Near-Earth objects and close calls

Had to share this. A friend sent it to me on the night of august 12, after our family had gone to the local observatory to watch the Perseids.
Note: This comment became long, for the short summary without the analysis and discussion, go to the summary at the end.

Following the link in the post, I found:

'It was just insanity': Loud, mysterious boom lights up West Michigan skies

Dozens of people reported a billowing sound lasting over a minute long, reminiscent of a passing train

As families prepared for bed late Thursday night, streaks of light lit up the skies above Kent and Ottawa counties. The mysterious sight was accompanied by a loud boom that lasted over a minute long and shook the ground.


As families prepared for bed late Thursday night, streaks of light lit up the skies above Kent and Ottawa counties. The mysterious sight was accompanied by a loud boom that lasted over a minute long and shook the ground.
There is a video, I can embed, but it is available in the article. The above has a map of the state and marked the area.
By: Michael Martin
Posted at 5:23 PM, Aug 11, 2023
and last updated 1:08 AM, Aug 12, 2023

WEST MICHIGAN. — As families prepared for bed late Thursday night, streaks of light lit up the skies above Kent and Ottawa counties. The mysterious sight was accompanied by a loud boom that lasted over a minute long, and shook the ground.

Hundreds of people throughout West Michigan hopped on social media afterwards to express their shock and confusion at what they had just experienced.

Katie Schumaker, in Kentwood, described her experience saying she was, "inside watching TV and heard a really loud, deep rumbling outside that lasted a long time."

"It sounded like rolling thunder, but louder and more frequent."

Multiple people described a similar sound, happening at some point around 10:30 p.m. Thursday.

"It almost sounded like, if you were next to the train tracks when they're going over it, bumping, or almost as if a plane was going over," Angelica Ward, who lives in Kentwood as well, described to FOX 17.

“It was just insanity. Like, I'm surprised the kids didn't wake up. That's how loud it was at my house.”

It wasn't just the noise that caught their attention though, there was something peculiar streaking across the sky.

"I turn around, or look to my right, and the sky is lighting up orange," Kelly Stafford, who lives in Jamestown Township, said Friday.

"And then, it was like pops of orange."

Ron Earl in Wyoming caught video of something streaking across the sky around the same time the booming noise was heard.

Several people online watched Earl's video of the object, and a video captured by Angelica Ward in which you could hear the grinding noise. They described experiencing very similar sights and sounds.

Some on social media speculated that this could be related to the annual Perseid meteor show which will be visible this weekend.

FOX 17 spoke to Robert Lunsford with the American Meteor Society Friday to get his take on what may have happened.

“The Perseids do not produce any sound because they totally vaporize before they get down to the lower atmosphere, where the air molecules are dense enough to carry sound waves,” Lunsford explained.

“So, I don't know what they're hearing, but it's not the Perseid meteors.”

Some meteors do create sound you can hear when they break through the atmosphere.

“You can hear meteors if they're made out of stone, and come from asteroids. Those tend to go slower than the Perseids, make it down further into the atmosphere, and they can actually produce a sonic boom,” Lunsford said.

FOX 17 showed the videos captured Thursday night to the meteor expert.

He said based on his longtime experience in the world of analyzing astrological events, he does not believe the videos truly show a meteor, nor does he think the sound we hear in the video is a sonic boom.

It is possible that West Michigan did experience a meteor entering the atmosphere, but Lunsford does not believe that is what is captured on the videos.

Regardless, there will be incredible conditions this weekend to see the Perseid meteor shower.

While they should be visible much of the weekend, the ideal time will likely be late Saturday into Sunday morning.

"The best time to view these meteors is midnight to dawn, and the absolute best time is that wee hour about 4:00 a.m., when it lies high in the sky, and you can see meteors shoot in all directions," Lunsford said.

He suggests traveling to a location away from city lights.

The more stars you can see in the sky, the more meteors you will be able to see.

"The colors on these are often vivid too... most of the Perseids are orange to yellow. Occasionally, you'll get some really exotic ones, like purple or blue," Lunsford explained.

"So, something to look forward to."

