New Cat

If coming inside for winter is not an option, my brother did this for an outside cat for Midwest US winter:

Get a large storage tote with a cover. Also get a disposable styrofoam cooler (like for fishing or boating).
Place the cooler inside the tote and fill the space between with straw or other insulator.
Place lids on the cooler, and then on the tote. Turn upside down so the lids become the floor.

Cut a doorway just big enough for the cat to enter and exit the tote/cooler combo.

Voila, kitty igloo!
Sleepy cat in ineffective compost bin house.
Sleepy cat in makeshift house from the ineffective DIY compost bin.​

Yesterday morning, I brought up the subject of bringing the cat into the house. Mom's argument was there were no mice in the house therefore he would serve no purpose inside. The only counterpoint I could come up with at the time was that cats are sympathetic to humans. It was weak, I know, and it depends on the cat, but without going into points mentioned in this thread that she might not understand, that's the only thing that came to my mind. It was a short conversation that I realised would need more time.

Around noon, my sister, who had to go to work and was in a rush, came to put coverings over some plants she had just planted in the garden. It reached a cool high of 8°C (46°F) and she was worried they might get stressed. And, of course, the cat came over to greet her. Now, I was downstairs working away on the computer when all of a sudden I heard little footsteps and small meows coming down the stairs. Apparently, while my sister was getting ready to leave, she was speaking with mom at the backdoor. Mom was inside and my sister was outside and the door was open. The cat just walked in. So, if I need an alibi, I was in the basement.

He slept on my lap for about 30-45 mins. and slept in mom's lap for about the same amount. He also explored the house finding the dirtiest spots to walk through covering himself in cobwebs and leaving dusty paw prints all over the place.

At around 10:30-11:00 pm, he was wide awake and started driving me nuts. I put him outside and he, I think, went in search of friends. He stayed out all night and I let him back in the house at around 9:30/10:00 am. He ate a little, explored the house a bit more, found a spot on the couch and took a snooze in my lap. He woke up again and started exploring/wandering around. It became a bit annoying so I put him outside around 12:30/1:00 so I could finish making lunch. It's 3:22 now and don't know where he is. I'm not worried. Mom's exhausted. She told me she wants to get rid of him. He strikes me as a 'teenager'.

Indoor Cat (rs).jpg
Sleepy cat indoors.​

Some gentle suggestions:

Get some worming treatment / flea treatment.

Have a good look at his teeth.

Buy good quality food.

Pooping / private business

Thanks for the checklist and tips forest_light and everyone! ❤️

I've actually implemented a few of these already. Right off the bat, I didn't want him digging up the garden to do his business so I bought an outdoor litterbox and a bag of litter that is made from clay. That stuff is awesome to clean! Yeah, it's more expensive though. When I first set it all up, he knew exactly what it was and used it almost immediately. No training required.

When I first started feeding him, I didn't know his state of health so I thought I should give him some Ivermectin and started dripping 6/7-ish drops of Bimectin from a syringe every 4 days into his wet food (I learned he's a pâté cat 👨‍🍳). I now give it to him every 6/7 days.

I went to the grocery store and looked at the cat food there. I had a feeling of what I was going to find but I looked anyway just to see if I was right. I was. Everything has 'corn something' in it which was high on the ingredient list as well as much worse. So I went to a small pet food store and fared much better. I bought a variety of canned food to see what he would eat (initially everything) but have moved towards raw food. There are three types: beef, chicken and duck. I bought the beef since it seems to have the most success. All that's in there are beef, ground-up beef bones, beef heart and liver. I've been transitioning him onto it. It's hit and miss right now but he is eating it.

I went to the pet store yesterday and bought some flea and tick powder made with food grade diatomatious earth, neem & yarrow oils that I'm going to work into his coat. I think he might have fleas because he spent around 5-10 mins. biting and licking one area around his shoulder blade.

I haven't checked his teeth yet. The next time he's in my lap...

As far as a name goes, I appreciate all the suggestions!

I would call him Vittorio or Vitto as you mentioned Victoria day...

