Monsanto leading super-secret 'above Congress' Obama trade scheme to outlaw GMO


Jedi Master
This topic was broached almost a year ago in this thread:,29095.msg368403.html#msg368403 however, the inevitability seems more certain than the "shrillness" voiced by Avaaz.

THis article wreaks of the one world government sealing our fate.

Monsanto leading super-secret 'above Congress' Obama trade scheme to outlaw GMO labeling worldwide, by Mike Rangers, Health Ranger, Natural News

Learn more:

Other links:
This site headlines the following:
The Trans-Pacific Partnership n. 1. A "free trade" agreement that would set rules on non-trade matters such as food safety, internet freedom, medicine costs, financial regulation, and the environment. 2. A binding international governance system that would require the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and any other country that signs on to conform their domestic policies to its rules. 3. A secret trade negotiation that has included over 600 official corporate "trade advisors[sic]" while hiding the text from Members of Congress, governors, state legislators, the press, civil society, and the public.

This last link also has a link to "Tell Congress: Say NO to Fast Track Authority"

Although lately, they seem to be dismissing public opinion in favor of playing follow-the-leader....pfff! psycho-lemmings!

This is "Disaster Capitalism' " final phase of completion.
Will they succeed before the arrival?
Stay tuned.

Just an afterthought: could this Syria business be a diversionary tactic so TPP can be pushed through before any resistance builds up enough steam to protest it? Afterall, this spans all aspects of global economics, not just one country in the ME.
Thanks for sharing.

The thread title seems to have been cut and should be corrected though. Now it reads somewhat self-contradictory.
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