For more information on viewing the Perseid meteor shower, you can visit the American Meteor Society's website HERE.
Thursday night round the time of publishing was August 10 in the US. This year, the Perseids can be observed between July 14 and September 1, with a peak on August 13.
The colour of the observed event was orange, most Perseids are orange to yellow, so that fits. What fits much less well is the sound. Here are the reports again:
Katie Schumaker, in Kentwood, described her experience saying she was, "inside watching TV and heard a really loud, deep rumbling outside that lasted a long time."

"It sounded like rolling thunder, but louder and more frequent."

Multiple people described a similar sound, happening at some point around 10:30 p.m. Thursday.

"It almost sounded like, if you were next to the train tracks when they're going over it, bumping, or almost as if a plane was going over," Angelica Ward, who lives in Kentwood as well, described to FOX 17.

“It was just insanity. Like, I'm surprised the kids didn't wake up. That's how loud it was at my house.”
Ron Earl in Wyoming caught video of something streaking across the sky around the same time the booming noise was heard.

Several people online watched Earl's video of the object, and a video captured by Angelica Ward in which you could hear the grinding noise. They described experiencing very similar sights and sounds.
Here is what the AMS person says about sound:
The Perseids do not produce any sound because they totally vaporize before they get down to the lower atmosphere, where the air molecules are dense enough to carry sound waves,” Lunsford explained.

“So, I don't know what they're hearing, but it's not the Perseid meteors.”

Some meteors do create sound you can hear when they break through the atmosphere.

“You can hear meteors if they're made out of stone, and come from asteroids. Those tend to go slower than the Perseids, make it down further into the atmosphere, and they can actually produce a sonic boom,” Lunsford said.
The speed of the Perseids is 58.8 km per second. That is fast for a meteor shower, as one can confirm by comparing with this List of meteor showers, where speeds vary between 16 and 70 km/s. High speed means that the object does not linger for a long time, I looked at calculated orbits and speeds for Perseid specimens. Here is an example from where a meteor starts is captured by the camera at an altitude of 110 km and vanishes at an altitude of 70 km.
As the meteor meets resistance from the air, the speed drops:
The above examples shows the speed was only significantly reduced below an altitude of 80 km, and the whole event was over in less than 1.3 seconds. That is not a long time, and does not match with what was observed about the duration of the sound in the US event. There are several other Perseides observations on the above site, and this was the longest lasting out of a number I looked at. Also, if one goes into the database one notices that there are other meteors that have been observed during the Perseides season, but which are not Perseides. And if one goes through the list, it is not uncommon to observe bright meteors which are not part of the shower that is listed for a particular time. The sound in the video is also different from other fireball caused booms, like this:
Meteor makes loud boom as it travels across Utah sky

One question is what happens when the meteor cameras lose contact with the meteors. If observation conditions are not limiting, like artificial lights or natural sources like the full moon, obstacles in the location like trees, hills, houses, mountains, and clouds, a meteor may disappear because it turned into dust completely or was extinguished, because the speed went down, with that the temperature also decreased, and the materials stopped glowing.

If the object survives the atmosphere, but does not glow, the continued passage is called the dark flight, as in this study: Dark-flight Estimates of Meteorite Fall Positions: Issues and a Case Study Using the Murrili Meteorite Fall, or see the slides from 2011 presented by a member of the Croatian Meteor Network. Dark Flight Calculations - How accurate can they be? by Željko Andreić which basically shows that once the fireball is extinguished, it won't go too far. Here is an interesting video recorded by a skydiver in Norway, who might have caught a meteor during dark flight on its way to become a meteorite. One can laugh at the video, but having looked at his FB, I would say, he would be the kind of person who might be gifted with such an experience.