I looked into this one a little bit. Vito is an old world male name meaning 'life', as I read, and Vittorio means 'conqueror'. The feminine Victoria means 'victory in war' but I thought of the male version Victor (the Latin form is Vittorio) which means "winner of a battle, test of strength, etc.; conqueror; famous warrior," 14th century, coming from the PIE root *weik-. On a whim, I searched the Saka dictionary just to see what I would find. I didn't know what I was looking for and wasn't getting a lot of results. One of the terms I searched for was 'overcome' and found the word with that meaning to be quite funny in a coincidental way: purr-! 🐱 So, Victor or Vincent perhaps?
He slept on my lap for about 30-45 mins. and slept in mom's lap for about the same amount. He also explored the house finding the dirtiest spots to walk through covering himself in cobwebs and leaving dusty paw prints all over the place.
Hilarious. That didn't take long for him to end up in your mother's lap. From what you described I thought she would have been chasing him out of the house with a broom! 😂 Cobweb collections, I love it. He was clearly letting you know he had checked the house thoroughly for mice and dust bunnies and was happy to do some cobweb removals to show his gratitude for the excellent food selections and lovely company. Wait til he rubs himself in the dirt and dust and leaves it all in a pile on your bed - that you just changed. It's awesome! 🤪 but a small price to pay for the sweet delightful companionship of a 2D friend. They teach us a lot more than many of us realise, and they are exceptionally good at lowering our cortisol/stress levels through touch (unless of course they are waking you up 20 times a night! :lol:). I don't know if there is much chance of getting your mother to appreciate the benefits of kitty snuggles at this point unless you can all find a happy medium.
At around 10:30-11:00 pm, he was wide awake and started driving me nuts. I put him outside and he, I think, went in search of friends. He stayed out all night and I let him back in the house at around 9:30/10:00 am.
Sounds like he is a night owl and has been used to that a long time; he has clearly been living out in the community as a free spirit, doing what cats do - for them, a lot of the really fun exciting stuff happens at night. Sounds like you need a cat door if you want to have a harmonious existence together - from the sounds of things I don't think you guys are up for retraining him to stay inside at night.

Fleas / ticks / diatomaceous earth:
This is very effective. I have a bag of food grade DE but it is in small granules - the powder is very toxic (and easy) to breathe in for you and your pet (silica/lung issues/silicosis). If you get that stuff in your lungs it's very bad news. Important to always wash your hands after getting it on your skin.

Best to apply it outdoors away from the house when there is a bit of wind/breeze so the cat doesn't breathe it in (ensure your face / the cat's face are upwind). I hold my breath and rub it into the fur / skin as thoroughly as possible - while he also tries his hardest to get the hell away from me. I jump up away from the dust and he takes off and gives himself a big shake, while flicking his tail leaving me under no illusion of precisely what he thinks of me, while giving me the Vader death stare. 'You know it's because I love you!!' More stink eye. 😁

I always check for ticks every day with my hands by massaging my cat all around his neck, jaw, ears and under his armpits - mostly if he has one it will be under the jaw area or on his neck. My cat never had one flea since using DE - occasionally a tick if I haven't applied it in a while.

Something you might be interested to watch is this documentary below - it's about a study that was done on cats and their activity, territorial areas, patterns of behaviour; many of the owners of the cats were astonished at what they learned about their fur babies! Your little guy seems pretty relaxed / well socialised with humans, which bodes well for his future happiness and wellbeing, no matter where he ends up living, he seems to have good instincts.

Follow Your Cat - What Felines get up to When They Leave the House​


Anti puces, tiques et poux broyeurs, pipettes liquide à déposer entre les omoplates :​


Antiparasitaire FRONTLINE Spot-On usage topique ; à partir de 12 semaines ; contre puces, tiques, poux broyeurs.
6 mois de protection (6 pipettes)
22,99 €
3,83 € / pièce

Flea, tick and lice repellent, liquid pipettes for application between the shoulder blades:
Anti-parasite FRONTLINE Spot-On topical use; from 12 weeks; against fleas, ticks, chewing lice.
6 months' protection (6 pipettes)
22,99 €
3.83 € / piece
Les chats adorent le poisson, je leur donne entre autres :
Thon/poulet, thon/poulet/fromage, thon/crevettes, thon/alevins de sardine, thon/palourdes, leur préféré est le thon/crevette...
6 x 70gà 8 euros

Cats love fish, I give them among others:
Tuna/chicken, tuna/chicken/cheese, tuna/shrimp, tuna/sardine, tuna/shrimp, their favorite is tuna/shrimp...
6 x 70gà 8 euros

