Most Mind Blowing Life Lesson


The Living Force
I've been thinking about the most mind blowing things I've discovered since reading Cass/Sott since about 2003. It seems a long time ago, but learning about the whole 94% containers information has stirred me more than everything else I've ever read over the years. I think I can honestly say that that info took me about a decade to come to terms with, bearing in mind compartmentalisation of info with little i's.

Actually, that whole little i integration is still very much in process with me, in oh so many ways. So is the way of life, and we all know the learning will literally never end. That's why I think it's vitally important to integrate ideas and knowledge now, while we still can. I'm delighted and relieved that I've got a backlog of about 5 years worth of books to fall back on.

Anyway, the question I'm wondering about is this; what is the most mind blowing idea or lesson that you've all discovered in your time searching for ideas and the truth? Thanks in advance for answers, I look forward to any insights you all could share.
I've been thinking about the most mind blowing things I've discovered since reading Cass/Sott since about 2003. It seems a long time ago, but learning about the whole 94% containers information has stirred me more than everything else I've ever read over the years. I think I can honestly say that that info took me about a decade to come to terms with, bearing in mind compartmentalisation of info with little i's.

Actually, that whole little i integration is still very much in process with me, in oh so many ways. So is the way of life, and we all know the learning will literally never end. That's why I think it's vitally important to integrate ideas and knowledge now, while we still can. I'm delighted and relieved that I've got a backlog of about 5 years worth of books to fall back on.

Anyway, the question I'm wondering about is this; what is the most mind blowing idea or lesson that you've all discovered in your time searching for ideas and the truth? Thanks in advance for answers, I look forward to any insights you all could share.

For me, I would say it's the idea of the death/rebirth process, which is something that the Wave series is in part about. Way before I found out about this forum, I was interested in personal transformation or change, mainly because I felt out of place and somehow deficitent. The popular books on the topic usually just cover the rosy parts of the transformation process, follow some steps, visualize, meditate or whatnot, and they don't touch the dying/suffering process with a ten foot pole. I guess it's because the idea that you have to throw your self in the fire sometimes, so to speak, wouldn't sell that well.
That the abductions were not dreams. And that the sessions helped mev to understand that there were negatives, and positives from such event's. Like the C's say fall apart, or keep on trucking, so to speak.

And the fact it was not a permanent situation, (body parts utilization, or dissection equal 5D Vill), kept me stable.

Thanks SlipNet for the thread.
Anyway, the question I'm wondering about is this; what is the most mind blowing idea or lesson that you've all discovered in your time searching for ideas and the truth?

1. That Hyper-dimensional reality IS reality and the beings that exist there control our world and us.
2. That there are two races of human beings and we can incarnate into families composed of these anthropoid type beings or failed OP's aka: Psychopaths.

And probably this...
That the abductions were not dreams.

Although, as I was re-reading book 2 of the wave, these 'abductions' may just have easily been a future soul-essence trying to abduct it's past soul-essence.

I can't even begin to comprehend such a thing.
Thats a good question, Slipnet. And not easy to answer, as there have been so many mindblowing lessons. Maybe more than anything was/is reading the Wave series and through that be able to grasp glimpses beyond our sleepstates and false selves; to understand the nature of the predators mind; how real the war is that is happening through us; and that every lesson to become knowledge has to be experienced.

And that this kind of learning probably litteraly has to be mindblowing in its nature. 🙄
That there is more to life than what is usually assumed and that spirituality is real. Had that experience when I tried doing some meditations diligently for the first time.

