New Age Spirituality

The Fourth Way is not a book it is what this forum is mostly based on. It's a way of "being". You do Work on yourself by looking inward and seeing how you react to things "out there" and trying to better yourself. You really need a network, like this forum, to do it properly. I ask because you said your sister wanted to (paraphrasing here) look inside instead of outside.

If you look at our recommended booklist, you will find many titles on the Fourth Way. In Search of the Miraculous is a good one to start with.
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I forgot about that part! There is so much information in those books I probably need to reread them. Ironically, she was 1/4 the way through book 2 when she quit reading the series.
That is where "cold water bath" starts, with Lessons, depth of deceptions with our own interactions with people, greenbaum material, programming "sets" and so on. Vulnerability of 3D life becomes obvious and Heat or unpleasantness will be intense there. The more one pushes those topics, the more they move into cocoon of new age, out of "shock".

Initial curiosities (failure of main stream narrations and materialism) leads to alternatives, that leads to new age, gaps in new age leads to look for the alternatives. None that is intensely personnel until one starts reading 'nuts and bolts' of one's own hopelessness.

Luckily, There are so many other topics in other Wave books, that will resonate while satisfying curiosities of mind , builds trust on the material. That built up "trust" will inevitably lead to Book 2 later, when she is ready. So, you can indirectly suggest her other topics of her interest in the Wave. Let her take her own time.
It's hard to see her choose the 'more gentle' path but I guess that is her path to take. It is interesting the idea of our life struggles/circumstances dictating or leading us to choose one path over another. She has had a relatively easier life in that she hasn't had many negative interactions or struggles. I, on the other hand, have had many in multiple aspects and have had to learn to overcome those struggles or fend for myself or let go and move on. Perhaps this fact has made it easier for me to 'choose' the path/Work of the C's and for her to follow a more gentle path of learning.

The unfortunate irony is the gentle path is actually a hard road. Reality and our lessons only seem to become more and more difficult the more we deny those things. But that is a lesson in and of itself. It is an interesting observation about those with an easy life though. Happy times tend to lead to hard times, and suffering seems the primary way we learn.
To be clear there is an Ouspensky book called 'The Fourth Way' but it contains mostly material which is also found in 'In Search of the Miraculous', which is probably the best first book to introduce Gurdjieff's methods.
I was wondering what all is encompassed in the New Age spirituality teachings? My sister (...) She uses all the New Age jargon, ie finding 'her truth'. Does this sound like she is going down the New Age rabbit hole, or is she correct? When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world. It's sad for me because I don't have any other people in my life in person that I can talk to about all this. I have the forum, not nothing in person. Any thoughts?
Yes, it is sad for most of us on the forum that many people close to us do not listen or choose not to see what is going on when with a little knowledge and work it all becomes apparent, so this also confirms the rule that suffering will continue for many as we try to stay balanced in our daily lives and continue to "watch the show".
To get some ideas, I suggest you to search in the channelings for something on the subject. The Cassiopaeans have said about the New Age and the self-restriction to see only the good and/or the positive (Ra material) as follows:

Q: I have been having a dialogue with a fellow on the net in the last week or so who is very well versed in the Ra Material. He sent me a large chunk of volume 5 of the Ra books, which was material that had not been released earlier. It seems that during the times that Don Elkins was asking some questions about different conspiracies and the nature of the 4th density STS manipulations and some other rather grim subjects, that there was some sort of judgment made by this group, or members of this group, that such subjects were not appropriate lines of questioning for an STO channel. They were, apparently, considered to be a focusing on negative aspects, therefore they were not of 'love and light.' Such questions and directions of questions were, therefore, discouraged or agreed by this group to be not desirable to pursue. Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you tell us why?

A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close realization of shutting off the noise.

Q: What noise was he wanting to shut off
A: It is a figure of speech.

Q: I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this marvelous contact with Ra...
A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of attack.

Q: Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of attack it was, and how to deal with it?
A: The questions were not asked.

Q: Why were the questions not asked that would have protected him?
A: "Love and Light."

Q: So, because they were so focused on the love and light aspects...
A: There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?
A: No, there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

Q: So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of 'bites you' no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?
A: Close.