C'est super qu'il fasse aussi des câlins à ta Maman...
It's great that he cuddles your Mum too...
Beautiful cat.
Maybe you you know that already but just in case you dont - cats suffer immensely if they are fed on diet of ultra processed commercial cat food. They are strict carnivores and these foods are mostly based on carbs so it is a recipe for disaster which may happen after several years. In fact huge proportion of domestic cats are diagnosed with either diabetes or chronic kidney failure by the age of 10.
There is a lot of information here if you want to learn more.
Merci Z..., je donne aussi à mes chats du steack de boeuf d'herbe et voici la composition des boites Almo Nature :
Caractéristiques de la nourriture humide Almo Nature pour chat :
aliment complémentaire pour tous les chats
disponible en différentes saveurs
teneur élevée en viande fraîche : entre 60 % et 75 % de viande fraîche de qualité supérieure qui était à l'origine propre à la consommation humaine (exception nourriture pour chaton : 50 % de poulet)
recette naturelle : les aliments sont cuits à la vapeur et se conservent dans leur propre bouillon, offrant ainsi un goût exquis et favorisant la digestion
profil nutritionnel élevé : processus de fabrication soigné, préservant la valeur nutritionnelle des ingrédients
sans blé ni gluten : conviennent aussi aux chats souffrant de sensibilités alimentaires
formule mono ou multi protéines : 1 seule ou plusieurs sources de protéines animales en fonction de la variété
haute appétence : teneur élevée en viande, recette naturelle et adaptée
sans additifs artificiels
Attention : les boîtes pour chat Almo Nature sont entièrement naturelles. Chaque saveur (thon, poulet, saumon, etc.) possède donc ses propres teneurs en vitamines, taurine et minéraux (phosphore et calcium, par exemple). Almo Nature propose une alimentation basée sur l'alternance entre les différentes sources de nutriments (viande rouge, volaille, poisson, croquettes et nourriture humide). Cette diversité assure une alimentation équilibrée pour votre chat grâce aux différentes teneurs nutritionnelles des aliments Almo Nature.

Thanks Z..., I also give my cats grass-fed beef steack and here is the composition of Almo Nature cans:
Characteristics of Almo Nature wet cat food:
complementary food for all cats
available in different flavors
high fresh meat content: between 60% and 75% high-quality fresh meat originally fit for human consumption (exception kitten food: 50% chicken)
natural recipe: food is steamed and preserved in its own broth, providing exquisite taste and aiding digestion
high nutritional profile: careful manufacturing process preserves the nutritional value of ingredients
wheat- and gluten-free: also suitable for cats with food sensitivities
single or multi-protein formula: 1 or more animal protein sources depending on variety
high palatability: high meat content, natural and adapted recipe
no artificial additives
Please note: Almo Nature cat food is entirely natural. Each flavor (tuna, chicken, salmon, etc.) therefore has its own vitamin, taurine and mineral (phosphorus and calcium, for example) content. Almo Nature's diet alternates between different sources of nutrients (red meat, poultry, fish, kibble and wet food). This diversity ensures a well-balanced diet for your cat, thanks to the different nutrients it needs.
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So, it's been a difficult few days.

I found that there was a person on FB that was looking for this cat. Apparently it has been missing for months. Even though this cat really seemed to enjoy it here, I was obligated to give it back after being here for one month and a day. I thought he was a neutered male but learned that, no, it's a female. I think her name is Sassy, and if you met the owner, the name makes sense. White girl maybe in her late teens, early twenties; wouldn't surprise me if Harley Quinn was her stylist. Scrolling through her FB page you find that she's very pro-Native in the Trudeau sense and hates the colonization that Queen Elisabeth stands for. I didn't go any further then that.

I was made to wait at the door for a few minutes for her to come up from her room in the basement of the fourplex. She didn't seem to be relieved to see her cat returned. The cat actually came to me trying to get away from her. All I got was a 'thank you' as she picked up her cat (that doesn't like to be picked up) and went back inside. I get the feeling that this girl doesn't really care about her (another lady nearby, who had this cat visit her regularly, said the same thing based on her communication with her through FB).

On the plus side, this cat has escaped from her basement three times. I have a feeling I'll see her again. This girl doesn't give this cat enough credit in the smarts department.

Now, about a week ago, when I still thought he was male, I thought of the name 'Spooky'. I know it's associated with ghosts 'n stuff, but there's also Einstine's "spooky action at a distance' (quantum entanglement, Schodinger's cat), Fox 'Spooky' Mulder and DJ Spooky. My sister loved the name but I don't know if it works for a female though.

