MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State


MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State
12 March, 2008 08:15:00

The two MTV commercials below blatantly warn its viewers to wake up and start thinking about the direction our society is headed towards. These small warning chirps coming from the young canaries at MTV are a sign that the human spirit can break the tight grip of the corporate controlled media. Tune in to the alternative for the latest on what's really happening behind the scenes.

Link: _
The two videos can be found on youTube at the links below:

The tagline is "The Holocaust happened to people like us."

They're actually very well done and drive the point home. I wonder - what's up with that? And on MTV, of all places?
Perhaps the videos are what they initially appear to extremely well done warning of a swiftly approaching fascist police state that has finally come out in the open...or perhaps it's just another fear ploy of the PTB letting us know "this can/will happen to you if you don't submit." (Yeah, I'm usually suspicious of anything this overt played out in the mainstream media.)

Excellent production values on both vids...yet it smacks of a FOX TV promo for "24 Hours" as in getting the sheep more acclimated to intense control measures under the guise of commercial entertainment. Or maybe it's another way of getting younger viewers emotions at a fever pitch so they'll think (in the near future, perhaps?) of fighting back using violence and revolution, so the police state has an excuse to put even more controls in place.

MTV is a powerful media outlet. NOW, some audio/visual works that might inspire and/or awaken others to positive action can slip through the controller's cracks via the mainstream media. This could be the case. Oft times it's difficult to tell how deeply something of this caliber will affect the audience since the majority of television viewers are programmed not to think...just to sit back, listen, and mostly "enjoy" the streaming visuals.
Don't you find ironic that it is called think MTV.
I suppose that's what they want you to do, to think like MTV do.
With the money MTV generates and the way they influence millions of young people I doubt they'll go against the set order, maybe they'll do it but within well defined boundaries.
It's an industry which is part of VIACOM. Look at the Founding members (Case foundation / Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation / Goldhirsh foundation / MCJ amelior foundation.).

I think they saw a trend, which needed to be co-opted, although on the outside it seems that they want to "warn" people about what's really going on but i don't trust them for one second.

I don't even really understand how it is supposed to wake-up people with these short videos ?
By using another WWII imagery ? Then what ? do you got to Think MTV in hope of understanding what's really going on ?
I checked it out and they will link you to Alex Jones videos, Obama VS Clinton issues, global warming....

Maybe we should suscribe and post SOTT videos to see if they really want to make a change ;)

I could not find the videos on their site though, if someone did i'd be curious to see if they added comments about them ?

20 Sep 2007 , NEW YORK : MTV, along with founding partners the Case Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Goldhirsh Foundation and MCJ Amelior Foundation, today launched a new movement in youth activism: Born from MTV's long-standing commitment to inform and engage young people on issues that affect them most, the Think Community aims to be the definitive online resource and rally point for young change makers....

The seminal ThinkMTV study "Just Cause" revealed that young people care deeply about activism: 80 percent say that taking action to help their community and others is important and the right thing to do; yet only 19% percent describe themselves as "very involved." Respondents were very concerned about the challenges that face their generation - from personal issues like sexual health, discrimination, and education, to global concerns such as the environment, terrorism, poverty, and immigration - but many weren't sure where to turn or how to get involved. will help mobilize these young people with new tools of engagement (mobile phones, online forums, broadband video, digital cameras, etc.), thereby narrowing the "activation gap" and making it much easier to become informed and take action....

Members who use the site to do good will be rewarded with opportunities such as hanging out with the aforementioned stars, access to exclusive MTV events, exposure on MTV and other national media outlets, plus grants, scholarships and more....

The Think Community was built with the help of financial support and expertise from founding partners the Case Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Goldhirsh Foundation and MCJ Amelior Foundation. The founding partners will serve as key advisors and help bring "Best In Class" non-profit organizations into the Think Community, which will engage members through on and offline action projects and educational content. Additionally, through partnerships between ThinkMTV and MTV's affiliate distribution partners nationwide, the network and its partners hope to inspire youth activism across the country, one local community at a time.

Yeah we stole your conscience, now we're selling it back to you branded, repackaged and in our own terms.
well probably yes to you and probably yes to norma regula

but its still very well done video, ever since eighties and Bollywood barbershop I always enjoyed MTV short clips
"Pavlov demonstrated that when Transmarginal Inhibition began to take over a dog, a condition similar to hysteria in a human manifested. The applications of these findings to human psychology suggest that for a "conversion" to be effective, it is necessary to work on the subject's emotions until s/he reaches an abnormal condition of fear, anger or exaltation. If such a state is maintained or intensified by any of various means, hysteria is the result. In a state of hysteria, a human being is abnormally suggestible and influences in the environment can cause one set of behavior patterns to be replaced by another without any need for persuasive indoctrination. In states of fear and excitement, normally sensible human beings will accept the most wildly improbably suggestions.

