New cloud classifications - need help with facts please


The Living Force
Sott posted the interesting article about this :

People are getting heated on the geo-engineering angle.
We know this does go on to a certain extent but more likely is the climatic cycles explained in Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection by Pierre and Laura.

In the interest of doing my best to share facts about this I am not truly sure on a suitable reply. Atmospheric moisture seems appropriate here however that is a very lengthy explanation to get across.

Is there a more precise answer we could counter the geo engineering groups with? The 'man-made' conclusions seem so ingrained with many as we observe. The comments on my Fb are:

Comment: It's called geo engineering

My reply: Perhaps or more likely the result of weather cycles in our solar system.

Another comment: No maybe about it, it is geo-engineering and people are noticing so they have to come up with some kind of story for the sheeple to distract them and keep them silent. So we are having new natural clouds all over the damn place! Really???

As this phenomena and more will increase I see two separate entrenched views aka the mad flat earth brigade. All heading over the cliff! Just wondering if it is possible on this one to go some way to nip it in the bud so to speak, prior to more serious phenomena occurring? Sad those awaking fall into traps and veer off course again - Law of 7!!!
Other facts are and what Pierre presents in his book for example, that more and more comet dust is loaded in our atmosphere and the general cooling of the atmosphere which is one factor for the more appearing noctilucent clouds. I think in the end you cannot and should not change their believe. Because no matter what other facts you may present they will stick to their story and which is their choice.
Here is an excerpt from ECHCC that deals with clouds formation. Basically the increase in cosmic rays reaching our planet and the increase in atmospheric cometary dust are probably two of the main causes for the recent increase in cloud cover:

ECHCC said:
Now, if the minute decrease in solar irradiance due to reduced solar activity is not the cause for global cooling, how does reduced solar activity lead to global cooling? One key factor seems to be cloud formation.

Clouds have both a cooling and a warming effect. Clouds have a cooling effect because they scatter back into space about half of the incoming sunshine that would otherwise warm the Earth (that’s why cloudy days are colder than sunny ones). Clouds can also have a warming effect (greenhouse effect) by trapping the heat escaping from the earth’s surface (that’s why cloudy nights are warmer than starry nights).

The radiation ‘budget’ of clouds (are clouds net warmers or net coolers?) was a matter of scientific conjecture until three dedicated satellites were sent into space during the 1980’s to measure incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation.

The results were clear. Overall, clouds have a strong net cooling effect . For instance, if nothing else changed, removing the cloud canopy would increase the Earth’s surface temperature by about 10° Celsius .

Clouds reflect solar radiation more than Earth radiation . Overall, clouds induce a net cooling (© adapted from

Clouds are made of water droplets in suspension in the air. For these droplets to form, three main factors are involved:

1) The temperature must drop low enough (below dew point) for condensation to occur. During condensation, atmospheric water vapor (water in gaseous form) is transformed into droplets (tiny drops of water in liquid form).

2) Also atmospheric particles must be present to help the droplets form. These particles are called ‘cloud condensation nuclei’. Without them, even if temperatures were very low there would be no condensation, and therefore no clouds. As discussed previously, Earth has experienced a steep increase in atmospheric cometary dust over recent years. These dust particles act as potential cloud condensation nuclei. Notice that even when atmospheric dust doesn’t generate clouds it has a net cooling effect as described earlier (global dimming).

3) Cosmic rays accelerate cloud formation. In the following we’ll describe this process.

As previously mentioned, the Sun’s magnetic field and the Earth’s magnetic field are powered by the Sun’s activity. Those fields literally act as magnetic shields against incoming cosmic rays; the Sun’s magnetic field (heliosphere) deflects about 50% of the cosmic rays. Comparatively speaking, the Earth’s magnetic field isn’t as effective at shielding us from cosmic rays. Even if it disappeared entirely, the number of incoming cosmic rays would only increase by 3%. That is, the Sun does most of the ‘protective’ work.

Cosmic rays are charged particles (mostly protons) that can almost reach the speed of light if highly energetic. They are generated by stars and supernovae. Our Sun produces cosmic rays too (solar winds) but they are energetically weak (only about 700 km/s).

Thus, when solar activity decreases, solar winds (low energy cosmic rays) decrease, but also the Sun’s magnetic shield weakens allowing a greater amount of high energy cosmic rays to reach the Solar system and ultimately our planet. The negative correlation between solar activity and cosmic ray flux has been evidenced by several researchers.

Number of sunspots (blue curve) vs. cosmic ray count (red curve) over the 1958–2010 period. Notice that after 2000 (vertical turquoise line), sunspots count dropped sharply while cosmic rays experienced a drastic increase (©

When reaching the Earth’s atmosphere, cosmic rays combine and interact with the particles of the earth’s atmosphere leading to swiftly moving particles called ‘secondary cosmic rays’. This particle mayhem occurs mainly between 15 and 25 km above our heads and leads to only one kind of particle that is able to reach the Earth’s surface in large numbers and without substantial loss of energy: muons.

A collision between a proton (green ball - primary cosmic ray) and an atmospheric particle (purple ball cluster - carbon or beryllium) forms a muon (blue ball) (©

Muons are like electrons except for their mass, they are 200 times heavier than electrons. Also muons have an extremely short life and they quickly transform into electrons. But, because of their very high speed, muons have enough time to penetrate deep into our atmosphere and spread electrons like ‘collateral damage’ along their whole atmospheric journey.

Electrons are the main catalysts of molecular clustering, i.e. cloud droplet formation. (©, adapted from Svensmark)

In the above drawing we can see from top to bottom how cosmic rays (yellow arrow) generate (via muons) electrons (red circles). Electrons accelerate the formation of clusters (turquoise blue circles) made of positively charged molecules in suspension in the atmosphere like clay dust, carbon, sulfur dioxide (green circles) eventually leading to stable and electrically neutral clusters (blue circles) which act as condensation nuclei (dark blue circle) around which water droplet can form.

The catalyzing effect of electrons has been repeatedly demonstrated experimentally in cloud chambers .

Knowing that the main causes of cloud formation are cosmic rays and atmospheric dust and that these two factors are on the rise because of the hypothesized approach of Nemesis (grounding the Sun and reducing its activity) and its cometary swarm, we can expect an overall increase in cloud cover in the future and the resulting cooling effects.

Actually this trend started several years ago. Around 2000, when solar activity started to weaken and atmospheric cometary dust started to increase, the overall cloudiness started to increase :
Thanks so much. I forgot about the comet dust! In fact I actually saw a comet in broad daylight here two days ago. Was sitting doing business by the sea and saw the fire light come down in a very fast streak. First time I ever saw one during the day. Pure fluke I just happened to look up into the distance at the time..

I will post the info. People can take it or leave it as usual. But what I post on my site is up to me, they can always unfriend me if it doesn't sit with their belief system. :)
Interestingly, ancient texts report similar bizarre clouds. Obviously, they were a "new thing" to get recorded and they were, ultimately, associated with serious comet events. I don't think there was any human "geo engineering" prior to the fall of the Roman Empire!!!

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