"My Big Toe" Theory Of Everything from Thomas Campbell

As the C’s said if I remember correctly no one has a complete picture or the whole pie and only one person that is known has completed G’s work. With all that being said I recently came across Thomas Campbells work, videos, philosophies and I am still gleaning from it. Instead of creating a new thread about “My Big T.O.E” I searched the forum and came across the most relevant thread to the topic which is this one.

A few things that are similar below. As they say even disinformation contains truth so discerning is important. From other sources such as, Robert Monroe, Val Valarian (Jon Grace) The C’s, Ra material and The Work and info here on the forum Tom Campbells work agrees with the other aforementioned people and work in the below ways.

1) Don’t believe anything.
2) Verify and experience
3) Going into experience with fear/assumptions will be limiting.
4) You have to do for yourself others can assist but it’s on you to experience, learn and grow.
5) Free Will is real and is based on choices and “improves” based on info
6) info giving to a being too early or when not ready can hinder.
7) Love is to do for STOther.knowledge is part of it as well
8) there is a place where ever thought, emotion, action is stored like a movie
9) One can “go out of body” or in Tom’s vocable locate and access their consciousness to travel to other realities.
10) This is not the only reality others are available you can chose where to go after death and or can go to another place besides earth.
11) Spirit realm is filled with evil, negative, harmful entities however there are also entities that assist.
12) This place earth this reality is a school and compared to other realities it has a good amount of rules to facilitate learning a few other realities have more rules and the majority of realities out there have less…

I only discovered Thomas Campbells work in September/Begining of October so I’m sure this list is longer but this is what I see after a few weeks.

One thing I believe that is missing is nuance about this reality, more specifics or things to look out for or go towards. He says go to an experience or do something if you will learn from it. Well who, what, when, where, why, how are important and I know his work is a theory so what I am asking is kind of hard to include but as we know diving head first into water just because you want to dive and it’s water doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

To end my “complement sandwich” lol with I “like” or my being likes this Theory and I believe I can add it to my repertoire of knowledge to learn, improve, protect, assist and progress.

Maybe this topic should be in “The Work” or psychology/science section, albeit I am not a mod and don’t make that call. I believe the forum can work on and improve this Theory without the need to speak to Campbell. But imagine a conversation with someone(s) from this forum and all the nuance topics and Campbells theory. I guess his response to everything would just be “it’s information for the collective consciousness use your current and next moments free will to lower your entropy”

My response would be well there’s ways to receive information more efficiently without the smog of emotional, physical and intellectual damage, hurt, confusion and wounds along with other nuance
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Didn't know about Thomas Campbell until today when i felt on this "X thread" (a couple of tweets, 14 in total)
Looks like he went through the Joe Rogan podcast, and i asked Grok when it was : It was episode #2259 made the 17/1/2025, thus 2 months ago.

Someone created this X thread yesterday the 13/3, here's the first tweet of the series :

What i like is that he uses some image from the video games, the MMORPG like World of Warcraft, as i did with some relatives too. What I also like is that this "knowledge" is now spread to millions of people, such kind of discussion would have never been possible just 10y before, just this fact is incredible.

Note: if you do not have an X account you'll not be in measure to see the 13 next tweets. It's possible to add them here if necessary, link the 14 tweets one after the other, just ask if someone want to.

Edit :
Here's the youtube link to the podcast, 2h47 ... wouah
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It all sounds very nice and reasonable and even, to some extent, true. He does not, however, take into account 4D Overlords of Entropy.

And why doesn't he know about that?

Same reason as all of them. Plato's Cave.

A person really needs to be constantly scanning our reality in lots of ways to pick up on the fact that the usual explanations don't quite cover everything. Not just what we can currently see, but observations from many others that one can only get from reading a wide range of materials.

I thought I was well read for years because I included tons of material about the paranormal in my reading selections. I drew the line at the UFO phenomenon because of unreasonable bias. It had to smack me in the face to get my attention.

