Money and War


Dagobah Resident said:
Financial terrorism from Wall Street's finest banksters struck gold again this month with a false-flag attack on the euro. Economic warfare, like any other form of warfare, sears a manner of currency manipulations and speculative attacks on target economies. And just as with conventional warfare, its psychopathic conspirators often hatch their murderous plans over dinner and fine wine. From a meeting in Manhattan we'll chart the Evil Empire's desperate pitch to keep its paper-worthless dollar atop the sinking pile.

The Bank for International Settlements announced that Christian Noyer (Mr. Gold Man) was elected Chairman for the next three years. He took office on March 7, 2010. BIS is the clearing house for gold transactions between Central Banks. The USD is being isolated and repudiated in a currency war intended to end the American Era. Old Europe with its long memory and vaults full of gold bars is ushering in a new monetary regime. said:
(March 10) Wall Streets is headed toward international pariah status thanks to two recent actions by the European Union (EU).
On Tuesday, the EU announced that it was banning Wall Street banks from the lucrative government bond business in Europe. They didn't express official concern or fire off a warning shot. They simply banned Wall Street from financing government bond deals like the one Goldman Sachs sold to Greece. The Guardian pointed out that Wall Street bond business from European governments has gone down over the last two years. Now the business is gone period. In effect, the EU has labeled Wall Streets business tactics as too dangerous for their governments to handle.

The new monetary regime will separate the exchange function from the value holding function of money by Freegold, which will separate
fiat as an exchange function from the value holding function of gold as an asset. This is a complex topic which in which I have had an interest for many years. The FOFOA blog discusses these concepts in great detail for those who have an interest in money and its impact on economic and political life of the planet. The Freegold concept appears to me to offer the world a way to make imperial war and exploitation more difficult as the engines of war run on credit. Credit gives politicians and bureaucrats free money by debasing the value holding function of money. This is a fraud is perpetrated by intellectual slight of hand. The honest man works for his daily bread and wishes to save his surplus as capital for productive ventures or to spend in his declining years is defrauded by the mechanism of devaluing the dollar by creating endless debt instruments. This steals mans savings. Some of these men and institutions are moving to end the fraud. These entities wish to end the fraud without war. They intend to destroy the fraudulent financing of the monster in Washington, Wall Street, and the City of London. The United States government in collusion with the Banking Cartel have used the debt fraud to finance Full Spectrum Dominance. said:
The bond market is the backbone of the US Ponzi Finance system. When it goes – and the day is not far in my opinion - the whole enchilada will come crashing down. Any type of financial asset that has a counterparty – which is pretty much all the paper assets in the world – bonds, futures, any and all derivatives and yes, even the paper currency – will crash. What will they crash against? Yes, that’s right - Gold. All the world’s capital – trillions, perhaps quadrillions of it - will come rushing into the very tiny physical (NOT paper) Gold market. Remember, the world’s real physical capital – real assets such as land, oil-refineries, mines, infrastructure, etc. will not vanish, only it will be re-priced in terms of Gold and its ownership transferred to those who hold it. Since everything stays on this planet, it is a zero-sum game and the winner will be Gold. In other words, an ounce of physical Gold will command a lot more in real purchasing power than it does today. Just like a national currency is a claim on goods and assets within that country, Gold will be a claim on global goods and assets worldwide.

This system of empire is bankrupt. How will it finance war when its debt instruments are refused? Freegold is the instrument the world is using to dethrone the dollar as a reserve currency. The hubris of the psychopaths who now control the imperial war machine have failed to understand the trap into which they have fallen. Unfortunately there is, has been, and will be collateral damage to use the psychopathic jargon. I do not know if this is a war of the psychopaths or if there is a faction which may be more responsible. I do not wish to engage in wishful thinking as we go over the waterfall, but as in all things “positive disintegration” and “creative destruction” are necessary to usher in a new age. Will it be freer than the last bloody century? I don’t know. The Freegold concept theoretically may limit the psychopath’s ability to steal our labor and creativity to finance our own destruction. Some refuse to buy the rope with which the psychopaths hang humanity!
The latter part of your post has given me some insight on the recent influx of "cash for gold" services that seem to be plaguing England at the moment. I wonder which conglomorates own them, for there are certainly a couple.

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