New Age Spirituality


The Force is Strong With This One
I was wondering what all is encompassed in the New Age spirituality teachings? My sister and I both came across the C's at the same time, but now she is really veering off into a different direction. She talks about going 'in' instead of looking 'out'. She isn't interested in hearing about the appropriate supplements to take stating we can heal ourselves from within, no need for supplements. She is talking about raising her own vibration.She says she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it. She uses all the New Age jargon, ie finding 'her truth'. Does this sound like she is going down the New Age rabbit hole, or is she correct? When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world. It's sad for me because I don't have any other people in my life in person that I can talk to about all this. I have the forum, not nothing in person. Any thoughts? She is really interested in Joe Dispenza and Dr. Kim D'Eramo.
It is delicate to advise because she is your sister, but the impression I have reading between the lines is that you want to guide her to the right path.

So I'm not going to help you with that.

You understand?

You are very intelligent and I am sure that if your sister genuinely asks you about something, you will respond in the best way.

I hope you understand me and it helps you.
Your sister has freewill to walk any path that takes her interest. Cassiopaea isn’t the only road, our opinion here and most likely a unanimous one is that we all feel like we belong, and when we veer away or don’t stay connected it feels like something is missing, because we (most of us) don’t have this in our everyday life with people around us physically. So we keep coming back, to ‘feed’ and be fed by eachother. I shouldn’t talk for anyone else but this is how I feel, I’ve got family members who are aware of things but they can’t get on board here for whatever reasons (and I’ve tried for a long time but here is not their place)
If a person come along and likes it here then they will want to contribute and be a part of it no matter how small or large, they’ll give what they can. They might find out after some time that they don’t fit and wander off elsewhere and may be even come back when they can’t find what they are looking for.

From the limited experience I have with others on the upward journey most of them are off on their own tangent gravitating to feel good sources of info and entertainment and not ready to embark on deep self discovery, suffering really sucks and it’s hard to take full responsibility for ourselves, it’s even harder to admit that we are all puppets being played for our loosh and imagining that isn’t so (I’m safe in my bubble of white light) is kinder on the ego than seeing the truth of the situation and learning how to overcome the control.

I woke up in new age land. It didn’t satisfy me for long, but it was what worked to break the slumber, I read a heap of trash that was just food for ego but it primed me for the next awakening …. now I’m getting primed for another level of awakening..

I agree it’s kinda sad to see others that we love walk their own way when we think ours is better, safer, more fulfilling, less distorted, but it’s not wrong for them to do that and with respect and humility we are just there when/if they ask.

I’ve got adult children, it’s kinda like having to let them loose on the world and if they come back asking more questions then I’ll do my best to answer…. But I have almost zero say in their lives now. I just had no choice but to let go and meet them within their bubble, mostly uninterrupted, and only dropping hints where opportunity comes up. They will do what they will do.

I have had quite a battle with my ego about wanting everyone to do/see like me, I used to preach and overstep my boundaries a lot. It took some years to learn that isn’t my job, my job is to be an example and nothing else. Keeping my mouth shut was/ is a hard thing to learn.

It’s really not about your sister, it’s about you, she will do what she does, you’re just there to help when she needs you to, but she will always be the one who decides when that is. 💘
I was wondering what all is encompassed in the New Age spirituality teachings? My sister and I both came across the C's at the same time, but now she is really veering off into a different direction. She talks about going 'in' instead of looking 'out'. She isn't interested in hearing about the appropriate supplements to take stating we can heal ourselves from within, no need for supplements. She is talking about raising her own vibration.She says she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it. She uses all the New Age jargon, ie finding 'her truth'. Does this sound like she is going down the New Age rabbit hole, or is she correct? When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world. It's sad for me because I don't have any other people in my life in person that I can talk to about all this. I have the forum, not nothing in person. Any thoughts? She is really interested in Joe Dispenza and Dr. Kim D'Eramo.
Well, it is a complicated situation. More you say 'not to go', more they will 'go'. they may even cut the relationship. There is no short cut to learning by 'burning the hands'. Be neutral and let her make her own choices. At the end it is her life, her experience and her lessons. Be available to her, if she wants. You can indirectly give hints, when the opportunity arises rather than being direct. Take care of yourself and what you need to do on your path.
She talks about going 'in' instead of looking 'out'.

