

Jedi Master
I don't know if there's anything to this - but IF there is would the K diet be a way of fighting 4D STS?

Mitochondria are energy producing organelles within each of our cells and contains its own circular DNA, much like a bacteria or plastid, and is believed to have an endosymbiotic origin, somewhere along our evolutionary history. ( The circular MtDNA structure can allow for its own ease of replication within the cell. This circular structure, according to Kerner’s theory, is what enabled aliens to insert their own selected genes into our Mt DNA genome, which contains thirty-seven genes. (Pg. 191)

It is also interesting to note that mitochondrial DNA in humans can be traced back maternally to a single Mitochondrial Eve, an African woman existing approximately 500,000 years ago.

Another interesting facet regarding the mitochondrial DNA is its capacity for “data storage” according to a Hong Kong group of genetic researchers

As DNA, the MtDNA would be easier to access and manipulate, because it is a circular plasmid much like bacterial DNA and is not shrouded by melanin granules like the nuclear DNA. In the aforementioned article, the bacteria—or mitochondria—can be used for biocryptopgrahy. This is the art of storing and encrypting information in living organisms. Biocryptography and the encoding mechanism contains built-in checks to ensure that DNA mutations in some bacterial cells (or mitochondria, for example) do not corrupt the data as a whole. This can enable large amounts of information to piggyback on the mitochondrial DNA. They can also tag extra information on genetically modified genes, for data storage regarding the genetic modifications, as one would identify barcodes.

In the April 2011 interview with Maarit, she believes that many genetic modifications done to her involve variations in the central nervous system and her immune function. Many female abductees in particular, are stricken with autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, multiple sclerosis, eczema, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Could these health issues be a result of genetic modification by aliens, or excessive energy vampirism by the aliens themselves?

taken from _
I think we've figured out that the cause of these conditions is the carbohydrate diet and we don't have to bring in alien abductions to explain it. That doesn't exclude hyperdimensional manipulations on a larger scale, but we can't prove that so we need to pay attention to reality and work with what we can learn and apply.

It's really handy to blame it on aliens instead of taking responsibility for one's health.
It's really handy to blame it on aliens instead of taking responsibility for one's health.

Well, since the C's have mentioned that 'vegetarians' are the preferred food, I figure the ketogenic diet is a great way to end
up tasting bad enough to 'spit out'. :halo: :lol:

Laura said:
I think we've figured out that the cause of these conditions is the carbohydrate diet and we don't have to bring in alien abductions to explain it. That doesn't exclude hyperdimensional manipulations on a larger scale, but we can't prove that so we need to pay attention to reality and work with what we can learn and apply.

It's really handy to blame it on aliens instead of taking responsibility for one's health.

Can't add anything to your saying! I totally agree with you.
Gimpy said:
It's really handy to blame it on aliens instead of taking responsibility for one's health.

Well, since the C's have mentioned that 'vegetarians' are the preferred food, I figure the ketogenic diet is a great way to end
up tasting bad enough to 'spit out'. :halo: :lol:


Even if you take that figuratively and not in a "ye be crunchy and taste good with ketchup" way, it makes perfect sense. Being a vegetarian causes a human being to be more anxious, more depressed, more foggy brained, more mired in illusion and all of that negative emotional energy that is produced by living in that condition is exactly what 4D STS feeds on (from what I understand).
Richard said:
I don't know if there's anything to this - but IF there is would the K diet be a way of fighting 4D STS?

I'm not qualified to say if there's anything to that...but it seems frequency transmission/reception is more relevant to the work than information storage and manipulation. IMHO,whether or not mt DNA is more or less easily accessed and manipulated by 4D STS is quite banal when considering such information (26/11/1994):
A: Light wave alteration.

Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?

A: Our center.

Q: (L) What is your center?

A: Our realm. STO.

Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service to Others realm...

A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.

But given,
anart said:
more anxious, more depressed, more foggy brained, more mired in illusion and all of that negative emotional energy that is produced by living in that condition is exactly what 4D STS feeds on (from what I understand).
would the K diet not at least help manage 3D STS on an individual level?

