New Disclosure info... TC - Seinu Disclosures


Padawan Learner

TC - Seinu Disclosures
Further info..

Passed to the OM Research Team - 03 April 2006

"(name removed),

I must apologize for my grandson's harsh behavior. He's worried and was trying to protect my family and me. (removed)

What my grandson told you was correct. They can search all they want, but shall never find the journal. It's in a safe place. We have a tail, as my grandson puts it, that follows us around town and even a helicopter was seen above us twice. It is just for little old me, what a waste of taxpayer's money.

I have brought my wife home and we now have made it our mission to bring out the truth my friend, hereafter known as "J", provided us. We are quite nervous and hope that in some way you may be able to help us in the near future.

At "J's" funeral, we were astonished at the site of many distinguished people. As I was preparing to leave, a man approached and said verbatim, "Mr. *******, I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. He will be missed by many." He then took my hand into both of his and shook it. As he did, he slipped a sheet of paper into the cuff of my shirtsleeve. As he turned to walk away, he said, "Goodbye Mr. *******," and winked his eye.

I have never seen this man before and was uneasy as to his intensions. As I climbed into the limousine, I pulled the note out and read the message. It was an address, date, time and a sequence of numbers. My wife told me to throw it away. I must admit, (name removed), that I was curious and felt a need to learn why I was given this message, so I went.

You may be to young, but I use to listen to the mystery shows on the radio as a young man. It was such an adventure to imagine you in the hero's role fighting the evil. My how things have changed. I do not care for television, as I believe it corrupts our children.

Two days following the funeral I went as instructed and brought along a friend who is a retired police captain He has a permit to carry a firearm, which made me feel safe. We drove the thirty minutes to the city where we came to a five-story building with a security gate. My friend took the message and punched in the sequence of numbers written on the bottom of the note. The gate opened and we drove up a ramp into a parking garage. We walked over towards the elevator and my friend tried the stairwell door, but it was locked. The elevator started moving, but we could not activate it due to a box similar to a credit card scanner that was on the wall. I guess you needed a special card.

The elevator opened and the same man, who had given me the message, waived us into the elevator. There must have been a hidden camera near the doors. He turned a key and we went up to the fifth floor I believe. Another man was standing there when the doors opened. He asked me to raise my arms and proceeded to frisk me. My friend was not frisked and was told to sit on the couch near an office door. The first man escorted me into the same office and that's when I saw an earpiece on his right ear. Secret Service?

I was told to walk into another office and I opened the door and two men were sitting on a long couch. I'll tell you, Lucianarchy, I would never of guessed it would have been someone from the WH administration. PW and BM asked me not to use their names, only their initials, due to government computer tracking software. They stood up as I approached them. We shook hands and for the next three hours we discussed "J's" journal, information that is not in the journal and what is to happen following the meeting.

We have friends now that can help! They knew about "J" and how he wanted the public to know about some of the things he shared with you. I am still breathless over this meeting. PW gave me a sheet with the items we had discussed, so I wouldn't forget. He also asked that you release the information I originally gave you, " to start the ball rolling," as he put it. The information is to be put on your Serpo forum. On the sheet it has proboards21, do you know what that is? I do not own a computer and must rely on others to transfer information to you, as I am doing with this message.

They seemed to know your whereabouts and even mentioned you were a part-time journalist. Is this true? They knew too much in my opinion.

Anyway, they asked me to mention the following:
One of the most intersting points to me was that Petrol is not an endangered resource and is simply being used to keep us under control. If so, the recent SOTT podcast was correct that the entire Gas Crisis is a bogus PR instrument.

"The oil supply on Earth is and always has been renewable. We have known this since 1948 (he may have said 1958). The wars, diseases and oil crisis are just to keep the public from focusing on the real issues of government control and a presence not of this planet. We have the technology to rid the world of oil dependency and hunger, but it would destroy the world's economies and the profits and control of some of our wealthiest families. I find this horrifying that 20+ families can control our world."
Very interesting.. thanks for posting this

i still need time to form an opinion though :)

some of this i have been able to cross reference with other material.. seems practical... or is it?
Im sorry, I read the first page or so and then got too "sick" to continue. My initial impression is that of CoIntelPro. Just as the SERPO hoax was discovered as such im sure this one is/will be too.