Social Implications
The means by which TMI operates on the individual is rather clear; what is less clear is how hysteria affects larger groups even moving to the macro-scale. Nevertheless, scientific observers of U.S. society since September 11, 2001, often point out that the events of that day were a classic example of inducing Transmarginal Inhibition in masses of people in order to condition them to accept the destruction of the U.S. Democratic government."
It appears that this clip is designed to increase the level of stress in the american population.
The PTB present the police state as a solution to the chaos being generated by financial collapse.
The human mind is being prepared to accept violence, slavery, without the pretty words. I find
Laura's piece on Transmarginal Inhibition to be relevant. … Inhibition

"Pavlov demonstrated that when Transmarginal Inhibition began to take over a dog, a condition similar to hysteria in a human manifested. The applications of these findings to human psychology suggest that for a "conversion" to be effective, it is necessary to work on the subject's emotions until s/he reaches an abnormal condition of fear, anger or exaltation. If such a state is maintained or intensified by any of various means, hysteria is the result. In a state of hysteria, a human being is abnormally suggestible and influences in the environment can cause one set of behavior patterns to be replaced by another without any need for persuasive indoctrination. In states of fear and excitement, normally sensible human beings will accept the most wildly improbably suggestions.

Social Implications
The means by which TMI operates on the individual is rather clear; what is less clear is how hysteria affects larger groups even moving to the macro-scale. Nevertheless, scientific observers of U.S. society since September 11, 2001, often point out that the events of that day were a classic example of inducing Transmarginal Inhibition in masses of people in order to condition them to accept the destruction of the U.S. Democratic government."
"Pavlov demonstrated that when Transmarginal Inhibition began to take over a dog, a condition similar to hysteria in a human manifested. The applications of these findings to human psychology suggest that for a "conversion" to be effective, it is necessary to work on the subject's emotions until s/he reaches an abnormal condition of fear, anger or exaltation. If such a state is maintained or intensified by any of various means, hysteria is the result. In a state of hysteria, a human being is abnormally suggestible and influences in the environment can cause one set of behavior patterns to be replaced by another without any need for persuasive indoctrination. In states of fear and excitement, normally sensible human beings will accept the most wildly improbably suggestions.

Social Implications
The means by which TMI operates on the individual is rather clear; what is less clear is how hysteria affects larger groups even moving to the macro-scale. Nevertheless, scientific observers of U.S. society since September 11, 2001, often point out that the events of that day were a classic example of inducing Transmarginal Inhibition in masses of people in order to condition them to accept the destruction of the U.S. Democratic government."
MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State
The question is who is the enemy here? Is it the American Gestapo who bum rushed that train and that house in those videos? Or is the enemy the people on the train themselves because of some ‘terrorist’ in their midst? Or, perhaps, is the enemy Keyser Söze from the movie, 'The Usual Suspects? Or maybe it's all three and everyone is the enemy?

The kids watching these videos might say, "well yeah, the people on that train were herded like cattle but it was a necessary action to protect us from 'them'." Or the kids might say that the police who bum rushed that train are the enemy. So now they are thinking in terms of the militia. Either way this type of reactionary 'thinking' will be serving the agenda of the pathocracy because this kind of thinking will eventually result in everybody seeing each other as the enemy, the result being that everyone, covertly or overtly, will now be 'bum rushing' each other and breaking each others heads or turning each other in to the American gestapo.

Also, you would think that if this ‘police state’ is such a serious problem to MTV then that would be their primary focus. Even if that were the case the true nature of the real enemy, which is the origins of Macrosocial Evil and true nature of the psychopath, would hardly be mentioned.
go2 said:
It appears that this clip is designed to increase the level of stress in the american population.
The PTB present the police state as a solution to the chaos being generated by financial collapse.
I agree wholeheartedly with go2 - I feel that something like this coming from MTV of all places is suspect for a lot of different reasons. Many people are already dancing on the head of a pin because of the crime/economic situation in this country and something like this video only adds to the neurosis - without giving any concrete solutions for real change and resisting the impending police state i might add.
kenlee said:
MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State
The question is who is the enemy here? Is it the American Gestapo who bum rushed that train and that house in those videos? Or is the enemy the people on the train themselves because of some ‘terrorist’ in their midst? Or, perhaps, is the enemy Keyser Söze from the movie, 'The Usual Suspects? Or maybe it's all three and everyone is the enemy?

The kids watching these videos might say, "well yeah, the people on that train were herded like cattle but it was a necessary action to protect us from 'them'." Or the kids might say that the police who bum rushed that train are the enemy. So now they are thinking in terms of the militia. Either way this type of reactionary 'thinking' will be serving the agenda of the pathocracy because this kind of thinking will eventually result in everybody seeing each other as the enemy, the result being that everyone, covertly or overtly, will now be 'bum rushing' each other and breaking each others heads or turning each other in to the American gestapo.

Also, you would think that if this ‘police state’ is such a serious problem to MTV then that would be their primary focus. Even if that were the case the true nature of the real enemy, which is the origins of Macrosocial Evil and true nature of the psychopath, would hardly be mentioned.
Maybe I am wrong but to me it looks like you all are taking this a bit too far. I mean critical thinking is great but sometimes things are just what they are. The videos are pretty straightforward and the message comes across clearly. Your dissecting it in this way is really stretching things.