I think everybody has that line that they don't want to have crossed. For most people, the circle they draw around themselves is pretty small... they only let in mainstream stuff. My circle was a bit bigger... but it was still a circle, a line I didn't want crossed.

But, I wanted answers and kept asking and asking and got blown away.

Not everybody can survive that.

Well, it's easier nowadays because more and more people are crossing those lines. But still, the mainstream peeps don't.
What i like is that he uses some image from the video games, the MMORPG like World of Warcraft, as i did with some relatives too.
That is literally DIGITAL ONLINE HEROIN!
Planetwide PSYOPS operation that computer game turned out to be. Playable only online with a network connection. Created by Blizzard Entertainment. Completely hooked company workers world-wide. Remember the dangerous Pokemon addiction craze? Companies were complaining their employees were playing too much World of Warcraft and had to forbid it at the workplace. A super-immersive hypnotic medieval fantasy magic game, where you can play gnomes, lizards, wolf-men, dwarfs, humans, elves, etc.. in the profession of knights, wizards, priests, druids and more.

Talk about the C's complaining about members here have been too busy chasing goblins.. They were right!
It all sounds very nice and reasonable and even, to some extent, true. He does not, however, take into account 4D Overlords of Entropy.
I wonder if 4D STS would allow you to have such discussion with Joe Rogan during one of his podcast ?
This would indeed be a great step forward for humanity, but as we learnt, "they" are not against truth until it's not spread to too many people. Thus, even if you were invited to do it, i wonder if this would not be too risky to accept.

Planetwide PSYOPS
I don't think it's a psyops, at least not at the 3D level, maybe 4D ones, promoting video games in general. The MMORPG type of games are an evolution of this market. Even in 1995 i wrote a small novel about virtual world (i was well following this market, i even opened a network game room + cybercafe during 6 years a few years after). And yes, the main problem is addiction, MMORPG can be classified as almost the most addictive "electronic drug" invented at this period, but it has been dethroned by the smartphones (general use of it, not specific to a precise application or game) since around 2010.
It all sounds very nice and reasonable and even, to some extent, true. He does not, however, take into account 4D Overlords of Entropy.

And why doesn't he know about that?

Same reason as all of them. Plato's Cave.

A person really needs to be constantly scanning our reality in lots of ways to pick up on the fact that the usual explanations don't quite cover everything. Not just what we can currently see, but observations from many others that one can only get from reading a wide range of materials.

I thought I was well read for years because I included tons of material about the paranormal in my reading selections. I drew the line at the UFO phenomenon because of unreasonable bias. It had to smack me in the face to get my attention.

I think everybody has that line that they don't want to have crossed. For most people, the circle they draw around themselves is pretty small... they only let in mainstream stuff. My circle was a bit bigger... but it was still a circle, a line I didn't want crossed.

But, I wanted answers and kept asking and asking and got blown away.

Not everybody can survive that.

Well, it's easier nowadays because more and more people are crossing those lines. But still, the mainstream peeps don't.
I agree with you, Laura. Campbell gives a very general macro view of the system we are in. Conciousness is fundamental and we are individual conscious units in human avatars and the goal is to evolve your consciousness while at the same time evolving the whole system. Very very Macro.

Well how the heck do we do this. My first recommendation would be to get started with the 4th way to better align your centers/being and so you have will/control over your thoughts/emotions and thus your physical centers. This would be one recommendation. The other one would be to read your books and just about every book on this forum and the wave series and the pinned threads including diet. If one doesn’t have the energy and vitality to know thy self then they won’t have the energy and means to align/improve themselves towards STO and make “grown up” low entropy conscious choices. They can’t enact their free will to have authority over their choices to improve their reality and thus the overall system.