In my humble opinion the disclosure movement, if it can be named such, is as much a cointelpro creation as the new age movement was. Now this could be for the same reason, to bury honest disclosures in a pile of false ones, to discredit real ones by putting out so much garbage that anyone that claims to come forth with real info is automatically written off, but i see the opening and can't help but notice how the very first paragraph is playing to our emotion. Mentions of morphrine drip, severe pain, inability to continue a thread of thought.... It's attempting to gain sympathy, right off the bat, and to me that's a red flag.

Continuing down the page we see very nuts and bolts type of explanation. Talk of a "space fleet" that was established with "international effort"... i mean, humans in their present STS state are not capable of this kind of co-operation. And any positive alien influence cannot simply show up and begin to teach b/c it is a free will violation and STO aliens don't do that. Also STS (who would pose as beneficial, and thus teach us) aliens probably wouldn't be able to show up b/c the current occupiers would prevent it.

Going on, "Charlie" is a grey that apparantly has a fantastic story to tell... all of this leaves out the hyperdimensional factor and the predation factor. Two things which i think cannot be excluded from "disclosures" if they are in fact true. They mention slight need for human DNA for "hybrids", and how the one nasty race is dying... blah blah blah, again this is mixing the predation in with disinfo to distort the facts.

Those facts being - Reality is composed of another dimension, directly on top of our current 3 dimensions, in which beings can be born and die, and some of whom feed off of our negative emotional energy. This "fourth" dimension, or density as I'm slowly starting to call it, is a part of the hyperdimensional nature of reality. This has seven density levels, and i could go into them but won't... These 4D nasty beings played a part in the creation of this reality, or hijacked it some time after its inception, to allow them to use humans as cattle and thus feed off of us. Without these two details expressed in some way in any "disclosure" i cannot accept them as valid, or near the "truth" because these two premises are the basis of the truth in many ancient and current systems that i perscribe to.
Cyre2067 said:
Im sorry, I read the first page or so and then got too "sick" to continue. My initial impression is that of CoIntelPro. Just as the SERPO hoax was discovered as such im sure this one is/will be too.
I'm going on gut reaction here. I'm too tired right now to do a detailed analysis, so I could easily be wrong, but I think I agree with Cyre.
The flavour or 'impression' I get from the text is one of 'control' and also a certain amount of confusion, with various 'facts' thrown in for good measure.
This is completely idiotic.

I'm a smart, knowledgable guy. I have literally on a whim learned about the "disclosure" movement (disclosure and the various UFO stories. I have learned about counterintel and the psychological battles taking place. It is all very fascinating stuff.

But this. This is bordering insanity. Seriously folks, you're telling me oil is a renewable resource? So all those chemical formulas we've learned, of carbon based substances like oil burning into CO2 and O2 are lies? They just work??? Then maybe, just maybe...the periodic table is just one massive hoax!! Its seamlessness in describing the relationships between elements---all lies!

If you're not going to approach this with a logical, skeptical, knowledgable, and open-minded are just as bad as any religious fundamentalist who runs on blind-faith.

For the good of mankind and his future progeny dispersed among the greater cosmos, please, go shoot yourself.

Thank you.

P.S. I find it hard to believe that counterintel people would create counterintel this bad. This more looks like the work of an amatuer sci-fi author.

I like to write. If you guys want me to come up with a better sci-fi scenario than this idiot, I'll do it. I just need some crazy acronyms and diabolical messages.

theoutsider said:
This is completely idiotic.
"If you are not going to approach this with a logical, skeptical, knowledgable, and open-minded perspective, you are just as bad as any religious fundamentalist who runs on blind-faith."

theoutsider said:
I'm a smart, knowledgable guy.
And humble, too.

theoutsider said:
I have literally on a whim learned about the "disclosure" movement (disclosure and the various UFO stories. I have learned about counterintel and the psychological battles taking place. It is all very fascinating stuff.
What does this have to do with anything? "Literally on a whim." (whim: A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy. Arbitrary thought or impulse: governed by whim.) If you are prone to research based on arbitrary impulses, perhaps this is not the place for you. Your words are paramoralistic manipulation, and they won't work here.

theoutsider said:
But this. This is bordering insanity. Seriously folks, you're telling me oil is a renewable resource? So all those chemical formulas we've learned, of carbon based substances like oil burning into CO2 and O2 are lies? They just work??? Then maybe, just maybe...the periodic table is just one massive hoax!! Its seamlessness in describing the relationships between elements---all lies!
If you would bother to do the slightest bit of research (and not rely on your whimsical fancies), you might find that your understanding of the issue is rotten from the foundation. Or perhaps you are deliberately piggy-backing irrelevant data to make the idea of abiotic oil look more absurd than it really is?

theoutsider said:
If you're not going to approach this with a logical, skeptical, knowledgable, and open-minded are just as bad as any religious fundamentalist who runs on blind-faith.

