There was another crop circle that appeared at the end of May, which bears amazing resemblance with the Covid-19 rendering as we know it. It was reported initially on CC Connector at an undisclosed location, to avoid the hoopla, but later the location was revealed as Wiltshire, UK in a barley field, and there was even a press article about it.
The eye-catching design was discovered in a barley field in Wiltshire - the county said to be the epicentre of crop circle tourism - but the exact location has not been revealed.
Jerry Kroth, renowned author and investigator of crop circles, wrote a study about it, trying to decode its meaning. It's available on Amazon Kindle, 'The Covid-19 Crop Circle’. He goes down into a micro-biology analogy in identifying the elements of the symbol.
Spikes (the nine outward blobs)
Dimers = the three inside plugs
RNA/eRNA = the 3+3 inside circles
Now, the author is not a microbiologist, and he’s acknowledging it - but it does seem to me as a pretty decent exercise in producing a meaningful explanation based on some basic understanding on how chemistry works.
The elongated spike blob, he’s saying - is meant to give us a magnified view of the inside of the blob itself, and there we notice 8 little dots, which he identifies as an “SP8” which is a naturally processed “epitope”, i.e. “the docking station” (my words) where antibodies of a living organism can attach to produce immunity.
This has been identified and made good use of in eradicating previous coronaviruses. So if there was any more indication necessary, it’s that Covid-19 is nothing more than the same, and we should follow the same course of action.
Inside the body of the virus, where the RNA works, the three larger circles are identified as “nonstructural proteins” (NSP’s) producing three little ones - eRNA, and that is what makes the virus “thick”. There it gets complicated, because it’s basically how the virus is built from inside, it involves multiple mechanisms, and it’s hard to tackle it by external mechanisms, such as a vaccine.
There are a few more details in this little book, which I highly recommend (it’s free with kindle subscription) - however, my takeaway is that any coronavirus antidote should focus on boosting the immunization mechanism rather than in producing a vaccine that would neutralize the virus from inside out.