Near-Earth objects and close calls

NASA recordings of fireballs since June 23
After more than 30 days without new entries to the NASA list, a fire ball, the third most powerful this year, with a total impact energy of 1.4 kt TNT entered over the Indian Ocean:
Since then, there have been 17 registrations, (of which 15 were in 2023) giving a total for 2023 of 32. The largest during the second half of 2023 was 3.8 kt, recorded on August fifth, 2023, the last of five that year above 1.0 kt.

In 2024 there have been only two entries in three months, both small (0.15, and 0.13 kt of calculated total impact energy) and both in February. While most recordings are of fireballs over water, the last observed at 22.9N 57.1E gives a place in Oman, North East of Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula. Two entries in three months would mean eight for the year, if the trend so far continues, assuming the recording equipment works as before and observation conditions are comparable.
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