For the good of mankind and his future progeny dispersed among the greater cosmos, please, go shoot yourself.
Thank you. [...] Dupes.
And you're polite, too.
hkoehli said:
theoutsider said:
This is completely idiotic.
What does this have to do with anything? "Literally on a whim." (whim: A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy. Arbitrary thought or impulse: governed by whim.) If you are prone to research based on arbitrary impulses, perhaps this is not the place for you. Your words are paramoralistic manipulation, and they won't work here.
Paramoralistic? How does this have anything to do with morality? moralist: giving advice on moral standards

Nice use of words you don't know how to use.

My point with my statement was that if you want to attract any people outside of the UFO loop, then a clear distinction between UFO academics and UFO weirdos who believe this needs to be made. I think a lot of the UFO debate has merit, but when any following believes something as ridiculous as "oil is a renewable resource," it can only hurt the debate. Any high schooler with a superficial knowledge of chemistry will point out the idiocy in this statement.

(And truthfully, I didn't bother reading past that because it was so lame.)

If you would bother to do the slightest bit of research (and not rely on your whimsical fancies), you might find that your understanding of the issue is rotten from the foundation.
And how is my understanding "rotten from the foundation?" I have not said anything about my understanding, other than I know how carbon-based molecules burn (they go to CO2 +H2O......the O2 I mentioned before was one of the reactants, not products)

Or perhaps you are deliberately piggy-backing irrelevant data to make the idea of abiotic oil look more absurd than it really is?
Irrelevant data? What the hell are you talking about?

Do you just make grandiloquent speech to make it sound like you know what you're talking about?

Tell me your sources, I'll tell you mine.

Mine: every high schooler's textbook on chemistry.

Yours: some paranormal websites?

And you're polite, too.
I wasn't trying to be. I was mixing sarcasm/humor/truth in my post. A little tongue-in-cheek humor goes a long way in pointing out the blatant fallacies with this sci-fi story.
theoutsider said:
Paramoralistic? How does this have anything to do with morality? moralist: giving advice on moral standards

Nice use of words you don't know how to use.
theoutsider, before assuming I don't know how to use the word paramoralistic, please do some research on the word. Perhaps I misused the word, so please, after reading the following, let me know if I misinterpreted your post:

Para-moralisms: The conviction that moral values exist and that some actions violate moral rules is so common and ancient a phenomenon that it seems to have some substratum at man's instinctive endowment level (although it is certainly not totally adequate for moral truth), and that it does not only represent centuries' worth of experience, culture, religion, and socialization. Thus, any insinuation closed in moral slogans is always suggestive, even if the "moral" criteria used are just an "ad hoc" invention. Any act can thus be proved to be immoral or morally proper by means of such para-moralisms through active suggestion, and people whose minds will succumb to such reasoning can always be found.
Reread your original post and see if you can find any "ad hoc moralistic insinuations."

My point with my statement was that if you want to attract any people outside of the UFO loop, then a clear distinction between UFO academics and UFO weirdos who believe this needs to be made.
I fully agree. If you check out the forums here, we try to do just that.

I think a lot of the UFO debate has merit, but when any following believes something as ridiculous as "oil is a renewable resource," it can only hurt the debate. Any high schooler with a superficial knowledge of chemistry will point out the idiocy in this statement. (And truthfully, I didn't bother reading past that because it was so lame.)
And what would you do if you found out that oil might be created by an abiotic process? Would you regard reality as lame and choose to ignore it? Again, if you would at least do some research, even a simple search at the forums here to see if the topic has been discussed before, you would find some interesting information:

[...] And how is my understanding "rotten from the foundation?" I have not said anything about my understanding, other than I know how carbon-based molecules burn (they go to CO2 +H2O......the O2 I mentioned before was one of the reactants, not products) [...] Irrelevant data? What the hell are you talking about?
The irrelevant data, it seems to me, is the carbon-burning formula and your comment on the periodic table of elements. This has nothing to do with the abiotic theory of oil. It is possible oil is "renewable" in the sense that it is created by natural inner earth processes.

