Mysterious FEMA Region lll Alert Has Folks on Edge


Dagobah Resident
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Following the bread crumb trail of FEMA orders, retired State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota State issued an “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,” on August 13th.

Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Songstad’s research turned up some very interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the numbers and dates.

So apparently, this former state senator Songstad did his own research and found all this data, which point towards something going down in October.

The data they mention include:
UN Peacekeepers began training the 4th week of July and will complete their nine week training by October 1st. They are learning English, as well as US weapon systems and Urban Warfare training.

The Center of Disease Control ordered $11 million worth of antibiotics. Where are they going? FEMA Region lll. When are they due? October 1st. This coupled with the fact that the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting, its second such meeting in its history, to discuss MERS Coronavirus. This is quite unsettling. The WHO determined that a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st.

All DHS agents MUST now qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR 15’s by September 28th. Less lethal qualifications are not mentioned... The DHS will receive 2800 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP’s) that must be delivered by October 1st.

All National Guard units will complete their annual two week training in riot control and disaster assistance. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th. However, the Eastern-based Coast Guard units will not be performing their usual training in the Gulf, this year they will be trained in Virginia and Delaware for 10 days beginning September 26th.

Coincidently, the Emergency Broadcast System will begin daily testing beginning on September 25th thru October 2nd. All of this kind of reminds me of the bomb sniffing dogs being trained at the Boston Marathon for the first time ever.

FEMA purchase orders deserve a little attention too. They ordered over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals and 22 million pouches of emergency water, to be delivered to Region III by October 1st. An additional order of $13.6 million worth of MRE’s and heater meals will be delivered to Austin by October 1st.

U.S. military will not be permitted leave from September 28th thru November 5th. NORCOMM’s yearly training for civil unrest is suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas.

Over 300 school systems will be issued a 3 day emergency kit for each student in September.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I did a search for the former senator's name and also the website's address here on the forum but couldn't find anything. Not sure how reliable these sources are but I wouldn't be surprised if the PTB was planning something major...or even something smaller at least to amp up the fear factor.

What do you think? Comments?
Not sure, but I was talking with an aunt two days ago and she told me that there would be a nation wide truck strike in the US, I found this: _, _ etc... there was also this one almost a month ago _ ... and we?I combined also with whatever possible fall season of climate change, Colorado?, and Syria, and other nation's happenings, etc ... is not that much of a surprise.

Edit: and there will be also
Sounds like something someone made up to me. Any time I see claims that "UN Troops" are going to invade or occupy or whatever, the US, I tend to go :rolleyes:
All these October 1 deadlines could have something to do with the fact that the crazy Republican party is going to shut down the US federal government this fall as it tries to force defunding of Obamacare. It is likely that many US agencies and departments have seen this coming and want to beat the deadline.
I thought it was interesting, at least, that among the first guesses about what the disaster might be was "fireballs" (Songstad, interviewed on this right-wing "truth" radio show clip _ including a map that allegedly shows the "last 50 fireballs" reported, most of them over the US. Though, mostly, Songstad and the host, Rick Wiles, made not much sense to me and certainly presented nothing remotely concrete.
Perceval said:
Sounds like something someone made up to me. Any time I see claims that "UN Troops" are going to invade or occupy or whatever, the US, I tend to go :rolleyes:

Thanks for your input, Perceval, this is why I shared it.

'UN troops are invading/occupying/etc' usually gets the same reaction from me. Reading 'UN Peacekeepers are training in this and that' went under my radar as it seemed more grounded, realistic at the time. I seem to have lost my hammer...
Also, I later remembered that I used to hear this almost every day in the news when I was a kid, which could've subconsciously given the term 'UN Peacekeepers' a sort of legitimacy, which I was sad to realize. I thought I'm over things like this but this could just be another excuse for not having thought critically..

mabar: Yes, the trucker protest was a good point. Though they got very little, if any attention from MSM and the protest, afaik, didn't have any serious effects.

griffin: The government shutdown too, yes. And most MSM outlets were going MPD over it. At first, they barely mentioned it. Next, it was serious! And then, 'Oh, don't worry about it. Not a big deal'.

PopHistorian: That is interesting. They also mentioned earthquakes and the asteroid 'they didn't see coming'.

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