Q: Okay, there was a little bit more about Linda Howe and David Jacobs on the net recently. Bruce Maccabee wrote an article in which he described the differences in attitudes between David Jacobs and Linda Howe. David Jacobs, of course, thinks the whole alien thing is 4th density STS. He pretty much understands it and has a grip on the negative nature of these manipulations. But, Maccabee mentions that Linda Howe is inclined to follow the 'aliens are here to help us no matter how horrible these things they do seem' path. She seems to be trying to find goodness in all of it, despite the in-depth investigations she has done into the cattle mutilations and so forth. So, once again, this has come up in discussion. Comment please.
A: Specifics, please.

Q: Well, once before, you said she was not corruptible, but, this blindness to the negative nature of our reality and the obvious manipulations, seems to be a form of corruption.
A: No, you are reading too much into critiques. There is much jealousy within the "UFO community." This manifests as sniping, name calling, and other forms of skullduggery. You have tasted some of this bitter tea yourself, and, of course, it is all representative of attack.

Q: (A) Well, we were talking about Don Elkins, and essentially, he was under attack, but the questions were not asked that could have helped him to understand this. I would like to ask if we are under attack now. It is better to ask the question.
A: You have always been under attack, but the difference is that you have awareness of it. Knowledge protects.
As I understand most of the New Age cults and the like are selling snake oil, ( sometimes even literally ) and tend to distract us from our learning, drain our energy, keep us confused and deactivated, reminds me of Hamelin's pied piper tale and well one must remember that against these egregores one should not fight but be on vigilance and act in favor of one's destiny.
I don’t think all new age thinking is a cult, although there is a boatload of snake oil for sale, for sure. There certainly are new age cults but there is also a general fog of new age concepts that are not well thought out that permeate the culture of both the young and the old. Plenty of boomers fall for the new age stuff, too.

That said, Nothing in this world is 100% “bad” and without some positive attributes. I go back and forth with one of my millennial sons on this. Of course I am preaching to be on the watch for shark attacks and land mines of wishful, magical thinking and to be aware of lessons. On the other hand, at the core of the millennial thinking is a rejection of excessive paranoid worrying, a desire for something better than what they see, and those both have merit. “Dad, you sound so negative!” On the bright side, the other day he said “Dad sometimes I listen to myself and I sound just like you”. The counterpoint to this is that I try to mirror back some of his hope for a better future. (A cosmic transformational wave is coming)

The big issue is of course the new age requirement to stick your head in the sand and pretend you aren’t getting your ass kicked.

I think another key hook is that millennials are trying to prove themselves right. (Often through bogus studies and unproven claims by the snake oil salesmen like “Dr” Joe (new age BS) Dispenser. Problematically, there are several ounces of truth in what the charlatans say, otherwise snake oil wouldn’t sell so well.

The antidote/middle ground seems to be some kind of upbeat stoicism where the negative, top-down management by a psychopathic crop of selfish jerks backed by hyperdimensional mafia dons is balanced with some sort of optimistic hope of a different destiny for real humans. (Through learned lessons and some kind of doorway/merging into a different reality) (4D STO hopefully)

Yeah, new age thinking is a trap. But I’m also saying I think that the upbeat attitudinal component of new age thinking has a useful place in a dark Jackowski World. Happy go lucky helps. (Versus: this life just plain sucks)

There’s a trap laid for every generation. The new age trap isn’t any worse than any other such mindset designed to vector people away from real observation and thinking. OSIT
I was wondering what all is encompassed in the New Age spirituality teachings? My sister and I both came across the C's at the same time, but now she is really veering off into a different direction. She talks about going 'in' instead of looking 'out'. She isn't interested in hearing about the appropriate supplements to take stating we can heal ourselves from within, no need for supplements. She is talking about raising her own vibration.She says she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it. She uses all the New Age jargon, ie finding 'her truth'. Does this sound like she is going down the New Age rabbit hole, or is she correct? When I tell her she sounds New Agey, she replies that New Age is only about seeing the good/loving/positive and not accepting the negative truth of the world. It's sad for me because I don't have any other people in my life in person that I can talk to about all this. I have the forum, not nothing in person. Any thoughts? She is really interested in Joe Dispenza and Dr. Kim D'Eramo.
Remember everyone is on their own point on the learning curve. Just because she is your sister and you two are “close” doesn’t mean she is on same path or you two will grown on the same timeline.

