New Disclosure info... TC - Seinu Disclosures

This so called "disclosure" appears to be yet another distillation of UFO "lore" garnered from the likes of Philip Corso, Steven Greer et al and compiled into a set of "documents" from alleged "inside" sources ala the MJ12 papers and so on. This is my opinion.

I am not saying there is total untruth here-but this is what I took from the text.

And that is the major problem with any of these disclosure things. It is very difficult to verify much if not all of the data-and a lot of this information has been in circulation for a while- such as Presidential meetings with various "alien" groups to sign treaties, UFO crashes and recovery of bodies and debris / technology-later "back engineered" and released (Philip Corso, Bob Lazar) as "scientific" discoveries-which really down plays the ingenuity of our own Earthly scientists.

I mean come on-let's give OUR race a bit more credit here-WE do have some really intelligent folks who work hard to bring us the things we often take for granted.

First time I have heard the grays called Seinuvians though-and I am guessing the Etherians are the Nordics...and common knowledge the grays (amongst UFO officiandos) are supposed to come from Zeta Reticulii...but this thing about a "fleet"-I'm with Cyre on that one-but who knows?

Anybody else get this same opinion?

As for the rant on whether or not oil is abiotic...please. What is the point of arguing with someone who obviously does NOT have an open mind on ANY SUBJECT.

We post our thoughts and have debates in a civilized way-does not mean we have to accept any particular train of thought-but hopefully we will be able to see other aspects of the situation not obvious to us at first.

Where else can you get the opinions and advice from folks all over the world, in virtually every profession-on virtually any subject? FREE OF CHARGE? Folks like our friend "Outsider" are here to disrupt the "class"-stick them out in the hall and let them rant.

Knowledge Protects!
Another 'Story' I wonder what the Cassiopaean's would make of this...

From: "Dex"
Date: Sun May 28, 2006 11:35am(PDT)
Subject: A Synopsis to Consider

From Regan

There has been a great deal of discussion on the Net about Dr Dan
Burisch, much less about the J-Rod with whom he is supposed to have had
contact at Area-51 and a great deal less again about the object of the
J-Rod's quest - the so-called "joined resonance" or, as it has more recently
come to be called, the "combined resonance". Yet this would appear to be
the central mystery. It is what Dr Dan's J-Rod is said to have come back to
our world in our time, from 52,000 years into the future, to find.

Not only him but, according to Dr Dan as reported here via Dex,
J-Rods from 45,000 years in the future are also back here today in search of
the joined resonance, which apparently is to them what the Holy Grail was to
the Knights of the Round Table. So desperate are they to find it that
allegedly they are abducting modern-day humans, who they believe still
possess the joined resonance, in order to extract biological samples and,
hopefully, to analyse the joined resonance from them. So, evidently, the
joined resonance is of vital importance to the J-Rods. Should it not, then,
be of some significance to us too? Ostensibly, it is the one key to
understanding the reported presence of the Greys on our planet that we need
above all others, because it explains the basic motivation of the Greys in
being here (or at least, those that are here in the flesh).

What is the joined resonance? So far, I have not seen any reports
of Dr Dan explaining this, although I have seen reports of his explaining
what it is not. For instance, he has descibed how the J-Rod explained to
him that the joined resonance is not to be found in any particular genes, or
in any particular combination of genes. Apparently the joined resonance is
not a genetic phenomenon. The nearest that I have seen Dr Dan come to
explaining what the joined resonance actually is, is his suggestion that it
is what enables us present-day humans to "connect" with the "universal
energy" which the J-Rods regard as God. He says that the perceived absence
of the joined resonance in them is the basis for their demoralising
"disconnect" from this universal energy. To me it sounds like they have
realised that they have been banished from the kingdom of God and they are
desperate to get back in.

I should confess at this point that I find this bizarre story to be
entirely plausible. Here we appear to have a group of beings who, claiming
to be our own descendants and finding themselves afflicted with an incurable
physical problem which they themselves perceive to be symptomatic of a
deeper, spiritual malaise, go to the extravagant lengths of dispatching
themselves tens of thousands of years back into their own past in search of
a physical solution to their spiritual problem! Is it not just what our
own, technologically-obsessed, physically-minded social managers would do?
Surely, the J-Rods MUST be our descendants. Only beings that are as
irrational and mentally perverse as we are could do what they are alleged to
be doing! It is as plain as the nose on the modern human face that a
spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution and that seeking a physical
solution for a spiritual problem is not only doomed to eternal failure, but
is also a resounding demonstration of the very nature of the spiritual
problem that one is needing to solve! It is the kind of approach which
confused, bewildered people undertake, who have abdicated all responsibility
to understand their own reality, who do not really care about what they
doing and who just want to be seen to be doing the task that has been
assigned to them. Modern human society operates on this uncomprehending,
don't-need-to-know basis around the clock, every day of the year. Oh yes,
the J-Rods look just like our descendants to me.

You would expect, would you not, that a scientifically advanced
culture would have developed a crystal clear definition of what the joined
resonance is after tens of thousands of years of scientifically thinking
about it. Not so with the J-Rods, however. Their concept of the joined
resonance seems as nebulous as a politician's promise. A "connection to the
universal energy, or God"? What does that mean? It is pseudoscientific
twaddle. Energy is conceived in science as that which moves matter. It is
not the same concept as God. Energy is conceived in science as being purely
unconscious. God is not supposed to be unconscious. To equate energy with
God is an unscientific act because it is irrational.

