Mistral talks between France and Russia are over

Tomek said:
But the future is open, and the french executive power has changed a lot when Sarkozy came to power and integrated the country under NATO command. Now, my country is nothing more than a vassal state entirely submitted to the will of the evil empire of the West, as the Mistrals blunder proves it. So, I don't believe that what the C's said 10 years ago regarding France still applies today.

My view also. When the Cs answer a question, based on the prevailing conditions of the moment, that's what it is: WHAT IS. But that is very changeable and the future is open.

Odd that now supporters of Sarko were dallying about in Crimea...
Laura said:
Odd that now supporters of Sarko were dallying about in Crimea...

They were trying to win the support of French business for 2017 election campaign perhaps? Business is not happy about sanctions, and with their support, Sarkozy may have good chances to be re-elected or so he may hope.

As for Mariani, the leader of French delegation to Crimea:

1) he is the co-chair of French-Russian Dialogue association; and
2) a member of CFG fund investing in Russia; and
3) his wife is Russian. :)

Goemon_ said:
Tomek said:
Makes me wonder what exactly happened in the backstage to force the french executive power to make such a ridiculous decision. You don't gave up on 1.2B€ just to merely "please" someone, you do it because you have a gun on your temple. Or so I hope. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

Well, they may have a compensation. Like the recent order of Rafale planes by Egypt, India and Qatar.

French Wikipedia states :

Le 16 février 2015, l'Égypte commande 24 appareils, dont 3 ont été livrés dès juillet 2015. Le 10 avril 2015 l'Inde annonce son intention de commander 36 appareils, le 4 mai 2015 le Qatar commande 24 appareils.
My quick translation :
On February 2015, Egypt order 24 devices, including 3 that have been delivered in Jully 2015. On April 2015 India announce its intent to order 36 devices, on May the 4th 2015 Qatar order 24 devices

Just wanted to note that actually India was supposed to order way more of the Rafale aircraft in a pre-agreement that they changed a few months ago to only 36 (about a quarter of the original intent), and part of that decision seems to have been the Mistral fiasco, among others. India will now buy the larger quantity of planes from Russia.
Egypt and Saudi Arabia are interested in buying two French Mistral warships that had been sold to Russia before Paris scrapped the deal, French media reported Friday, citing an official French source.


To be continued...
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