Not knowing about the “loosh farms” Robert Monroe term (who Tom Campbell studied under) the 4D STS frequency/thought/energy/vibration feeding would set one back not understanding about pathology like the myth of sanity and wolf in sheep’s clothing makes one vulnerable. Like the C’s say knowledge does protect but not only that knowledge enables growth and progress thus a better chance of making STO low entropy choices.

In all honestly if I was held to the proverbial fire and I was told to pick one source of information Campbells books/video OR all the information associated with this forum/Cs/your work I would have to use my free will choice and pick forum/Cs/your work because I would have more detailed nuanced knowledge be safer/protected with more practical knowledge which leads to better probability of progress and successful survival in this reality after all we did choose to come here and learn.

With all that being said I am very fortunate that I found The Work and your work first am engaged with it for 16+ years and THEN I came across Campbell’s information the blending of the two speak to my soul/being/conciousness but if I was to Just have Campbells work I don’t think it’s healthy for those starting in esoterica to start with the non specific macro. I think it’s better to roll up your sleeves get to know the details The Work and the different players then it’s best to know the proverbial stadium we are all playing in.

Also, I do think we are conciousness/soul and there is unity of the individual consciousness regardless of physical matter and the individual is feedback for the larger system but I have an inner hunch that this is not all it is even though that’s the main plot of the BIG T.O.E. Also, after a soul crushing decision that was ultimately the correct best STO decision Campbells work appeared in my life after meditating with it in a Big T.O.E session I did receive a “C influence” metaphorical image that appeared as I was looking at the sky . So this is all very telling.

As it is said it’s important to learn the lesson of 3rd grade before going to 4th. Campbell work is like taking the final exams without learning over the 9 months of school the forum/Cs/your work are like the 9 months of study which IS the lesson. The macro the ending of the story is not the lesson.

Also, I have talked to Campbell in groups and some of his “people” there is a flavor of naiveness. On this journey I like every detail from A - Z so both the Macro and the forums micro blended with Macro info is the best way to go.

I believe that there is more to it than just we are individual consciousness in human avatars in the conciousness systems created physical matter reality meaning yes consciousness is fundamental and permeates everything however I do believe there is another side to it one can advance past the physical reality reincarnations how to or is it true 🤷🏻‍♂️ how can I know for sure but there’s a feeling that there is more at “play” and it shouldn’t be this rudimentary to be in my 30’s still and experience and know what I know but also “stuck” in this reality with such a long runway left (if organic natural death) doesn’t really make sense isn’t inefficient as they say I can’t just go around giving and “helping” all day that’s not STO? I could eat peanut butter go to movies dance sing love and what have you but I’ve done that all before I guess the trick is to do it in a “better way”
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I wonder if 4D STS would allow you to have such discussion with Joe Rogan during one of his podcast ?
This would indeed be a great step forward for humanity, but as we learnt, "they" are not against truth until it's not spread to too many people. Thus, even if you were invited to do it, i wonder if this would not be too risky to accept.
I believe 4D STS knows what Gurjieff knew that human “buffer” not everyone is ready for certain information and they are on their own part of the learning curve. Meaning if Laura was on Joe Rogan I think it would be a great service to humanity and it would make a difference in n peoples lives but only those that are at a certain point in the cycle where they are receptive to such info and or those that need an “external shock” that pushes them closer or to wake up but the 4D STS shd the 3D entities that help 4DSTS have enough controls influence and manipulation that they will have plenty of feed regardless of how many millions of people will hear truth.

If 10 million people watched the interview and let’s say 25% actually changed course toward objective reality knowledge not only would they have to stay the course but there are multiple billions of people on this earth for 4D STS Joe Rogan viewers are a drop in the bucket for them.

Truth, objective reality, inner work, conscience suffering and everything in this direction in my opinion does better when involved in so called grass root campaigns

I rather speak to 1,000 people and positively impact 990 than speak to 5 million and positively impact 150k. Why? Because it is said those that are not ready reduce or go backwards when this information is given to them it’s best to leave them alone and let it be organic for them until THEY show readiness

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