More and more fireball are falling and here is one more from Italy,
- Ferruccio Zanotti/ITALIAN METEOR and TLE NETWORK
high definition video (xvid):
Station Name: IMTN-Ferrara2-NO-(C) F. Zanotti
Observer: Ferruccio Zanotti
Location: Ferrara N 44.8181, 11.6167 E, alt. 9 m
Direction: AZ: 315 ° v 40 °
Room: Mintron MONO EX-MTV-12V6H integration 2x (1/25s) Tamron 4-12mm f/1.2 - set to 4mm
Field blocked: 2%
Login New location: 16/09/2010
Start of survey: 2008
Fireball 2011.04.18_00.22.15 ± 1 UT
Partial trace (J2000)
RA: 185,767
Decl i: 10,876
AR f: 141,977
F decl: 43,817
Transit Duration: 4.36
Duration wake: 0.00
Numerous fragments: 5
Flares Number: 1
Max apparent magnitude: -9 ± 0.5
Zenithal magnitude: -9.7 ± 0.5
Meteor shower: Lambda Virginids
Spectrum to first order: NO
Color camera: NO
ITALIAN METEOR and TLE NETWORK : Bolide and SUPERBOLIDI: video footage
For More and original Italian