I ran across some videos about this as it relates to the media. The creator of the videos takes a 2 minute segment with Hannity & Colmes interviewing Kevin Barrett, a University of Wisconsin professor/9-11 researcher. Prof. Barrett is being interviewed for his choice to include conspiracy theories and 9/11 in his Islamic Study course. The creator of the video describes, in short segments, the non verbal gestures/body gestures, redirecting, anchoring, linking, control, word usage (i.e conspiracy nut) subconscious and psychological manipulations and the lengths they go to disrupt the professor's thinking during the interview and discredit him. There's a segment in the 2nd video about 666 and the okay hand gesture that's seems a litte odd. I couldn't find a website that confirmed that.
Videos in 3 parts - 30 minutes total
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1979.msg11199#msg11199 (Superman Returns: WING TV repels Pathological Pirates AKA Rense & Co)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1093.msg4991#msg4991 (What Rense.com is not talking about)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6988.msg49280#msg49280 (COINTELPRO: Morgan Reynolds Makes a Federal Case of 9/11)
Some links to discussions of NLP:
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6984.msg49081#msg49081 (Mankubus/Bogachev NLP Cinderellas trapped in Kingdom of crooked mirror)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6757.msg47039#msg47039 (REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=7679.msg54720#msg54720 (Ericksonian hypnosis)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6667.msg46014#msg46014 (Mind Control & HAARP - Comments from a reader of SOTT)
Certainly prompts further reading & studying on the subject of NLP.
As Richard Sauder said in his podcast interview with Laura: "Very much so. And the mind control aspect of this is crucial. Now mind control operates on many levels. You have the electronic mind control technologies, eh the ones that I discussed for example the patterns in the Kundalini Tales and similar technologies, and then you have HAARP, and the twin towers, and microwave technology and the cell phones which appear to have very bad effects on the human mind and the human brain but it's eh... it's ubiquotuos (???) now, this technology is, it's everywhere and everyone seems to have one um... though I refuse on many grounds so far to have a cellphone um... almost everyone does these days. And then, you have other forms, more prozaic forms if you will, of mind and social control, such as the public school system and the university system, then you have instititional religion like eh... christianity, islam, judaism, hinduism, and so forth, eh... then you have other means of social and mind control such as television, and on and on it goes. There's just an onslaughter of stuff and the average person does not understand how thoroughly controlled he or she is.
L: Right. And it happens, when you begin to wake up, there's no end to the scales that continue to fall from your eyes... eh... you make it to the first one or two or three layers, only to discover, seemingly there's no end to it. This planet is controlled and locked down up, down and sideways, and has been for centuries if not for millenia."
edit: addt'l link & more data
Videos in 3 parts - 30 minutes total
http://www.cassiopedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Neuro-linguistic_programming#OverviewCassiopedia said:Neurolinguistics: Neurolinguistics is the science concerned with the human brain mechanisms underlying the comprehension, production, and abstract knowledge of language, be it spoken, signed, or written.
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of techniques, axioms and beliefs that adherents use primarily as an approach to personal development. NLP was influenced by the ideas of the New Age era as well as beliefs in human potential. The initial ideas of NLP were developed around 1973 by Richard Bandler, a student, and John Grinder, a professor of linguistics, in association with the social scientist Gregory Bateson. The term "Neuro-linguistic programming" denotes a set of models and principles meant to explore how mind and neurology (neuro), language patterns (linguistic), and the organization of human perception and cognition into systemic patterns (programming) interact to create subjective reality and human behaviors.
Above is from the book Coersion, Why We Listen to What They Say. _http://www.amazon.com/Coercion-Why-Listen-what-They/dp/1573221155Douglas Rushkoff said:A branch of behavioral psychology developed in the 1970s called "neuro-linguistic programming" not only provides a scientific basis for the neural origins of gestural responses but teaches its practitioners how to program people through them. As defined by its founders in their seminal work, Neuro-linguistic Programming, "NLP offers specific techniques by which a practitioner may usefully organize and re-organize his or her subjective experience or the experience of a client in order to define and subsequently secure any behavioral outcome" p59
Neuro-linguistic programmers also use disassociation to achieve the same results. By nesting one story or idea inside another, a programmer can bypass our rational defense mechanisms. In the moment that we move from one frame of awareness to another, we are no longer able to determine the veracity of the nested concept.p60
A few Sott threads identifying NLP in action:NLP Company said:Three examples of specific NLP language patterns in three different contexts. The first is an example of using covert hypnosis to start a training course, the second is about hypnotic seduction and the third is for networking in a business context."
