Multiple casualties as gunman opens fire, kills self at Louisiana movie theater


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Another theater shooting incident in the US :(
I had not looked over the news today and my husband informed me of this. I jumped on my laptop to see what my peeps were saying about this and was surprised to see that the conversation is not yet happening. I need to do some reading, just stopped in here first.
I read it today on Sott, the disturbing fact is that such tragic cases are increasing by the day and i fear that this is just the begining.
I had to shut down a bit today over this one. I did not want to read any freaking news at all today. To hear what? Some idiot politician talk about gun control? Or any other reason? Meanwhile violence and deviant sex is broadcasted in every home that has a T.V. as a form of entertainment. Talk of war and murder is normal. I am really angry and upset. I have a plan every isle I walk down in the grocery store for when someone starts shooting. That is messed up. I should never have to think that way, but I do. :cry:
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