Hi Dani,

This is purely my perspective but I too have a younger sister that is very focused on her vibration, her ability to mysteriously gain prominence within her sphere of interactions by being open to the universal vibration of love and light, and as I quote you above, only focusing on herself "in"wardly and less so to looking "out" into the world that we all cohabit.

No one would ever describe me as a New Ager, but I tend to have the same optimism about the world as someone that would self-identify as one.

Me and my sister have had conversations over the years that touch on matters in the Universe, esoteric musings, remarkable coincidences and deeper meaning in the histories we are all taught.

That being said, there are very significant differences that are foundational to our beings.

Which for myself, the personal journey thus far in life has been that of 'struggle', 'hardship' and 'frequent disappointment'.

The 'struggle' aspect has led me to wanting to understand why there is a struggle to begin with, to question everything and become acutely aware of forces that cannot be seen overtly, but visible in patterns only recognizable with prerequisite knowledge of such forces. The struggle also has developed a fortification of my resolve (some might say stubborn) which fuels my ability to keep pushing against the 'struggle'. This is starkly different than those that avoid the struggle aspect.

The 'hardship' aspect can by some be self-inflicted at some points in my life, having walked away from easy offers in life, but offers that would require complacency which I cannot do, my internal Constitution won't allow it. Alternatively, those that take the 'easy' road seem to lack a certain level of presence and understanding of life which is what I have experienced in my life with those more on the New Age side of the spectrum.

The 'frequent disappointment' aspect is both from those in the world but most importantly in myself. While I have the tenacity to continue to 'struggle' through 'hardship' I rarely am satisfied with the state of my own being. This perspective again is my fuel for continuously wanting to be less disappointed through what some call continuous improvement, others call the Work.

And work is indeed what it is and it is not easy work at all, this Work that is much different than acceptance of everything, always trusting a universal vibration of love and light to save oneself and trusting the mysterious invisible hand(s) that seem to move the chess pieces on the board of life/history/future.

I hope some of that makes some sense and helps you in your question.

Thank you to everyone who shared and commented above. I love hearing other's perspectives and I always learn something new from hearing them. I completely understand that she needs to make her own choices. It's hard to see her choose the 'more gentle' path but I guess that is her path to take. It is interesting the idea of our life struggles/circumstances dictating or leading us to choose one path over another. She has had a relatively easier life in that she hasn't had many negative interactions or struggles. I, on the other hand, have had many in multiple aspects and have had to learn to overcome those struggles or fend for myself or let go and move on. Perhaps this fact has made it easier for me to 'choose' the path/Work of the C's and for her to follow a more gentle path of learning. It is an interesting idea I would not have come to on my own. Truly appreciate the responses. Thank you!
Well, it is a complicated situation. More you say 'not to go', more they will 'go'. they may even cut the relationship. There is no short cut to learning by 'burning the hands'. Be neutral and let her make her own choices. At the end it is her life, her experience and her lessons. Be available to her, if she wants. You can indirectly give hints, when the opportunity arises rather than being direct. Take care of yourself and what you need to do on your path.

I just want to add that the second book of the Wave series: "Soul Hackers: The Hidden Hands Behind the New Age Movement" is all about the New Age - on how it came to be and the influence it has on people. If she asks maybe you can point out the series to her.

Also, remember what the Cs have said:

A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels
  1. Body and immediate environment,
  2. Wider world affairs,
  3. Cosmos and spirit.
Q: (L) Shouldn't "spirit" go with "Body and immediate environment"?

A: No, it is via the first steps that one achieves cosmic consciousness.

(L) I don't understand.

(Chu) You have to work on the body and environment, and then understand the wider world at first. And then you can develop cosmic consciousness and spirit.