It quite literally shifted my perception when I focused on not being identified in anything and accumulating awareness energy for an hour two. It produced very much an actual shift in awareness towards a much more acute perception (seeing the darker outer edges of the vision field, for example), as well as a sort of non-identified "astronaut within the body vehicle" experience.
It has been mindblowing all these years :)
For me..maybe the most mind blowing thing was finding out that through almost whole of our history we've had contacts with extraterrestrials.
Got to say that it was very satisfactory for me reading both Cass and Ra transripts regarding Atlantis and getting to know that it really did exist. Since I've first read something about that land from encyclopedia back when I was little kid, although every book later on told me it was a myth, I always had a strong feeling it was real history.
For me most important lesson i learn is here on Cassiopaea Forum :) From the time i have to face my past life time then i know what i have to face it. Then is another thing All the books i read here on forum which Laura recommend help me a lot to understand the reality. Is like You get a tools how to work propely in life. One of the best gift in life. Have a nice day :)
Great question Slipnet! I would say learning about the way the world actually works through reading a lot of the books recommended on the forum. Doing my best to assimilate the good things learned and practice them every day. Being a better person today than I was yesterday gives me something to strive for, giving me peace daily. Much better than my old self absorbed self that just trudged the path of life. The transcripts, work and reading have brought a profound new meaning to my life and I hope those who I interact with daily and from time to time. Always looking to grow and re-learn things I used to believe!
Very interesting responses, I'm still taking them in. It really is phenomenal being amenable to all this information, especially when you factor in just how narrow minded and closed off so many people are. I genuinely think we're among the luckiest people on the planet for finding all this; perhaps a fitting reward for never being satisfied with the mainstream nonsense. The drive for truth is a real force of nature.

I'm in a period of consolidation of ideas and knowledge at the moment. Actually it's more like who I am is catching up with what I know, that whole knowledge and being process, which is ongoing. I lost my brother to cancer late last year and it's led me to re-appraise things in all aspects of my life, and becoming more grateful has been a big part of this. Gratitude is hard when you're grieving, but it still seeps through.

I think my understandings are developing, subtly. I can't quite articulate what it is, but it's ongoing for me these days. Knowledge catching up with being is probably the best approximation. I'm a slow learning sponge with new ideas; it takes time, but eventually I take it all in.:-)
That's a good question - and also quite a difficult one. Well, I can't actually say "mind blowing" to many occurrences that I may see as worthwhile lessons for myself. It rather seems to me like something of a deep unfolding of a process, with bits of insights here and there. With struggles going on continuously more or less - though felt in a different intensity at different times; or should I say points in life?

What's been difficult (and still goes on to be difficult more or less): To realize - and most of all, come to terms with - that there are different forces in myself creating tension and ambivalence. To learn, how to use in a positive way what I regard as "negative" (i.e. using the tension to propel oneself forward towards an aim, or a row of little aims which serve as steps on a staircase). To accept myself, even if I realize and see the ugly parts, the opposing and contradicting forces. While not disregarding the potentials for goodness that are within as well and to start taking care of them, instead of always keeping myself back from taking up responsibility of "sorting myself out" & "taking up that burden" (as Jordan Peterson would say).

Some more comes to mind: To realize, how difficult it is to untangle oneself from the false personality that is in charge most of the time and to strengthen what is true in oneself. Especially if a total host of programs are at work, issues, other people, daily life ...

And coming to terms with the thought, that I may have been abducted. The recent session with the Cs did stir something in me in this direction again, after having read in the Wave books about it already. However, there would be even much more to share.

Thank you all for sharing and for this thread!
Most mind-blowing, darkest night gut punch... By chance reading through a host of interconnected Web 1.0 pages with the Denver Airport conspiracy being the jumping off point.

Much of that was questionable junk data, but not all of it. I found Laura Knight's work through that.

Most positive, inspiring A Whole New World discovery... That the Universe is a conscious, interactive place! Ask and ye shall receive, (and be careful what you wish for!). Meditation works to unlock higher awareness. The Castaneda books were a big part of that. Around that time, I began meeting powerful people who could dream walk and bend reality and such.

Essentially, the Big Bang for me was graduating from an Official Narrative NPC with a bare tickling of awareness in the back of my mind to realizing that the world was a much, much more interesting, frightening, beautiful and majestic place than I'd ever imagined. It was about a five year process before things began to settle down and the real learning could begin. (Self Work!)
For me the biggest thing that hit me was more 3D related. I was in the Navy and started reading Sott and it was quite the shock to understand that I was serving outright liars and lies. Down the rabbit hole I went and after that there are too many things to list that are mind blowing.
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