Interesting that I was thinking about the whole perceived feeling of being attacked or criticized just last night. I guess no one likes it to be pointed out to them that they are wrong. The forum is not for everyone, because the 'work' is not for everyone. According to my understanding thus far, mankind must evolve consciously from his current state if possible. It's not just knowledge that's needed but conscience and /or awakening a fuller emotional state of being. Those may be two ways of saying the same thing. Because one has begun to take responsibility for their continued evolution as a "hands on " (non mechanical) endeavor, their capacity to care about and love others combined with knowledge about their own psychological challenges, helps greatly in assisting them in SEEing whether there is, first of all the possibility of helping another, and secondly, how to best deliver that assistance when asked for. Making assumptions as fact, IS asking on a discussion forum.
My wife would often tell me things that seemed mean or unkind, in the sense that I felt attacked or criticized. But I would usually find out in due time that she was right.
And that would be of true value to me, because it gave me something I needed in order to grow as an individual. That is, if I made new choices based on that information. Changing old ways is usually a challenge, which is why even sincere members often fail at some point.
And then their are those who are simply here with an agenda. They are usually gone the quickest because some members have been here for years and have learned
the "modes" of those people, slick though they may be.
Personally, I take Anart at her word when she says that giving someone a reply that might rub them the wrong way is done with careful thought and consideration.
In my opinion, she is one who is a good example of what we are trying to work towards. I'm not saying she is perfect, but she's on the money most of the time and that is something, considering how often she provides that service.
If someone chooses not to stick around long enough to realize it's not really about attack but something they can most likely benefit from, if they meditate on it, and then make better choices as a result of seeing themselves a little better, then they most likely were not going to change anyway for whatever reason.
Idan's farewell post was a jab. Someone was stepping on his toes. That's all he needed to know. It seems self importance is usually first to take over one's thinking
when so 'callously treated.' (or so it seems) If one can simply get past that and consider what's been said, there's a darn good chance one's mind can be put to much better, and more fruitful use. That's been my experience so far. Try it. It may take longer to get to the good part, but self importance is a quick fix that's no fix at all.