Nephilim, alien invasion...I have questions

I have started a new thread to ponder a thought that just popped into my head. It may be ridiculous, so feel free to back out now. Also feel free to offer your own thoughts, and I won't be offended if you think my ideas/questions are redundant.
I have been recently reading another thread where the C's transcripts were shown relating to the Nephilim and their return to Earth. This thread is to stop me from de-railing the other thread that I'm referring to.

So the Nephilim were giants, 11-14' tall. They are coming back by the millions. Are they returning as the same giants, or are they now altered to look more like us peasant humans? Are they already here and blending in with society? Are they filtering into different locations, slowly, not all at once? Is this new updated Nephilim the reason so many humans have been experimented on, tinkered with, samples taken from them to make them appear as, 'one of us'?? (Kinda makes that recent rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar seem odd, with Krendick releasing a single, "Not Like Us".

We have been prepared ad nauseam for an alien invasion. Always coming from the sky. Funny that movie that came out recently titled "Don't Look Up". Are we looking in the wrong direction? Is this alien invasion already underway and they look like us? ("Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?") There's a lot of good stuff in media/music, isn't there?

Last, and probably most controversial question...are they the mostly male "illegal aliens" that are/have been entering various countries without any real attempt to stop it from the governments?

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I encourage conversation so all thoughts are welcome.
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I would say it's a very good question. I always interpreted the C's sentence about this subject literally but I think you remark is fully justified and deserve perhaps to be asked in a session. Especially when we know that the current density is not very suited for giants bodies.

But the scenario I imagine is more Nephilims reincarnating or be "transferred" in key body and acting to facilitate the illegal aliens immigration you are talking about.
In a hundred years, the vast majority of us who are alive today will not be alive.

If the programming is complete for a social progression congruent with the world that the conquerors want, if they are already among us in sufficient numbers, the conquest is already a fact.

That people will wake up to the evil of what has been programmed may happen, but it is unlikely.

Then perhaps someone can be helped in the future, or suddenly fifty percent of the people who have the capacity to go against the current suddenly decide to do so.

The C's have said that the programming is already complete, so the invaders will already be placing themselves in all strata of society and simply after the death of the obsolete they will take the control.

Your hairdresser, the people at the pizzeria, the trendy bar you like to go to, etc., etc., will be them and nobody will notice.

The normal citizen of the Matrix will live and will die without having found out anything.
Hi Ellipse, thank you for such a thoughtful reply.
I'm in the middle of something for a few minutes, so I haven't searched the transcripts for this. It pertains to your remark about the Nephilim transferring or reincarnating. For some reason I have the thought/memory that they do reincarnate/inhabit the bodies of humans. I also thought I read something about our bodies being used as containers for this next invasion.

I realize that these questions can likely not be answered. But it was a theory I had, so thought I would share and see what others here think.
In a hundred years, the vast majority of us who are alive today will not be alive.

If the programming is complete for a social progression congruent with the world that the conquerors want, if they are already among us in sufficient numbers, the conquest is already a fact.

That people will wake up to the evil of what has been programmed may happen, but it is unlikely.

Then perhaps someone can be helped in the future, or suddenly fifty percent of the people who have the capacity to go against the current suddenly decide to do so.

The C's have said that the programming is already complete, so the invaders will already be placing themselves in all strata of society and simply after the death of the obsolete they will take the control.

Your hairdresser, the people at the pizzeria, the trendy bar you like to go to, etc., etc., will be them and nobody will notice.

The normal citizen of the Matrix will live and will die without having found out anything.
Hi Wandering Star. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
While I agree with everything you wrote, I keep remembering that the C's were insistent that Laura, Ark and the gang continue with seeking/sharing knowledge. I believe they said something along the lines of Laura being the one who will save us. Maybe not all of us, but hopefully enough will be STO oriented and intensify the frequency (with positive repercussions).

True that the normal citizens of the Matrix will live/die completely unaware. Perhaps that is their journey this time around. But some of us are not like the others, lol. While I still have questions and an internet connection/hydro...I want to learn/discuss/ponder as much as I can. Knowledge is protection...for sure.
Jacygirl this subject is very interesting. Maybe you will like to read or listen this interview by Sott with Dr. Jacobs about the presence of aliens already in our planet.

Jacygirl this subject is very interesting. Maybe you will like to read or listen this interview by Sott with Dr. Jacobs about the presence of aliens already in our planet.

Hi lorita. Thank you, I will take a look at that soon.

Lol. I go outside to have a smoke and look at the sky. I think, "Ok...I'm here...let's do this!"
I was hoping for a large meteorite but your Santa cometa has a nice ring to it! (Death by Santa? Sounds like a Tim Burton movie!!)
I would like to apologize. Good thing I didn't post this in any of the running threads.

I write fiction. Sci-fi/Fantasy/Paranormal. I also study the material here, and have been for a long time. I haven't written anything for a long time. I am wondering if perhaps the cool 'theory' I had, was more of a story than a theory.

I like to consider that anything could be true/real. Just because I can't prove it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When you are the writer, writing the can make anything true and real. Because it's your story and it's fiction. It doesn't have to be true, but it also could be true, even if the writer is not aware of it.

I may have taken a stream of seemingly related ideas (to me), and turned them into a story. But I presented it as a theory. I appreciate the people who took the time to read and respond. Maybe somebody is already writing that story and I just don't know about it.
I have started a new thread to ponder a thought that just popped into my head. It may be ridiculous, so feel free to back out now. Also feel free to offer your own thoughts, and I won't be offended if you think my ideas/questions are redundant.
I have been recently reading another thread where the C's transcripts were shown relating to the Nephilim and their return to Earth. This thread is to stop me from de-railing the other thread that I'm referring to.

So the Nephilim were giants, 11-14' tall. They are coming back by the millions. Are they returning as the same giants, or are they now altered to look more like us peasant humans? Are they already here and blending in with society? Are they filtering into different locations, slowly, not all at once? Is this new updated Nephilim the reason so many humans have been experimented on, tinkered with, samples taken from them to make them appear as, 'one of us'?? (Kinda makes that recent rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar seem odd, with Krendick releasing a single, "Not Like Us".

We have been prepared ad nauseam for an alien invasion. Always coming from the sky. Funny that movie that came out recently titled "Don't Look Up". Are we looking in the wrong direction? Is this alien invasion already underway and they look like us? ("Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?") There's a lot of good stuff in media/music, isn't there?

Last, and probably most controversial question...are they the mostly male "illegal aliens" that are/have been entering various countries without any real attempt to stop it from the governments?

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I encourage conversation so all thoughts are welcome.
The Cs gave a description about many variants of grays and reptilians when they arrive on Earth they would eventually awaken all humans.
There would also be meteorite impacts and the twin Sun.
There would also be an implosion of the wave which would cause effects-powers to some people. It was discussed if there would be a confrontation and they said "close" as I believe suggesting that with these new powers we can avoid them.
They spoke of a fusion of dust aspects of us and that absolutely everything will be when the wave completely implodes.
In the August 2024 session they said that the wave is in its early stages
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