Near Death or 'Life after Death' studies and articles


Dagobah Resident
Report on a study by Southampton University's Dr. Parnia and colleagues, published in the journal Resuscitation. The study found that close to 40% of the study's cardiac patients, who'd experienced cardiac arrest and being declared 'clinically dead' (brain activity shut down), upon being resuscitated recalled continuing awareness during the time they were 'clinically dead'.

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Update on the AWARE II study done by Dr. Sam Parnia.

Awareness During Resuscitation - II: A Multi-center Study Of Consciousness And Awareness In Cardiac Arrest

Also an article on SOTT summarising the findings.

In summary, in the absence of scientifically verified OBE or EEG data corelating specifically with strong NDEs, or an OBE, we have got nowhere. This is entirely attributable to the low numbers recruited in the study. From the PowerPoint presentation that I have, no hypothesis, either his, or ours, relating to the nature or origin of conscious awareness during CA has been validated or falsified. Given how much hope I once had for this study, I am of course very disappointed, but such is life.
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