[quote author=Laura's blog]
Now, I want to ask you: have you ever learned anything equal to the above information - backed up by sources and evidence - from Mr. J. Kelly Beatty of "Sky & Telescope"? Backed by that benevolent organization we all know and love, NASA? Owned and operated by the Global Elite that have brought this planet to the edge of the abyss?
The fact that you haven't is, in my opinion, Criminal Negligence.
Back when I wrote the article
Pole Shift? Look to the Skies, I received a bit of 'feedback', you could say, from a friend (actually an old aquantance from high-school), who supposedly teaches a science literacy course at a major university. He was very disturbed that I would quote and feature the work of J.M. McCanney that he considered blatant pseudo-science. Here's part of what he wrote to me at the end of one of his
diatribes, which I thought was really telling about the mindset of these people:
[quote author=Benjamin Paulson]
There is a lot more that I can say, but your article is based mostly on the writings of a discredited scientist whose “science” you’ve propped up under the guise of some sort of flaws within “mainstream” science. There is no empirical evidence and its nothing more than ideas loosely tied together conjecture.
I don’t mean to rag on you, but one of the things I teach my students is scientific literacy and the role of science in society. There is a constant attack at the credibility of science and articles like the one you wrote plays into that game.
If we sit idly by and allow for these attacks on science to continue, then very few of us will be able to recognize the difference between science and pseudoscience, and I am sorry to say, your article is the latter.
Emphasis mine.
He's right, there is a problem with people not being able to recognize science from pseudo-science (not in the way he sees it, however), but it goes way beyond that. Like Laura says, it
is criminal negligence that we have this army of indoctrinated scientists pushing these dated and flawed theories with evangelistic zeal. And in some ways this is worse than pushing any sort of political ideology. It's keeping real scientists from studying the problems that may determine the fate of humanity in years ahead. That's what I find so nerve-racking about people like this J. Kelly Beatty and his ilk.
I don't know what it is, but astronomers seem to be some of the worst when it comes to this... Not to harp on all astronomers, but it seems like some of the most vocal 'defenders' of the Establishment's views are astronomers.