Miss.K said:Fester said:Again, my bad. I was simply making a short answer. I am feeding my cats very well, thank you for asking... oh, wait, you didn't. You simply assumed I wasn't because I didn't include a detailed description of their entire diet for your approval, with appropriate footnotes and links to websites backing me up.
Fester I think Z was partly answering my questions (I was asking though it might not have been obvious)
I'm sorry for hijacking your thread, and also I forgot to say that I think your kitties are beautiful :)
Z, thank you again, I guess there is no way around having to invest in an electrical meat grinder (so many things to buy and so little money) as there is no way I can grind bones by hand for 10 cats..
No worries, Miss K ;)
In the meantime, a decent food processor (mine's a Kambrook 850w, I think it was $60-$70 from Kmart) can handle chopping raw chicken necks into mince and small chunks of bone. I tried giving them the necks whole, but it seemed to me like they didn't like chewing on the whole vertebrae, maybe because they're a little too big for a mouthful and they have poky bits. They are also seem a little less hard and splintery, like the ends of the long bones. At any rate, whizz for 30 seconds, half a kilo at a time, they love it. As for the iodine, I put 1 drop of Lugol's half strength (5%/10%, so 6.25mg) into about 2.5 litres of water. (They have a 3.5 litre container for their water, and i fill it 3/4. I usually re-fill when it's about 1/3, and they get the same reverse-osmosis filtered water that I drink.)
However, none of mine are ill or unhealthy. If any were I would probably add a drop to the ill one's food as well- but I would first verify that it wouldn't hurt them as right now I'm only fairly sure it wouldn't, so I would double check and make sure.
BUT that's me and my cats. I've had all of mine since birth- half of them were born in my bed, the others on my armchair. I know pretty much everything that they've ever eaten or been exposed to. They are all unvaccinated, and have only ever had a worming tablet (once) and a spot-on-the-neck flea treatment, also once each, after trying for months to get rid of them with diatomaceous earth and neem oil. They have never had/needed antibiotics, never been given unfiltered tap water, and have gone from mum's milk to the diet I described above, and have never been ill. I used to, every few months, get them a bag of a grain-free variety of dry food as a treat, but I can't handle the way they act- like they're hard drugs. So the last time was about 4 months ago. Never again.
As your cats are rescues/adopted, I'm assuming you probably have little or no idea of their histories before you, as in how toxified/imbalanced their bodies are from diet/medications/vaccinations, or illnesses/infections/infestations/injuries, of any kind.
This makes me think that it seems likely that, with iodine, cats could experience the same sort of detox or herxheimer reactions that humans do if they have, say, mercury toxicity from too much fish and vaccines, maybe? Or a parasitic infection?
I think you really should chat with a vet first, and, if you go ahead, then observe the results really closely. Also