MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State

TransMarginal Inhibition pretty much sums it up IMO.

On a less serious note, coming from MTV, I suspect this is going to flow real nicely into Madonna and Justin Timberlake's latest single (OMG!) "4 Minutes to Save the World"

Buy, buy, buy!
Deckard said:
And they are certainly nowhere to be found if you go on
Well, they are there, but I'm not sure how much MTV actually "promotes" them too.

On hit the little tv icon on the top-right corner of the page (it's on the blue bar)
Then filter by choosing Video, and choosing Discrimination, hit the "Most Viewed" tab and click on "40" to display 40 results per page. Both videos will be on that page.

I don't know how the think mtv site works, or if it's anything like youtube, but both videos there are (posted?) by the user "MichaelFranzini". I don't think that necessarily means he made the videos, since the videos do say "think mtv" etc, but that's part of what I'm confused about, if MTV made the videos, why does it say they were posted by that user?

Either way, he appears to promote the site That site seems to be about learning "the evils of history" and applying those lessons to today's world. Seems like a generally good idea. But reading their "What We Do" page left me unimpressed: said:
Our work over the past 30 years demonstrates that effective teaching can cultivate the sense of civic responsibility needed to protect human dignity and prevent violations of human rights. The flow of people, ideas, capital, and images across borders opens new possibilities for tolerance and also new risks of misunderstanding. Facing History, informed by leading thinkers from the fields of philosophy, religion, and education, is a leader in educating for tolerance and understanding. Facing History highlights education, often overlooked, as a crucial tool for strengthening civil societies.
Looks like they are not aware of psychopaths as being the force that manipulates us against one another. That is, they seem to think it's a bunch of misunderstandings and just "human nature" due to ignorance. Now, ignorance certainly is the reason - but not in and of itself - but because ignorance allows for manipulation. I don't know what those 2 videos have to do with, if anything.

Anyway, it seems like they say all the right things about learning from history and being informed and active - but the devil is in the details - the details of what exactly we learn from history makes all the difference. We all had a history class in high school, but it doesn't mean it taught us anything that matters about history. Similarly, it seems that this website says all the right things, but when it comes to the details, I'm not sure it delivers. Does it teach about psychopaths? Does it teach about lies and manipulation - which are the key ways that humanity was driven to do what it does then and now? It's not enough to just encourage people to be "tolerant" and nice to one another and just get along - this does not account for "by way of deception we shall wage war".

And I totally agree - MTV is fully owned and controlled by psychopaths, and nothing is aired unless those psychopaths give it the ok. So if something is aired, it WAS approved by the psychopaths - so the only question is, why would a bunch of psychopaths show this? Actually, was it ever even aired on the MTV channel itself, or is it only an online video that was never aired? I don't think that anything can "slip past the control system" on the very network owned and operated by the control system.

I suppose one way to answer this is to look at what exactly was shown - and what was NOT shown. If we see this video from the point of view of an average ignorant citizen, and consider the average person's assumptions and sacred cows, is there a chance that this video will not be understood as we here on this forum understand it given our knowledge about what is going on, but in some other way, maybe even in a way that benefits the control system? If that video was indeed made by MTV and actually aired, I'd think the answer is yes.

If that video was never aired and exists only on the internet, and especially if that video was not even made by MTV but somehow by this guy "MichaelFranzini", then maybe the answer is not necessarily yes then.
They're certainly stress-inducing videos. My concern is with the use of the term "holocaust," which has been driven to refer to the Nazi treatment of Jews (only). So, maybe these are meant to transfer authority to Jewish voices? The anonymity of the perpetrators left me nonplussed. Maybe that's supposed to be the provocative "think" part?
CEdicon said:
TransMarginal Inhibition pretty much sums it up IMO.

On a less serious note, coming from MTV, I suspect this is going to flow real nicely into Madonna and Justin Timberlake's latest single (OMG!) "4 Minutes to Save the World"

Buy, buy, buy!
Well this shouldn't be surprising - in this day and age ANYTHING can become a commodity, even the very idea of world wide disaster/return to totalitarianism.

As Marilyn Manson (of all people) said - "Capitalism has made it this way/old fashioned fascism will take it away"
Just a thought:

Maybe it is the time for the "truth-movement" (i.e. Alex Jones and such) to go more mainstream? That TPB want to create an overall control of the awake-non-conscious masses? From what I´we heard on Jones show he often tell tales about his Hollywood connections and all the people he know that knows about the "inside job/evil government". Alex and his friends have been allowed to expand even more maybe now is the time for him to get a mainstream position, i.e. they are prepping his place.
One other thought on this - it seems to me that only a complete moron living under rock with their eyes and ears covered would be unable to see that SOMETHING is going on these days, something big. People will recognize this to different degrees but most people are noticing at least a glitch. Maybe this MTV thing is, as others have alluded to, an attempt to spoon feed the public a certain amount of truth mixed with nonsense. I mean, people are noticing that things are weird these days, the PTB have to explain it somehow. I thought the TV show 'The X-Files' had pretty much covered all the bases but I guess people have short memories.
I think Telperion's onto something. From the think website at the bottom of the home page: "Vent your arguments, Vent your insights, Vent your opinions. Think Forums" I suspect it's designed to be an outlet, a vector program, a vacuum cleaner operation ala ATS or Shoutcast.