Doesn’t sound like she is sincerely asking for your help so the next best way to be STO is for you to set an example that she can emulate. Do your own research, exploring and knowledge gaining/experience gaining and of course you can share will her what you have learned like a scientists sharing data from an experience…

You two may end up at the same truth/realization/perspective years from now but travel down different roads…

Let her build her instruments on her own so you don’t violate her free will or your own.

Set an example and maybe have monthly “meetings” for a hour where you talk about what you have experienced/learned esotericaly/spiritually

You never know maybe you will learn something from her at the very least everyone learns how to discern as there are few sources of 100% truth her in 3D

If you see her walking infront of a proverbial care with her back turned by all means speak up but anything short have that enjoy your own journey
Gnosis trilogy made me feel like a total dead beat, like all the buffers got stripped away in an instant and I was was metal grinding on metal giving off sparks, each spark illuminating and revealing what a loser I’ve been at life!

Fun times!!
Having the ABILITY to have the "false" self/personality stripped away not buffer back into it and later on joke about it makes one anything but a .... loser..... even when classifying loser as you in the past? This ability was in that "loser" self back then it just need the right environment/timing and impressions/knowledge to awaken.

Jordan Peterson who is mentioned here at times talks about how society has a strong hold on humans behaviors....During WW2 if one was in Germany and of a certain race/gender/age the probability that one would be aiding the SS against the Jews and others thinking one were doing "right" is a strong possibility...I thought that was a fair point as most 18-30 year olds dont have the ABILITY to erase buffers and don't have the rare mix of circumstances of environment/time and impressions/knowledge.

You found it used it and are better for it. Now if you told me you read the books 6 times and on the 7th you finally got it and everything else was created equal environment/time... then yea maybe i'd be more aligned with your post of "past loser" but I surmise this wasn't the case.
'ey , friendly reminder , "all there is is lessons " , that attitude is from someone shutting down ( or worse ) , "she has learned enough about the world of hyperdimensionality and no longer needs to explore it" , riiiiight .

The dimensional cognitive arrogance bit that you mentioned aside, the sister mentioning finding "her truth" got me worried the most. Sounds like post-modernist relativisation and multiplication of parallel equivalent yet independent truths. Yet another escape from both the objective reality and need for accountability into a place where own feelings matter the most. Likewise, not being willing to observe outward, as if everything outside of oneself is likely a lie, but the inner self somehow isn't. Solipsistic (wo)man-god nonsense.
Yes, you just nailed exactly what bothers me most about her stance. In addition, the whole 'my truth' really rubs me wrong. I am 3 years out of a marriage to a white-coat psychopath and I can only imagine what 'his truth' is. There is only THE truth. Everyone can have their own perspectives, but not truths. I think the terminology is a very clever way to allow the psychopaths of this world to manipulate and gaslight the rest of us without accountability.
There is only THE truth
This is an important statement. As you point out that your sister has 'her truth', your ex 'his truth' but you also have 'your truths'.

The Fourth way Work is useful in building a foundation that is more discerning. Discernment in that you view things more objectively and not so much subjectively. This is applicable not just in how those in your environment present their views, but also in the greater scheme of our lives such as the news for example. Often different subjective sources will tell you 'a story', but not wholly 'the story'.

Clever is one word, pernicious is another to describe how the selective aspects of the truth are served to you. Psyco and Sociopaths have this advanced ability to know that the selective pieces broken up into 'a story' will set you off in a direction, and they calculate how to capitalize on your reaction to just a part of 'the story' so that it will best serve their wishes. This happens to everyone, even to those that are practicing the way of the monk, the way of the fikar and maybe less for those practicing the way of the hermit. But being a hermit isn't very practical these days! ;)

As you/we learn more about the horror of the situation you (and all of us) are in, you could find the gift of remembering, to be present and by doing so, your level of discernment becomes elevated. So that it may be easier to comprehend that someone's 'truth' is just 'a story' out of the enormity of 'the story'.
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