(L) Oooh. So in other words, to achieve cosmic consciousness, i.e. true spiritual advancement, you have to expand your field of vision to be very wide?

A: Exactly. Those who suggest that you must look only within live in a singular bubble.

Which goes in line with:

A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

Take care!
It's hard to see her choose the 'more gentle' path but I guess that is her path to take.

Yes, perhaps some can only see it as the path of least resistance (this other stuff looks hard - so just don't see it), which does not mean that it will not be gentle down the road for her. To be so inwardly focused, er, in love and light mode, reality may indeed escape their notice until, if at all, it gives them a shock. What then? How prepared will they be?

She has had a relatively easier life in that she hasn't had many negative interactions or struggles.

As things move along as they seem to be aggressively doing, there will surely be greater shocks. How will she fair on an emotional level, let alone physical?

So, making a choice and being on different paths, each will no doubt experience them in different ways. Lessons.

From your first post:

She is talking about raising her own vibration. She says she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it.

Quick learner in seeing the unseen.

When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world. It's sad for me because I don't have any other people in my life in person that I can talk to about all this.

Understand, and yet she is subject to her own free will in all this. There may also come a time when she reach back out to you again, and you may or may not be there, yet nothing can be forced.

Hope she does okay.
'ey , friendly reminder , "all there is is lessons " , that attitude is from someone shutting down ( or worse ) , "she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it" , riiiiight .
Let others be curious in their own way. If they're curious, they'll go ahead and take risks. There are, however, people who are not curious at all, I have a friend who is like that, too bad for him! But if your sister is curious, who knows.

In the New Age section there are sometimes authors who are not so bad, I remember Sarah Ban Breathnach with her "Simple Abundance, a Daybook of comfort and joy" which is great because it gives a lot of information from other authors and writers and it deals with spirituality too. Even if this book is in the “New Age” section, it is also a door to go a little further. And then there's Joan Borysenko who is one of the leading experts on stress, spirituality, and the mind/body connection. It was John Kabat-Zinn, the man who put Mindfulness on the map, who introduced me to it at the time.

There are New Agers who are fanatics, for them, it's a religion, but others are more open, for them it's just a step, a level that will allow them to go up a level, to go further. If they're curious.

It's good to accept others at their level. That's how we put ourselves in their place. Wanting to change them as we see reality is inappropriate. That's not our job. It's not an easy task. With those we love it's even harder, to keep quiet, to listen, to accept. But that's what loving is: respecting others as they are without judging them.

Good luck to your sister and to you.
I occasionally experience similar problems and try to find explanations. What I will suggest might be more relevant for my own case but, from some aspects, still be beneficial to others, and again to myself through feedback.

She talks about going 'in' instead of looking 'out'.

Eventually, there needs to be a balance between “in” and “out”. In the sense of priority of “work on self”, I think she might be right to a certain extent.

She says she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it.

The most problematic aspect of “hyperdimensionality” is the extreme “negativity” involved in it, in the sense of continuous manipulations and attacks by higher STS forces. From a certain perspective, there’s no difference between the negativity directed from higher density beings and the one directed from beings within our own 3D STS world although the one directed from higher is more difficult to notice and counteract especially without the support of “others” with a certain awareness of such realities.

When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world.

Accepting the negative truth of the world is something. Counteracting it is another important thing. In the latter sense, I believe this “forum” (collectivity) performs incomparably better than any single one of us can do individually. Counteracting the “matrix” individually as opposed to collectively is not much meaningful. But this doesn’t mean that we have no fight with the matrix of negativity within ourselves that we need to deal with individually (work on self). Maybe that war or adversity is more about noticing and counteracting our “ego” (false self), which might be considered as acting somehow in cooperation with the external system of negativity. Like an enemy inside. We need a support group to help each other for both the internal and the external fight against negativity, against mental and, in connection with that, bodily pathogens.