Which leads my thoughts back to the importance of reception and transmission-- and how much goodness I can transmit tomorrow morning with a big, greasy skillet!
Your mitochondria naturally make the antioxidant CoQ10 to protect your cells and give them the energy they need to perform, but CoQ10 levels can drop as part of the aging process, with illness and lifestyle factors.

MitoQ is an enhanced form of CoQ10 that has been engineered to be able to get through the mitochondria’s tough membrane at significant levels. Our breakthrough cellular science allows MitoQ to be absorbed into your mitochondria hundreds of times more effectively than regular CoQ10 supplements. No other antioxidant, CoQ10 or form of CoQ10 can do this as effectively. Once inside the mitochondria, MitoQ helps to protect and support their function.

The results? Your body’s energy levels, mental focus, organ and body health, sleep and stress are supported. For athletes and active people, you’ll notice optimized performance, endurance and recovery.

It's expensive at $56-62/month

The Many Benefits of CoQ10 and Ubiquinol

Story at a glance:
+ CoQ10 is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant that also has anti-inflammatory effects and
plays a role in energy production
+ It’s found throughout your body in cell membranes, but it’s most abundant in your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands
+ CoQ10 offers significant benefits for heart health, kidney function, liver disease, migraines and more
+ Your production of CoQ10 peaks around the age of 25, then begins to decline; by the age of 65, your body typically produces only about half the amount it did at 25
+ Many people, including older adults, those with certain chronic diseases and people taking statin drugs, benefit from ubiquinol supplementation; ubiquinol is the reduced version of CoQ10 that’s more easily absorbed


  • many-benefits-of-coq10-and-ubiquinol-pdf.pdf
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Another interesting and insightful interview regarding the CoQ10 and more importantly the reduced form-Ubiquinol

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and the reduced version, ubiquinol, are among the most popular supplements for mitochondrial health. It’s also the No. 1 supplement recommended by cardiologists to all patients.
Anyone taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol must take a CoQ10/ubiquinol supplement to protect their health, especially their heart health, as statins deplete your body of CoQ10
Ubiquinol — the reduced, electron-rich form of CoQ10 that your body produces naturally — facilitates the conversion of energy substrates and oxygen into biological energy and is critical for mitochondrial health.
Taking a CoQ10/ubiquinol supplement helps protect your mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage, and has been shown to be helpful for a number of health conditions and chronic diseases rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction. Recent animal research suggests ubiquinol also has neuroprotective benefits that can improve your chances of recovery in case of a traumatic brain injury.
Hi all, I found this info really helpful. Thank you. I am wondering if anyone has recommendations on coQ10 supplement for me and my family. I’m based in Australia. I’m finding it difficult to find a product not laced with nasty crap that diminishes the effectiveness, like soy products or vegetable oil. I need to buy it for 5 people, so i’m looking for something middle range at best for affordability. The option posted above may be a bit too costly. I note the reduced version is better for older people, so that might be better for mum, who is 64. The rest of us are in our thirties, so either the normal or reduced version would be suitable. Any ideas / advice / further links would be much appreciated. Trying to buy my whole family a supplement kit has been a bigger, more complex job than I thought!
Just saw an article which is linking mitochondria dysfunction with the taking of drugs, especially antibiotics and pain relievers. Never directly thought of that and so I though it would be interesting to find some studies or very scientific explanations about it.
Worse yet, some medications, especially when used long-term, can harm mitochondria. Drugs from antibiotics to pain relievers have been shown to disrupt mitochondrial function. If mitochondrial dysfunction leads to chronic illness, but chronic medication usage harms mitochondria, a vicious cycle has been set.
I guess, as it's stated, that real problems arise with the chronic usage of such drug but it would be interesting to know how low is the threshold.

The other point the article make, is even without the use of such drugs, our very energy inner machinery can be damaged:
Healthy fats are being replaced by processed carbohydrates, sugars, artificial flavorings, and synthesized oils, all of which damage mitochondria. (It has been said, and it is pitifully accurate, that America’s most successful export product has been obesity.)
Never though before it can be so deep.

Link to the article:

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