Regardless, we are catless... for meow.
So, it's been a difficult few days.

I found that there was a person on FB that was looking for this cat. Apparently it has been missing for months. Even though this cat really seemed to enjoy it here, I was obligated to give it back after being here for one month and a day. I thought he was a neutered male but learned that, no, it's a female. I think her name is Sassy, and if you met the owner, the name makes sense. White girl maybe in her late teens, early twenties; wouldn't surprise me if Harley Quinn was her stylist. Scrolling through her FB page you find that she's very pro-Native in the Trudeau sense and hates the colonization that Queen Elisabeth stands for. I didn't go any further then that.

I was made to wait at the door for a few minutes for her to come up from her room in the basement of the fourplex. She didn't seem to be relieved to see her cat returned. The cat actually came to me trying to get away from her. All I got was a 'thank you' as she picked up her cat (that doesn't like to be picked up) and went back inside. I get the feeling that this girl doesn't really care about her (another lady nearby, who had this cat visit her regularly, said the same thing based on her communication with her through FB).

On the plus side, this cat has escaped from her basement three times. I have a feeling I'll see her again. This girl doesn't give this cat enough credit in the smarts department.

Now, about a week ago, when I still thought he was male, I thought of the name 'Spooky'. I know it's associated with ghosts 'n stuff, but there's also Einstine's "spooky action at a distance' (quantum entanglement, Schodinger's cat), Fox 'Spooky' Mulder and DJ Spooky. My sister loved the name but I don't know if it works for a female though.
That’s rough, I’m sure you would have been okay with it if you knew she was going back to a good home. But I agree, she will find her way back. Cats have a determined way of picking their people.
I believe it is very easy for cats to receive telepathic communication from us. You may wish to send your cat images of you patting and stroking her, sending her love. Just so she knows someone does care for her. She will figure the rest out.
Vous allez bientôt retrouvé votre chat qui aura fait son choix, à vous de le respecter... Faites nous savoir quand il reviendra... Merci

You'll soon be reunited with your cat who has made his choice, and it's up to you to respect it... Please let us know when he returns... Thank you
Cats seem to know instinctively where there best homes are. If she is an indifferent owner she will soon find she is sans cat again. If it was me I might be a bit slow to return the cat....:whistle: My brother had a cat called Tonto which visited a neighbour and pretty much took up residence with them. He spent so much time with his "other" owner that eventually he told her that she may as well adopt him fully. He still visited my brother occasionally but appeared to love his life with his new owner and lived to a ripe old age.
So, it's been a difficult few days.

I found that there was a person on FB that was looking for this cat. Apparently it has been missing for months. Even though this cat really seemed to enjoy it here, I was obligated to give it back after being here for one month and a day. I thought he was a neutered male but learned that, no, it's a female. I think her name is Sassy, and if you met the owner, the name makes sense. White girl maybe in her late teens, early twenties; wouldn't surprise me if Harley Quinn was her stylist. Scrolling through her FB page you find that she's very pro-Native in the Trudeau sense and hates the colonization that Queen Elisabeth stands for. I didn't go any further then that.

I was made to wait at the door for a few minutes for her to come up from her room in the basement of the fourplex. She didn't seem to be relieved to see her cat returned. The cat actually came to me trying to get away from her. All I got was a 'thank you' as she picked up her cat (that doesn't like to be picked up) and went back inside. I get the feeling that this girl doesn't really care about her (another lady nearby, who had this cat visit her regularly, said the same thing based on her communication with her through FB).

On the plus side, this cat has escaped from her basement three times. I have a feeling I'll see her again. This girl doesn't give this cat enough credit in the smarts department.

Now, about a week ago, when I still thought he was male, I thought of the name 'Spooky'. I know it's associated with ghosts 'n stuff, but there's also Einstine's "spooky action at a distance' (quantum entanglement, Schodinger's cat), Fox 'Spooky' Mulder and DJ Spooky. My sister loved the name but I don't know if it works for a female though.