In the sense of “work on self”, which I think the C’s says is kind of a priority, your sister can be right. I mean, she might accurately have sensed her need for work on herself. In my view, this is mostly about exploring, controlling, and diminishing our ego. The more one takes one’s ego under control and thus becomes more positive, the more capable one becomes of fighting external negativities, helping others fight their ego, cooperating for bigger scale counteraction against manipulations and attacks, etc.

We are both dependent on the mundane and collective life and we are also independent of it. There’s an intricate balance there. In work on self, one needs to sense and enjoy one’s existential independence and free will. This independence doesn’t necessarily mean “solitude” although it might need to involve it sometimes. In fact, all existence is “one”, at least from an STO point of view.
As one of possibly endless ways of work on self, try consciously leaving all negative thoughts, all negative mental and bodily charges for some time although this can be more difficult than it sounds to be. Try gradually disowning any and all negativity in your mind/being in some of your internal works, and you most probably already do this directly or indirectly. This is not a denial of the "negative truth of the world". This will not even kill your ego permanently. I believe this is about beginning to remember what your true being is like. It's positive permanently. Rather than "containing" positivity as one of its features or characteristics, it is positivity. Imagine and will to become ever more positive because it is what/who you really are. It is what true being/self is. By contrast, this also implies what ego (false self) is or isn't. The extremely dominantly negative realities of our life and our egotistical mundane wishes and fears (3D thinking) often discourage us from remembering, identifying with, and enjoying true being/positivity deeply. Individual independence and courage is important here. Often, we might be hesitant to do or become something which "others" around us don't do or become. Social assimilation and pressure has both favorable and unfavorable results. But as the world/society as we know it collapses more and more, hopefuly it will be easier to think and act more independently in cooperation with others like us.
Thank you to everyone who shared and commented above. I love hearing other's perspectives and I always learn something new from hearing them. I completely understand that she needs to make her own choices. It's hard to see her choose the 'more gentle' path but I guess that is her path to take. It is interesting the idea of our life struggles/circumstances dictating or leading us to choose one path over another. She has had a relatively easier life in that she hasn't had many negative interactions or struggles. I, on the other hand, have had many in multiple aspects and have had to learn to overcome those struggles or fend for myself or let go and move on. Perhaps this fact has made it easier for me to 'choose' the path/Work of the C's and for her to follow a more gentle path of learning. It is an interesting idea I would not have come to on my own. Truly appreciate the responses. Thank you!
The concept that 'Aliens exist', they can 'play with us like a mouse' itself is a chilling prospect for most including many of us here at first. Knowing the methods/mechanics STS uses makes one lose peace of mind or even sleep. So, let's not underestimate the process involved in mere acceptance of those possibilities. It becomes much worse if we realize that we can't muster enough courage or will to go through the process UNLESS we cleanse of body and mind.

Many times I wondered how Aliens could hide for so long - 309,000 years, if every soul comes with a blue print from 5D. In recent session, C's mentioned that If soul doesn't suspect of Aliens or 4D in 3D , they can't make choices of it before birth in 5D. That is why, STS makes so much effort to hide it. True, Lizards lived among humans during certain periods in the history, but that is among their believers.

(hlat) The upcoming Wave will take us from 3D to 4D. Do the precursor waves also take us from 3D to 4D albeit temporarily?

A: Somewhat, yes. Also it is a process that is ongoing.

Q: (Joe) So, kind of like when they were talking about being able to perceive 4D in 5D, you have to be aware of it beforehand. So, is it in terms of the bleedthrough, people who are aware of the idea of another reality of 4D, would that awareness at least help them in terms of being able to address discrepancies and that kind of stuff?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) And also paying attention to discrepancies rather than normalizing everything, right?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) It's an important factor.

I just want to add that the second book of the Wave series: "Soul Hackers: The Hidden Hands Behind the New Age Movement" is all about the New Age - on how it came to be and the influence it has on people. If she asks maybe you can point out the series to her.

Also, remember what the Cs have said:

Which goes in line with:

Take care!
I forgot about that part! There is so much information in those books I probably need to reread them. Ironically, she was 1/4 the way through book 2 when she quit reading the series.
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