More passive smoking propaganda from the anti-smoking cult

Yeah, it's just mind boggling that a large part of the general public believes the anti-smoking propaganda and actually thinks that it's for their health and safety. That's what I mean, if people believe that the politicians / legislators have their best interests at heart, they kinda deserve the world we live in. Meanwhile, the only public places where smoking is NOT prohibited are the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament. You see, it's not only that these politicians are concerned with our health and well being, they even care about OUR health more than their own. :lol:
I think that this sums it up very well.


SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, it's just mind boggling that a large part of the general public believes the anti-smoking propaganda and actually thinks that it's for their health and safety. That's what I mean, if people believe that the politicians / legislators have their best interests at heart, they kinda deserve the world we live in. Meanwhile, the only public places where smoking is NOT prohibited are the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament. You see, it's not only that these politicians are concerned with our health and well being, they even care about OUR health more than their own. :lol:
Really that propaganda are designed to convince and then destroy with the costume of protection and love, as the story of the evil magician in Gurdjieff. Paramoralisms. May all know some rare case like this: People who smoke with guilt. They really have not been able to deprogram themselves from these commands, perhaps never read any scientific paper with information that contradicts the official line. So they played the same bs like anti-smoking people. Only smoke when they are alone (or even hidden for not "pollute" nobody) as if they did something "dirty". This smokers considered sick themselves and believe that they will die of cancer in the future for that. But still smoke. And I do not think it's for nothing addictive or pathological (if smoke natural tobacco). Must be a case where the instinct and the body feels something positive to smoking, which helps release stress, but the mind repeats what it has heard from the apparatus of PTB. So blindly follow authority even if something inside tells them otherwise. And the official propaganda says that "you must die", and they do not fight.
I'm thinking in the pictures of sick people in the boxes of cigarettes, that is pure psychopathic terrorism!.
l apprenti de forgeron said:
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, it's just mind boggling that a large part of the general public believes the anti-smoking propaganda and actually thinks that it's for their health and safety. That's what I mean, if people believe that the politicians / legislators have their best interests at heart, they kinda deserve the world we live in. Meanwhile, the only public places where smoking is NOT prohibited are the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament. You see, it's not only that these politicians are concerned with our health and well being, they even care about OUR health more than their own. :lol:
Really that propaganda are designed to convince and then destroy with the costume of protection and love, as the story of the evil magician in Gurdjieff. Paramoralisms. May all know some rare case like this: People who smoke with guilt. They really have not been able to deprogram themselves from these commands, perhaps never read any scientific paper with information that contradicts the official line. So they played the same bs like anti-smoking people. Only smoke when they are alone (or even hidden for not "pollute" nobody) as if they did something "dirty". This smokers considered sick themselves and believe that they will die of cancer in the future for that. But still smoke. And I do not think it's for nothing addictive or pathological (if smoke natural tobacco). Must be a case where the instinct and the body feels something positive to smoking, which helps release stress, but the mind repeats what it has heard from the apparatus of PTB. So blindly follow authority even if something inside tells them otherwise. And the official propaganda says that "you must die", and they do not fight.
I'm thinking in the pictures of sick people in the boxes of cigarettes, that is pure psychopathic terrorism!.

A couple of months back I was speaking to my butcher about the anti-smoking propaganda (this guy knows quite a fair bit about how the world operates, shame he isn't doing much to change for himself at least) & he told me about one of his customers (a woman) telling off another customer about his "filthy disgusting habit". The guy turned around whilst smoking & told her how wrong she was, using pure facts. The "punchline" (which shut her up immediately) was that he was a professor (of what, I've forgotten now, but it was health related) & told her so. He actually works in another campus in the university where I was (I'm in another one down the road) working.

Apparently the woman was not best pleased to have her righteous glory cut short like that, but you know "authority says" so you must do! The C's said a bit about the belief in dying from cancer being basically fundamental to getting it. (they said other things to do with the propaganda - expectation/anticipation etc, can't find that transcript)
Yeah, there was a C's transcript that mentioned the belief being planted in smokers being able to cause disease. That's why they use those fake pictures of black lung (that are actually pictures of miners' lungs), etc. to plant these sick beliefs. Pun intended. :)
And with all this propaganda and anti-smoking cult, children had become (around my environment, at least) an SS like infantry anti-smoking prefects indoctrinated at school. I have friends that they use to smoke freely, but cant do it nowadays because their children fence them into not smoking, so they smoke hiding or they had stopped smoking because they had fallen into this propaganda.
The "anti-smoking cult propaganda" anagram I found is : "Top-rank, magical and spouting"' !
No wonder why it's that strong... :cool2:
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, there was a C's transcript that mentioned the belief being planted in smokers being able to cause disease. That's why they use those fake pictures of black lung (that are actually pictures of miners' lungs), etc. to plant these sick beliefs. Pun intended. :)

Not to mention, as it is explained in the chapter one of the book Smoke Screens, the black lung myth, that they could also simply be cancerous lungs which apparently turn black when infected.

Another good point he makes is that even if ''tar'' did accumulate in the lungs (which does not seem to be the case at all), one would die of asphyxiation well before his/her entire lungs are covered in it. It would also most likely accumulate in the mouth and esophagus.

Moreover, if ''tar'' really did accumulate in the lungs, we would still not expect them to be entirely black in and out since what we breathe ends up inside of them, not outside and around them.


JayMark said:
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, there was a C's transcript that mentioned the belief being planted in smokers being able to cause disease. That's why they use those fake pictures of black lung (that are actually pictures of miners' lungs), etc. to plant these sick beliefs. Pun intended. :)

Not to mention, as it is explained in the chapter one of the book Smoke Screens, the black lung myth, that they could also simply be cancerous lungs which apparently turn black when infected.

Another good point he makes is that even if ''tar'' did accumulate in the lungs (which does not seem to be the case at all), one would die of asphyxiation well before his/her entire lungs are covered in it. It would also most likely accumulate in the mouth and esophagus.

Moreover, if ''tar'' really did accumulate in the lungs, we would still not expect them to be entirely black in and out since what we breathe ends up inside of them, not outside and around them.


Thanks for sharing, SeekinTruth and JayMark! Reminded me something said Dr. Chopra (years ago when I read new age) that sick people dies by the medical diagnosis rather than the disease. So, It is scheduled to think about cancer = death and follow authority (and that medical authority also scheduled to be a lackey of the big pharma rather than a scientist dedicated to human health). But I think a true human science could destroy these pathological lying. it's amazing, but for psychopaths cancer is probably a business. Always parasitizing.
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