Regardless, we are catless... for meow.
If the girl doesn't care about her pet, I'm sure the cat will reappear at your door very soon.😉
Merci Z..., je donne aussi à mes chats du steack de boeuf d'herbe et voici la composition des boites Almo Nature :
Caractéristiques de la nourriture humide Almo Nature pour chat :
aliment complémentaire pour tous les chats
disponible en différentes saveurs
teneur élevée en viande fraîche : entre 60 % et 75 % de viande fraîche de qualité supérieure qui était à l'origine propre à la consommation humaine (exception nourriture pour chaton : 50 % de poulet)
recette naturelle : les aliments sont cuits à la vapeur et se conservent dans leur propre bouillon, offrant ainsi un goût exquis et favorisant la digestion
profil nutritionnel élevé : processus de fabrication soigné, préservant la valeur nutritionnelle des ingrédients
sans blé ni gluten : conviennent aussi aux chats souffrant de sensibilités alimentaires
formule mono ou multi protéines : 1 seule ou plusieurs sources de protéines animales en fonction de la variété
haute appétence : teneur élevée en viande, recette naturelle et adaptée
sans additifs artificiels
Attention : les boîtes pour chat Almo Nature sont entièrement naturelles. Chaque saveur (thon, poulet, saumon, etc.) possède donc ses propres teneurs en vitamines, taurine et minéraux (phosphore et calcium, par exemple). Almo Nature propose une alimentation basée sur l'alternance entre les différentes sources de nutriments (viande rouge, volaille, poisson, croquettes et nourriture humide). Cette diversité assure une alimentation équilibrée pour votre chat grâce aux différentes teneurs nutritionnelles des aliments Almo Nature.

Thanks Z..., I also give my cats grass-fed beef steack and here is the composition of Almo Nature cans:
Characteristics of Almo Nature wet cat food:
complementary food for all cats
available in different flavors
high fresh meat content: between 60% and 75% high-quality fresh meat originally fit for human consumption (exception kitten food: 50% chicken)
natural recipe: food is steamed and preserved in its own broth, providing exquisite taste and aiding digestion
high nutritional profile: careful manufacturing process preserves the nutritional value of ingredients
wheat- and gluten-free: also suitable for cats with food sensitivities
single or multi-protein formula: 1 or more animal protein sources depending on variety
high palatability: high meat content, natural and adapted recipe
no artificial additives
Please note: Almo Nature cat food is entirely natural. Each flavor (tuna, chicken, salmon, etc.) therefore has its own vitamin, taurine and mineral (phosphorus and calcium, for example) content. Almo Nature's diet alternates between different sources of nutrients (red meat, poultry, fish, kibble and wet food). This diversity ensures a well-balanced diet for your cat, thanks to the different nutrients it needs.
While Almo brand is somewhat better than many other brands it is still processed food and also with constantly feeding tinned food there is cumulative effect of hormone disrupting chemicals most tins are lined with.
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Merci Z..., je leurs donne aussi du steack haché (Boeufs d'Herbe), des cuisses de poulet que je cuisine moi même et des grosses crevettes roses...

Thank you Z..., I also give them ground beef (Boeufs d'Herbe), chicken thighs that I cook myself and large pink shrimps...
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Hi Benjamin, thanks for sharing what you have gone through with this cat. IMHO I think this might have been an event to prime you for your own personal cat!! What you did for this cat was exceptional, giving it a new loving home even though it already had a "home" (without much love). That information is now out in the field, what you did and the care you gave. You opened that door. Are you open to having more?

I'll share here that back in 1991 I had a pure white very small kitten, no more than six weeks old, approach me at an apartment I was renting on the main drag of town. I was surprised it was still alive, there was so much traffic in front of my home then. I picked the kitten up and pet it, but I had to go off to what I did was put it over the fence of the neighbor's yard so it wouldn't wander off onto the highway. What I SHOULD have done was take that kitten with me to work and figured out things from there. I was given a gift from spirit and I threw it away, and ever since I have not even had a chance to have another pet.

I did look for the cat in the neighbor's yard when I got back home but I didn't see it. To this day I pray that it found a proper home, but I guess I'll never know. My selfish act then haunts me even today. And I LOVE cats!! I just couldn't see another way back then. I wasn't able to keep pets at that apartment with the lease I signed. I was blinded to the way I thought it was, instead of what could have been. I moved to another place just a few months later where I could have had all the pets I wanted.

Anyway: you've accrued interest in the owning a cat account. You WILL get "paid" if you are open to actually having your OWN pet since you have already put in the time, money, and love. Are you open to what might come? And if it's the right cat, it will absolutely win your mom over!

(BTW I read your shares about playing Dungeons and Dragons. I also did a lot of that back in the day. I'd love to roll dice again some day with awake people... as long as we don't try to tackle Cthulu on the first campaign. Some things take time to build up to...)
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