he was in Israel in 2008?

Just what exactly France knows and can expose, and why the French leaders need those constant reminders when on the surface they appear to follow the party line?

Yes, I think such public warnings to one US vassal state invariably sends a signal to the others. As 80% of French citizens want a good relationship with Russia and some politicians are calling for closer ties too, this may be indicative of the 'unusually high number of "public" warnings' over recent months - BNP Paribas record settlement, NSA spying allegations, high tech drone flights over nuclear facilities, oil refinery blast in southern France etc.

Talking of public warnings, I suspect the Bin Laden family jet crash in Hampshire, UK a couple of days ago was another one. A regular pilot to the airport stated it "doesn't make sense" particularly when it "has every conceivable state-of-the-art safety function you can possibly imagine".

Keit said:
Laura said:
You are probably right. Wonder what that "gun" is? Blackmail? NSA been tapping the phones for awhile?

What is also interesting, that even if France probably isn't the only country that requires "reminders" about the importance of "loyalty"/keeping in line, it did get an unusually high number of "public" reminders, the ones we can spot and notice. And it doesn't matter who's the leader of the country at that time.

It seems that France "needs more reminders" than others because she has been demonstratively "disobedient" on many occasions in the recent years showing her relatively independent policy.

Keit said:
For example, remember Israeli guard, who committed suicide in front of Nicolas Sarkozy during the farewell ceremony when he was in Israel in 2008?

In 2008, it was France and Nicolas Sarkozy who greatly contributed to resolving the crisis similar to the current Ukrainian. {When psychopath Saakashvili ordered his army to attack South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Russia intervened. Later, Russia (and some other countries) recognized the referendum on the independence of both Ossetia and Abkhazia.} It was Sarkozy who suggested Medvedev his plan of peaceful settlement, and the plan was further implemented.

Soon after this, the Mistral contract was signed between France and Russia: a significant military contract between a NATO-member and a CSTO-member (two supposedly opposing forces).

Interesting that the recent French delegation to Crimea also basically consisted of Sarkozy's supporters.

As for Hollande, he also tried to follow his predecessor's steps: remember his unexpected flight to Kazakhstan and then to Moscow, for example?

The attempts of France to improve the situation may seem insufficient, yet they are noticeable. It reminds me of one Cs' remark, which was made on another subject, but which seems relevant here too:

Laura said:
A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.

Siberia said:
As for Hollande, he also tried to follow his predecessor's steps: remember his unexpected flight to Kazakhstan and then to Moscow, for example?

The attempts of France to improve the situation may seem insufficient, yet they are noticeable. It reminds me of one Cs' remark, which was made on another subject, but which seems relevant here too:

Laura said:
A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.


Geopolitically speaking, the Mistral case is another successful attempt of the US to divide Europe and Russia. Wouldn’t an Eurasian alliance between the western Europe countries and Russia be strong enough to challenge the US hegemony ? It seems that dividing these countries is a top priority for Washington. Chaos in Ukraine is part of this strategy. If France sends other positive signs towards Russia, it will once again be confronted to an American reaction.
Cs Session 9 January 2005 said:
A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.

This is from a 10 years old session, Jacques Chirac was still somewhat in charge of France back then, France wasn't a NATO member, it was just two years after the speech of Dominique de Villepin at the UN, against war in Irak, even if this position against war was most likely motivated by the fact that it wasn't in the best interests of France to witness a regime change in Irak, because the two countries still had some kind of economic relationships. But still, France was "something" when this session took place.

But the future is open, and the french executive power has changed a lot when Sarkozy came to power and integrated the country under NATO command. Now, my country is nothing more than a vassal state entirely submitted to the will of the evil empire of the West, as the Mistrals blunder proves it. So, I don't believe that what the C's said 10 years ago regarding France still applies today.

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