From what altitude would a sonic boom still be audible at sea level? - from below 50 km or so.
There was
Using Sonic Booms to Locate Meteorites Sounds Produced by Meteors - Strewnify
Notes from Pat Branch:

A sonic boom is a traveling wave, but it is not really that long, compared to the whole path of the meteor… and it is not associated with fragmentation at all. A sonic boom will typically occur during the last 10 km or so on the flight path. The meteor has to be low enough to have some atmosphere to carry the sonic boom to the ground, so it only happens when a meteor has gotten below 50 km or so.
At an altitude of 50 km there is not much air, from there was
fraction of.....average 1 atm............altitude









See also this illustration from Change in the Atmosphere with Altitude - Air pressure changes with altitude.
For further clarification, here are different altitudes of the Earth Atmosphere:
  • Exosphere: 700 to 10,000 km (440 to 6,200 miles)[19]
  • Thermosphere: 80 to 700 km (50 to 440 miles)[20]
  • Mesosphere: 50 to 80 km (31 to 50 miles)
  • Stratosphere: 12 to 50 km (7 to 31 miles)
  • Troposphere: 0 to 12 km (0 to 7 miles)[21]
How far away can the boom be heard? Does it make a difference what shape and size the object has?
This is not from how high up, but the overall area to the sides. From NASA Armstrong Fact Sheet: Sonic Booms
The width of the boom “carpet” beneath the aircraft is about one mile for each 1000 feet of altitude. For example, an aircraft flying supersonic at 50,000 feet can produce a sonic boom cone about 50 miles wide. However, parts of the sonic boom carpet are typically weaker than others.

Maximum intensity for traditional supersonic aircraft is directly beneath the aircraft, and decreases as the lateral distance from the flight path increases, until it ceases to exist. The lateral spreading of the sonic boom depends upon altitude, speed, and the atmosphere – and is independent of the vehicle’s shape, size, and weight.
Size, Speed, and Atmosphere

As described earlier, the size and weight of the aircraft influence sonic booms. The ratio of aircraft length to maximum cross-sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom. The longer and more slender the aircraft, the weaker the shock waves. The fatter and more blunt the vehicle, the stronger the shock wave can be.

Meanwhile, increasing speeds above Mach 1.3 results in only small changes in shock wave strength.
A small stone size meteor would not create much of a boom, if any, but the bulky Space Shuttle did.

Applying the knowledge of sonic boom altitude to sonic boom audible area
If a sonic boom can be created at an altitude of 50 km and a sonic boom spreads over an area that is about 1 mile for every 1000 ft of altitude, asa a rule of thumb, then a boom at an altitude of 50 km, corresponding to 164,042 ft might cover an area of 164 miles, which is 264 km, or 130 km to each side. On the other hand, if we hear a sonic boom, and from reports can estimate it covers a wide area of say 64 km or 40 miles, then we can estimate that the boom took place at an altitude of 40,000 ft. However, this might not be exact if the boom is in fact continuous due to passage at supersonic speed, as in a plane.

A sonic boom is not a one-off, it can be heard along the path or trajectory as long as the speed of the object is supersonic.
In this discussion thread there was
A sonic boom is not a one off effect, it will be heard by anyone under/near the plane for the entire time its supersonic.

If a jet takes off and goes supersonic over land (BIG NO NO) the boom and the planes engine sound will be heard anywhere it goes, for example takes off in London goes supersonic upto Scotland, the "boom" will be heard by everyone in between those places.
Influence from the air temperature on the speed of sound, and how the conditions of the ground may affect the sound of the sonic book
Depending on the aircraft's altitude, sonic booms reach the ground 2 to 60 seconds after flyover. However, not all booms are heard at ground level. The speed of sound at any altitude is a function of air temperature. A decrease or increase in temperature results in a corresponding decrease or increase in sound speed. Under standard atmospheric conditions, air temperature decreases with increased altitude. For example, when sea-level temperature is 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 °C), the temperature at 30,000 feet (9,100 m) drops to minus 49 degrees Fahrenheit (−45 °C). This temperature gradient helps bend the sound waves upward. Therefore, for a boom to reach the ground, the aircraft speed relative to the ground must be greater than the speed of sound at the ground. For example, the speed of sound at 30,000 feet (9,100 m) is about 670 miles per hour (1,080 km/h), but an aircraft must travel at least 750 miles per hour (1,210 km/h) (Mach 1.12) for a boom to be heard on the ground.[6]

The composition of the atmosphere is also a factor. Temperature variations, humidity, atmospheric pollution, and winds can all have an effect on how a sonic boom is perceived on the ground. Even the ground itself can influence the sound of a sonic boom. Hard surfaces such as concrete, pavement, and large buildings can cause reflections which may amplify the sound of a sonic boom. Similarly, grassy fields and profuse foliage can help attenuate the strength of the over-pressure of a sonic boom.
I listened to the sound of the event, and it might be something that is not really a usual sonic boom, but more related with the strange sounds in the sky that are sometimes heard. It does not mean the event was not accompanied by some meteoric activity, but it is not a typical boom.