An example of Hypnotic Seduction, an NLP persuasion:
So you are into the conversation, built some rapport and have your subject nicely going into a powerfully erratic state (I know it should be erotic, but you haven't seen my love life), and you are now looking to future pace, amplify and bind that to you.
"You ...Like Me probably see look back from the future to see the start of the great things in your life (if you are up for it at this point be pointing at your groin…remember the anchoring).
What I mean is, when you look back on your past to certain events you can realise that this is the start of a great new adventure (notice the change in tenses and the ambiguity here am I talking about now, this event, a past event or what?)
This happens to me often, when you do this (switching referential index) it’s funny how much the more you try to let go of the event they more you keep going back to it, getting more and more excited about what you are starting now… (more do (x) then more (y) happens pattern…a great cause and effect bind).
…Starting now with me I meet someone that you just want to spend time with, get to know more closely and just know you are having a great time with (run on sentence, switching referential index, and embedded command galore).
When I do this, you find yourself thinking of that person (pointing to yourself of course) at odd moments of the day, like every time you step into the shower, or whenever you switch on a light switch (here is the bind…suggesting that they think of you every time they do a very common action…you sneaky people…but let’s amplify this a little).
When I have met someone I really like this feels really good because every time you picture them and realise all the things you like about them you just get that great feeling deep inside and it just gets stronger and stronger every time you take the step or flick the switch.
Now I wouldn’t be so presumptuous to suggest that is happening to us now…but wouldn’t it be fun if you could look back from the future and see yourself as having this as the start of a great new adventure?_http://www.thenlpcompany.com/nlp/hypnotic-seduction.php
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1979.msg11199#msg11199 (Superman Returns: WING TV repels Pathological Pirates AKA Rense & Co)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1093.msg4991#msg4991 (What Rense.com is not talking about)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6988.msg49280#msg49280 (COINTELPRO: Morgan Reynolds Makes a Federal Case of 9/11)
Some links to discussions of NLP:
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6984.msg49081#msg49081 (Mankubus/Bogachev NLP Cinderellas trapped in Kingdom of crooked mirror)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6757.msg47039#msg47039 (REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=7679.msg54720#msg54720 (Ericksonian hypnosis)
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6667.msg46014#msg46014 (Mind Control & HAARP - Comments from a reader of SOTT)
Certainly prompts further reading & studying on the subject of NLP.
As Richard Sauder said in his podcast interview with Laura: "Very much so. And the mind control aspect of this is crucial. Now mind control operates on many levels. You have the electronic mind control technologies, eh the ones that I discussed for example the patterns in the Kundalini Tales and similar technologies, and then you have HAARP, and the twin towers, and microwave technology and the cell phones which appear to have very bad effects on the human mind and the human brain but it's eh... it's ubiquotuos (???) now, this technology is, it's everywhere and everyone seems to have one um... though I refuse on many grounds so far to have a cellphone um... almost everyone does these days. And then, you have other forms, more prozaic forms if you will, of mind and social control, such as the public school system and the university system, then you have instititional religion like eh... christianity, islam, judaism, hinduism, and so forth, eh... then you have other means of social and mind control such as television, and on and on it goes. There's just an onslaughter of stuff and the average person does not understand how thoroughly controlled he or she is.
L: Right. And it happens, when you begin to wake up, there's no end to the scales that continue to fall from your eyes... eh... you make it to the first one or two or three layers, only to discover, seemingly there's no end to it. This planet is controlled and locked down up, down and sideways, and has been for centuries if not for millenia."
edit: addt'l link & more data