Who are the owners of MTV is a valid point which tigersoap raised, but to me it looks these videos were sparked by genuine creativity and they somehow slipped pass the control system. They are probably already taken off the air.
And they are certainly nowhere to be found if you go on
Deckard said:
but to me it looks these videos were sparked by genuine creativity and they somehow slipped pass the control system.
on MTV? It's not a public access cable channel. MTV IS part of the control system - the 'control system' isn't a hit or miss proposition - if something is carried, it is carried for a reason.
anart said:
Deckard said:
but to me it looks these videos were sparked by genuine creativity and they somehow slipped pass the control system.
on MTV? It's not a public access cable channel. MTV IS part of the control system - the 'control system' isn't a hit or miss proposition - if something is carried, it is carried for a reason.
An excellent article was carried recently on sott, titled: Who controls the American Media, and reading it one realizes how much the media influences the masses. And we didn't see any positive outcome so far from this influence, did we? On the contrary. So why would there be a sudden change now? I agree that there is a sinister reason behind the show of these videos.

This statement from first post of thread:

The two MTV commercials below blatantly warn its viewers to wake up and start thinking about the direction our society is headed towards. These small warning chirps coming from the young canaries at MTV are a sign that the human spirit can break the tight grip of the corporate controlled media.
is a "funny one" and a lie, given the evidence [from link above]:

Viacom. Number three on the list, with 1997 revenues of just over $13 billion, is Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein). Viacom was formed in 1971 as a way to dodge an anti-monopoly FCC ruling that required CBS to spin off a part of its cable TV operations and syndicated programming business. This move by the government unfortunately did nothing to reduce the mostly Jewish collaborative monopoly that remains the major problem with the industry. In 1999, after CBS had again augmented itself by buying King World Productions (a leading TV program syndicator), Viacom acquired its progenitor company, CBS, in a double mockery of the spirit of the 1971 ruling.

Viacom produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 13 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing. Redstone acquired CBS following the December 1999 stockholders' votes at CBS and Viacom.

Working for Redstone as CBS's chief executive has been Melvin A. Karmazin. He has been the boss and biggest individual shareholder of the company that owns the CBS Television Network, 14 major-market TV stations, 160 radio stations, the Country Music Television and the Nashville Network cable channels, and a large number of outdoor advertising assets.

Viacom's publishing division includes Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The Free Press, Fireside, Archway Paperbacks and Minstrel Books, Anne Schwartz Books, MTV Books, Nickelodeon Books, Pocket Books, and Washington Square Press. It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores (including the Video Flicks chain in Australia ). It is also involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks, and video games.

Viacom's chief claim to fame, however, is as the world's largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks. Since 1989 MTV and Nickelodeon have acquired larger and larger shares of the juvenile television audience. The first quarter of 2001 was the 16th consecutive quarter in which MTV was rated as the #1 cable network for viewers between the ages of 12 and 24. Redstone, who actually owns 76 per cent of the shares of Viacom, has offered Beavis and Butthead as teen role models. MTV Networks acquired The Music Factory (TMF) from the Dutch media and marketing group Wegener in 2001. TMF distributes music to almost 10 million homes in Holland and Belgium . MTV has been expanding its presence in Europe through new channels, including MTV Dance ( Britain ) and MTV Live ( Scandinavia ). MTV Italy is active through Cecchi Gori Communications. MTV pumps its rock and rap videos into 210 million homes in 71 countries.

Nickelodeon, with about 65 million subscribers, has by far the largest share of the four-to-11-year-old TV audience in America and also is expanding rapidly into Europe . Most of its shows do not yet display the blatant degeneracy that is MTV's trademark, but Redstone is gradually nudging the fare presented to his kiddie viewers toward the same poison purveyed by MTV. As of early 2001, Nickelodeon was continuing a nine-year streak as the top cable network for children and younger teenagers.

Viacom operates two major motion picture enterprises jointly with Vivendi Universal (detailed hereafter): United Cinemas International (UCI) and United International Pictures (UIP).
The fact that it's an MTV project, partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, got my b.s. meter going. One of the aspects of these two vids that really bothered me was the audio. Right away I got the sense of a FOX TV promo for some upcoming show...the kind that makes a person jump and become anxious due to the violent visuals and a loud, jarring, oft times pounding soundtrack that deliberately jangles the nerves. It definitely gets your attention, but in a negative way. Those sorts of productions/promos can actually shut down critical thinking skills via shock.

Listening to just the audio portion of each vid disturbed me. Another person listening might become fearful...or much so that their emotions would get the better of their thinking skills. Now, when I listen to the sound on some of the SOTT vids, the sound is well used and not in your face, er, ears...and is conducive to thinking clearly.

I made a mess above trying to cut and paste a quote and use the edit function. I will keep
trying and when I figure it out or have some direction I will clean the mess up. Thanks.

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