There is a phenomenon related to electricity. The Guardian wrote in 2003
The sound of shooting stars
Have you ever heard the fizz of a meteor passing overhead? By Matthew Genge
Thu 23 Oct 2003 02.40 BST
For centuries some people have been claiming they can hear meteorites - not the loud bang of an explosion when the objects strike the ground, but a bizarre fizzing, crackling noise as the fireballs hurtle through the air hundred of miles away.

In 1719, Edmund Halley noted that observers up to 300km away from a huge fireball reported hearing hissing noises. But since sound takes about five seconds to cover a mile, Halley realised it was impossible for the witnesses to have heard sounds from the fireball as it passed over, and dismissed the reports as "the effect of pure fantasy".

Witnesses of fireballs continued hearing strange hissing and crackling noises. The sounds could not be heard by everybody: one person would say they heard noises while the person standing next to them heard nothing at all. Scientists continued to dismiss those who heard noises as delusional.

Then, in Australia, Dr Colin Keay of the University of Newcastle in New South Wales became interested. He discovered that eyewitnesses to a fireball over Sydney had described a variety of hissing, popping and crackling noises. He realised that if the sounds were heard instantaneously, they must travel at the speed of light. The only way this could happen was if they were caused by electromagnetic waves. But just how meteorite fireballs produced electromagnetic radiation, and how people managed to hear them if they did, was a mystery.

Meteor scientists had tried to measure electromagnetic radiation from fireballs before but had found nothing. There was, however, one frequency range in which scientists had not looked: the very low frequency, or VLF, range of radio waves. Intriguingly, these frequencies are in the range of human hearing.

By looking at how sunspots produced electromagnetic radiation, Keay suggested a way in which fireballs could produce VLF radio waves. The hot gas in a fireball's wake, which produces its bright trail, is electrically charged and when it twists and turns it wraps up the Earth's magnetic field lines into a magnetic spaghetti. Keay's calculations show that this twisting of field lines produces VLF radio waves. But even if that was how the radio signals formed, this still left Keay wondering how people could hear them.

The only thing to do was to test his theory on people, and Keay measured how intense VLF electric fields needed to be before volunteers could hear them. For most people the fields had to be very strong: thousands of volts per metre, to electrically stimulate areas near the ears. Three volunteers were much more sensitive, however. "The two females had afro hairstyles and the male long soft hair," says Keay. "Their hair was acting as a transducer converting the electrical energy of the VLF by vibration into sound." The effect is called "electrophonics".

Keay also experimented on himself. "Naturally I was the first test subject," he says. "But when I underwent the same test again I found my sensitivity had dropped considerably." Why? "The answer was I was not wearing my glasses."

Keay's experiments suggested that the electrophonic sounds heard by witnesses of fireballs are triggered when radio waves produced by the fireball make objects near the listener vibrate. This neatly explained why one person heard noises while another did not - it was all a matter of their surroundings. Even their spectacles and hairstyle could make a significant difference.

Researchers studying meteorites are now cashing in on the phenomenon. Thousands of meteorites fall on the Earth's surface each year. Many are fragments of asteroids and provide a valuable record of how our solar system formed. But people are rarely there to watch them fall and then work out exactly where they have come from. "Most meteorites are found hundreds or thousands of years after they fall," says Phil Bland of Imperial College London. "However, what planetary scientists would really like is meteorites that were observed to fall, so we can backtrack their paths to exactly where they came from."

Bland and his team are now making the most of Keay's fireball VLF radio idea to help detect and track these objects. They plan to record not only the light but the radio waves coming from meteorites. Using three or more autonomous observatories, the location of the meteorite fall will then be calculated by triangulation to within about one square kilometre.