Do you just make grandiloquent speech to make it sound like you know what you're talking about?
Actually, I don't think I know what I'm talking about. I'm not a scientist. I may be wrong, but I try to stay open to new ideas. Even if they sound absurd at first, I check them out.

Tell me your sources, I'll tell you mine.

Mine: every high schooler's textbook on chemistry.

Yours: some paranormal websites?
What's wrong with paranormal websites? I thought you thought "a lot of the UFO debate has merit." And I don't really consider wikipedia ( a paranormal website...

And you're polite, too.
I wasn't trying to be. I was mixing sarcasm/humor/truth in my post. A little tongue-in-cheek humor goes a long way in pointing out the blatant fallacies with this sci-fi story.
Telling someone to shoot themself doesn't seem "sarcastic, humorous, true, tongue-in-cheek" to me, it sounds rude. Did you come here with the intent of insulting people or communicating?
theoutsider said:
Mine: every high schooler's textbook on chemistry.
Yes. You've made very clear your level of education. Perhaps after considerable work on your part to educate yourself past this level, you can return again to speak with us. Until then, consider revealing your ignorance as a detrimental past time.
theoutsider said:
And you're polite, too.
I wasn't trying to be. I was mixing sarcasm/humor/truth in my post. A little tongue-in-cheek humor goes a long way in pointing out the blatant fallacies with this sci-fi story.
Your "humor" is not even a poor veil for a nasty temper. I suggest you exercise a little more self-restraint and politeness when discussing these topics here. It is possible to point out disinformation and lies without insulting people.
Excerpt from the rules:

One, don't harass people, or flame them, or really make them want to flame you. Don't make blatantly pointed comments - or snide insinuations - about others on the board. If you don't like what they have to say, come out and say it, and more importantly say why.

Four, We have ZERO tolerance for profanity. If you aren't intelligent enough to say what you think without using language that is objectionable to most civilized people, you're on the wrong board. If you think you can be clever and circumvent the board's auto-censor, go ahead and try it. When we catch you, you'll be gone.
TheOUTSIDER, I think that you'd have done yourself and us a favour if you had stayed OUTSIDE this forum. If you are so knowledgable and smart as you say, I'm sure there are many who will welcome you with open hands - we can cope with the loss of your 'valuable' input.
Well, "Outsider" so far all you've done is rant and foam at the mouth. Really, anyone can do that. And arbitrarily considering abiotic theory as less credible than UFO's is just an arbitrary nothing.

This theory is based on scientific fact, where simple carbon-based substances close to the surface of the earth seep into deeper layers at high pressure and temperature and are converted to petrol. There is nothing unscientific about the process. It simply involves simple molecules being compressed into more complex ones.

You have heard of diamond, haven't you? I guess to people ignorant of chemistry the fact that diamond is really the same substance as black coal would sound preposterous.

What SOUNDS preposterous is that a bunch of plants and animals can be turned to oil. Was this EVER demonstrated in laboratory conditions? (The process that makes diamonds has). Has anyone PROVEN that petrol is regurgitated biomatter? Where is the chemistry behind THIS assertion? I have a PhD in Physics and did study a lot of chemistry, including organic.

NOWHERE have I read about how a dinosaur turns into a tank of gas. UNLESS you consider that biomatter turns into METHANE and other simple hydrocarbons and then THOSE become oil.

Turning methane into longer chain hydrocarbons is very well within the predictions of conventional organic chemistry. Biomatter turns into methane (so perhaps we DO have a source of hydrocarbons here), but that is only a tiny FRACTION of the methane (as well as other simple hydrocarbon) content of this planet. There is also methane on other planets: A LOT of it, whole atmospheres of it. It is commonly spewed out of volcanoes and subterranian vents, here on earth and on various moons of this solar system.

So inorganically derived methane IS there, and chemistry says it CAN become oil under conditions prevalent below the earth's crust. It is also hypothesized that bacteria can play a catalytical role here as well (just as they can with biomatter).

The fact is, Outsider, you are really either blind and deaf to the science behind abiotic theory, or abiotic theory threatens your livelihood in some way, because you are sure flipping out about it.

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