I just finished to read a magnificient article wrote by Laura, Caos and consent:working towards the Fuhrer. This article is very important to understand what is happening now, specially with this war in Libya. I am shocked by what is happening and after reading this article I feel more sure that we are in the almost same situation then Europe just before the Second World War. This is the link to the article:
It is a little scary to see the similitudes between our time and the time of the beginning of the Nazis. I see the same apathie and ignorance of the facts in a lot of people, the propaganda, the lies...and the horror that the Power is doing without restrain of any kind. I´m reading also this book now, that put me in context of the war: The War, A Concise History, 1939-1945. Not a bad book at all even if it is almost the "official" story that we read. But we can particip in the folly of the Nazis, of the war and it is very easy to compare this folly with the folly of the USA, Europe now.
I can feel the trepidation of what is happening now, in the Arab contries and the brutal march of the military. I can feel de danger in the horizont. However, reading this article of Laura is, I think, a good reflexion to do now. Just reading this article give me power and information to think about it.
Ok. I see that there is no more corrector so sorry for the ortographic faults. :O
It is a little scary to see the similitudes between our time and the time of the beginning of the Nazis. I see the same apathie and ignorance of the facts in a lot of people, the propaganda, the lies...and the horror that the Power is doing without restrain of any kind. I´m reading also this book now, that put me in context of the war: The War, A Concise History, 1939-1945. Not a bad book at all even if it is almost the "official" story that we read. But we can particip in the folly of the Nazis, of the war and it is very easy to compare this folly with the folly of the USA, Europe now.
I can feel the trepidation of what is happening now, in the Arab contries and the brutal march of the military. I can feel de danger in the horizont. However, reading this article of Laura is, I think, a good reflexion to do now. Just reading this article give me power and information to think about it.
Ok. I see that there is no more corrector so sorry for the ortographic faults. :O