"We are about to test our first observatory in the Nullarbor Desert [of Australia]," says Bland. "The outback is perfect: it is flat and has little vegetation, making meteorites easier to find, and it usually has clear skies."
The team then hopes to install two more observatories, giving them coverage of 300,000 sq km, and within two years they expect to more than double the number of meteorites with known orbits.
Matthew Genge is a lecturer in earth science and engineering at Imperial College London
I tried to find out how the above idea progressed. One study suggested that you need an astronomical magnitude of -10 to observe the VLF effects. Venus at its brightest is about -5. A magnitude of -10 would mean the object needs to be about 100 times brighter than Venus at its brightest. A newer study did not find any VLF effects for events up to -7.8. Therefore, if this event and the sounds were related to electromagnetic activity, then it could have been pretty powerful.

Summary of ideas
  • The sound of the object in Michigan does not correspond to a typical meteor, nor did the duration of the sound.
  • Meteors and fireballs can appear during the time window of a particular meteor shower without belonging to the shower. In this case, if it was a meteor that created the sound etc. it did not have to be a Perseide , which are quite fast with averages close to 59 km/s on entry.
  • When a meteor stops shining on the way in, assuming it does not just fly through the atmosphere, it has either been turned to dust, or it has lost so much speed it can no longer shine. If a meteor has material, but no light, and is on the way to fall on Earth, the last leg of the journey in space is called dark flight. It is studied by meteorite hunters, because the beginning of the dark flight phase means the destination is near.
  • Sonic booms can only happen if there is enough air, the limit is an altitude of around 50 km.
  • A sonic boom will be more pronounced if the object causing it, is larger and bulky. A small object may not create anything audible far away.
  • A sonic boom will be heard throughout the passage, as long as the speed of the object exceeds that of the speed of sound at the location of the observer.
  • A sonic boom can propagate and roughly cover a mile in width for every 1000 feet of altitude the object causing the boom is located.
  • Meteors at least 100 times brighter than Venus at its brightest have been observed to produce VLF waves that some sensitive people can pick up and "hear".
Thank you for that incredibly informative analysis, thorbiorn!

The thought had crossed my mind that it might be a strange sky sound related to the many others reported over the past years. Honestly I’ve heard an occasional unexplained loud and long rumble without explanation myself recently.

To be clearer on my attempt to roast the reports I saw, I had the impression that they were switching between topics to debunk the meteor theory all together.

If anything, I thought it might have been a rogue meteor not necessarily related to the Perseids, but maybe hitching a ride in their wake.

After reading everything you pointed out, I realize I may have been too harsh. Maybe the reporters were just keeping the facts basic and simple.

I appreciate your efforts!
Footage of the meteorite's passage in Angarsk (Irkutsk region, Siberia), captured by the intercom camera.

A fireball as large as the brightness of the supermoon was streamed! The fireball at 22:19:37 on August 30, 2023, was captured by a camera pointed at the northern sky from Fuji. No shockwave sound could be observed, and the disappearance altitude was high at about 30 km, so it may not have reached the ground as a meteorite. It was a fireball of scattered meteors coming from the asteroid belt.
Translated with Deepl
Puma, i think it should be the same one (can’t open twitter in general).

🇹🇷 #Turkey Surveillance cameras in the country captured the fall of a meteorite

TGRT Haber reports that the phenomenon was seen by residents of several cities at once: Gaziantep, Malatya, Diyarbakir and Erzurum. 😯
Is there a way to look at twitter posts without having an account ? I refuse to have any social media accounts.
I recently found out twitter status ID are unique and will auto the username to match the ID. You can go to any user (in this case twitter[dot]com/Rainmaker1973/status/1697333937016569984) and replace the ID with the one you want to view and twitter will auto redirect to the correct username without that pesky login page. finger's crossed EM doesnt change out that underlying feature anytime soon!

It looks like its going pretty fast! i couldn't see anything in the video that would indicate timespan (ie if the video was sped up of slowed down)
I recently found out twitter status ID are unique and will auto the username to match the ID. You can go to any user (in this case twitter[dot]com/Rainmaker1973/status/1697333937016569984) and replace the ID with the one you want to view and twitter will auto redirect to the correct username without that pesky login page. finger's crossed EM doesnt change out that underlying feature anytime soon!

It looks like its going pretty fast! i couldn't see anything in the video that would indicate timespan (ie if the video was sped up of slowed down)
Thanks @lindrie :-)
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