Name of Göbekli Tepe (famous "oldest temple of the world" in Turkey) in a dream


The Living Force

I'd appreciate any feedback on a element of a dream I had on last Monday to Tuesday night (March 28-29th).
It was a significant dream in 3 different parts, despite my efforts I cannot remember the first two parts, only a vague impression that the first one was full of adventures (maybe à la Indiana Jones ?).

The third part was just a name, that I clearly heard and read almost correctly spelled as well : Göbe(k)li Tepe (in my dream, there was no K letter). Just after that, I woke up, in the middle of the night.

It's obviously the name of a famous archeological site in Anatolia (Turkey), famed for being the (so-called) "oldest" temple known today, presumably dated around 10k years B.C. :

I read about it several years ago, first in an article of French NEXUS magazine IIRC, or maybe in Anton Parks' books. But what's surprising to me is that, before I check the name (after the dream), I would be unable to spell it correctly, or even to remember it !

What's more, these days my centers of interests (reading, etc.) are absolutely not on archeology, old civilisations/religions, etc. So it's really bizarre that such a name appear in a dream, just after Easter, while I received some friends for a few days, and was in a totally different mindset.

These are articles I found on SOTT about Göbekli Tepe :

And a topic here :,13379.msg98581.html

So I keep wondering why this name, and why then... Any comment welcome !
Are you taking Iodine?

The obvious choice is that you are remembering a past life and possibly one of the people that you recently spent time with was there as well.

Just a guess!
WIN 52 said:
Are you taking Iodine?
No (not yet). Why ?
The obvious choice is that you are remembering a past life and possibly one of the people that you recently spent time with was there as well.
Thank you for this hypothesis, I had a strong body reaction while reading it, so it may be (at least partially) true.
Bastian said:
WIN 52 said:
Are you taking Iodine?
No (not yet). Why ?
The obvious choice is that you are remembering a past life and possibly one of the people that you recently spent time with was there as well.
Thank you for this hypothesis, I had a strong body reaction while reading it, so it may be (at least partially) true.

The Iodine will speed up the processing of the past. Yet, those of us who are here today need to be present as we still need to live for today. The older you are, the more processing of the past you will need, spiritually speaking.

Based on observation, we are beginning to wake up, to shake the moss off of our crystals so to speak. How long this process will take is not clear. It definitely has to do with the cleanliness of your machine. Old guys like me need a lot of work!
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