Even if you are asleep and don't have a clue, you've got to have an idea that there's something really rotten going on. The economy is on the edge of a cliff. The Neocon's are a bunch of lying rats--no matter how much the media builds them up. The war is nonsense and most people sense that as well. The oil companies are robbing everybody blind.

Meanwhile, the Real thing is under major attack -- the Pepin attack on SOTT and free speech on forums in general. Who wants to bet the Think Forum won't be sued ala Pepin? Think of the FAKE "Secret History of the World" just to name a few forms that the attack on SOTT is taking.

Like the proverbial volcano, there's clearly the need for "Venting;" this is from Donald Hunt's article two weeks ago, "...[T]he ruling elite need someone like Obama to "rebrand" the U.S. Empire, to put a new face, more acceptable to the world, on it. And they are not really afraid of what a politician they have bought and paid for will do economically. But they seem very worried about having the public's hopes raised too much. It's not Obama they are concerned about; it's the hope and enthusiasm for change his candidacy is raising that worries them." found here:
I think GRiM is onto something. Just like any marginal music, art, or other movement that gains a footing, the corporations know exactly how to grab it, co-opt it, water it down, and make it into the popular taste -- essentially killing its essence.
Telperion said:
One other thought on this - it seems to me that only a complete moron living under rock with their eyes and ears covered would be unable to see that SOMETHING is going on these days, something big. People will recognize this to different degrees but most people are noticing at least a glitch. Maybe this MTV thing is, as others have alluded to, an attempt to spoon feed the public a certain amount of truth mixed with nonsense. I mean, people are noticing that things are weird these days, the PTB have to explain it somehow. I thought the TV show 'The X-Files' had pretty much covered all the bases but I guess people have short memories.
Yes, thats kind of what I mean and It might be Alex taking that position. Like you say, release the "pressure" and vector it away from were it would 'naturally' flow.
But things like this might break the (mainstream)taboo and have a opposite effect, the "pressure" might be to strong and get them wet.. I hope. However there are surly more layers.
GRiM said:
Just a thought:

Maybe it is the time for the "truth-movement" (i.e. Alex Jones and such) to go more mainstream? That TPB want to create an overall control of the awake-non-conscious masses? From what I´we heard on Jones show he often tell tales about his Hollywood connections and all the people he know that knows about the "inside job/evil government". Alex and his friends have been allowed to expand even more maybe now is the time for him to get a mainstream position, i.e. they are prepping his place.
Excellent point. And they have to gather a bunch of folks to fill up those concentration camps. Maybe they will use MSM to gather some names or groups...?

I want to recommend a collection of essays on the media, on the Executive Intelligence website called "Is The Devil In Your Laptop?". This is the Lyndon LaRouche website. I was surprised that the search engine failed to note his view of reality in these times. The sophistication of the mind control war being waged being waged against the soverignity of the human mind should not be underestimated. The psychopaths who own the media have vast resources to hire academicians, legal talent, government regulators, Congressmen, whatever it
takes to install a scientific dictatorship on this planet. This is the link to essays with a few short quotes.


page 25
Norbert Wiener coined the term cybernetics from the Greek word kubernetes, which means “helmsman.” The helmsman was the one who directed the rowing, and of course, he had to have feedback, in order to give feed-forward (orders) to his crew. If the helmsman
went too fast or slow, then the equilibrium was thrown off, which is true for any closed system. For example, without a thermostat capable of registering feed-forward and feedback,
an engine block would overheat and explode. Since the reductionists saw no difference between an engine block and society, they imagined, with infantile senility, Wiener and the cyberneticians thought the creative method was just a random by-product of access to “information.” Therefore, they would monitor the amount of information released into the “field,” acting as the information thermostat for society. In order to control the flow of information, the “helmsmen” nested themselves inside major media outlets and opinion-shaping centers.
Later, the heirs of the cyberneticians were involved in creating the “information superhighway.” They created software that monitored the flow of “information” on the Internet like a massive electrical circuit board, setting up the circuit-breakers and monitoring the voltage. This concept was at the core of “social networking,” the establishment of sets of game theory matrices14 aimed at enforcing consensus. The mechanization of societal relations was based on Wiener’s idea that it were possible to mechanize thought. To bolster this absurd view of the human mind, Norbert Wiener lied by saying that Leibniz would have signed off on a “reasoning machine.”
13. Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings (Cambridge, Mass: Da Capo Press, 1950).that the same principles held true for both.

Page 23
“One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a ‘strategy of terror’ consists in exactly this tac¬tic—keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. If in addition frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment together with spreading of contradictory news, make the ‘cognitive structure’ of this situation ut¬terly unclear, then the individual may cease to even know when a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions even those who have def¬inite goals and are ready to take risks, will be paralyzed by severe inner conflicts in regard to what to do.”

page 37

As stated by founder Mark Zuckerburg, “the company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of infor¬mation through the social graph, the digital mapping of people’s real world social connections.” Wait a minute! Only a fool would profess to digitally map the metaphysical principles of human social interaction. This professed mis¬sion is physically impossible, and actually insane. So what’s really going on? This “social graph” is actually a mind con¬trol site, now directed by mass killer enthusiast Bill Gates, and anglophile Facebook board members Peter Thiel and Jim Breyer. Whose minds will they control? Only those who want to clear the way for unchecked globalization.
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