However, conceiving of God as the universal energy has the
mentally-soporific effect of subtly justifying one's seeking of God in
physical energy, as if one should expect to find God there. By reducing God
to physical energy, one is misled into believing that the spiritual problem
of dissociation from God is really a physical problem at base, which the
familiar, physical-scientific methodology can be used to address. Yet even
in doing this, the J-Rods appear to have adopted an astonishingly narrow
approach that is based wholly upon their own, existing, state-of-art
technology. Surely, if they have the ability to come back here to study our
physical bodies, you would think they would also have the wit to study our
own spiritual, esoteric sciences, which are already far in advance of where
mainstream modern science is at. Humanity had developed a comprehensive
science of consciousness and spirit thousands of years ago, which has been
variously expressed in diverse cultures around the world from time to time
and there is no great secret about it. This ancient science easily
comprehends the J-Rods' problem of the missing joined resonance. It readily
provides the simple solution which they say that they need. Why, then, do
they not turn to it? They have come here across thousands of years of time
and many light-years of space and when they get here, the knowledge they
need is within their grasp. But they do not grasp it. Why not? Instead of
seeking out the human teachers who know this ancient science and asking them
for their help, why do they seek help from illegitimate, self-appointed
rulers of all human destiny, whose grasp of science is so rude and small
that they do not even understand what the J-Rods are talking about, but have
to conscript a young biologist, who is likewise uninitiated into the arcane
mysteries of the ancient science of the spirit, to try and help the J-Rods
on their behalf?

What is that ancient science? It is known by a variety of names, of
course, but it is basically a science of vibration. It underlies virtually
all of the Indian yoga-systems and is enshrined especially in "nada-yoga",
or the "yoga of inner-sound". In nada-yoga, the aspirant seeks union with
the divine through meditation on mental vibrations, which are usually
perceived as sounds - or, more specifically, as tones. (They are not sounds
in the physical sense of the word. They are really sound-like
thought-currents that are directly perceived in consciousness - the essence
of sound, in fact.) One inner-sound in particular is of special
significance, because it is the fundamental vibration on which the whole
personality is built and which holds the whole personality together as one.
It is called "anahata-nadam", or "sound of the heart" and it would appear to
correspond with what Dan's J-Rod has called the joined resonance.
Meditation on this inner-sound is said to open the individual's spiritual
connection with the Cosmic Being and to induce cosmic consciousness
directly. It is also said to re-integrate all parts of the personality into
holistic harmony and restore health to the physical body.

What are the J-Rods waiting for and playing about at? They
obviously need to study and practice some nada-yoga if they want to conquer
their peripheral neuropathy and restore their lost connection to the
Universal Being.

From: "Dex"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 10:50am(PDT)
Subject: The Lost Resonance of EBE

From Bill H.


Here, from Dan's own writings, are the original statements he made
concerning the "joined resonance". I do not know if they will clarify
anything for you. It is my considered opinion that we know only what
Dan has said about this which is not much and I have not heard it from
any other sources to date.

"My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and
our) kind entranced me. Was his willingness based on logic and/or the
preservation of favorable characteristics? Well, it could have been, and
that was my supposition before friendship. His current state may have had
sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made,
I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could
have a future treatment, that was not his major concern. Rather, this
logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set
straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our
being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something
lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). I had only really
heard about the so called "Orion Beings". He only inferred their existence
and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the
catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing
of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the
"Brother's" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the
biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance". I soon put
2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present
time called 'Homo sapiens sapiens', and found humanity to be greater than
the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation
account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now)
as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn't the
base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through
fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and
the "Brothers"? I asked him.

He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember) 'We are here in your
present presence asking for help.' This statement struck me dumb and made
me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled
through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual
(handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear
J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I reasoned, and he confirmed,
that we now possess something unique together with the necessary
technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual
through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence
springs life on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only
while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting
in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing
ways, through the "joined resonance". In an effort to assist him with his
particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly
gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I
requested to know what he knew of the genesis time."
EsoQuest said:
What SOUNDS preposterous is that a bunch of plants and animals can be turned to oil. Was this EVER demonstrated in laboratory conditions? (The process that makes diamonds has). Has anyone PROVEN that petrol is regurgitated biomatter? Where is the chemistry behind THIS assertion? I have a PhD in Physics and did study a lot of chemistry, including organic.
There's a process called Thermal Depolymerization (TDP), which converts organic material of most kinds into diesel fuel and water.

I know there's a big debate over Peak Oil, but the discovery curves peaked some years ago, and production has to peak at some point, just like night follows day. I suppose there's some debate over whether if we funded more discovery efforts, whether we could get those discovery curves to go back up again, but general consensus leans towards "no".

I would agree that the current energy shortages are mostly man-made. With a little preparation, we wouldn't be in this boat right now. But I suspect that preparation of that sort is the last thing the real PTB want.
I stand corrected, and I'm glad you pointed this out. Perhaps oil in the world does have biological origins. It still doesn't discount the possibility of abiotic processes, however.

Interestingly enough, over the past few days there has been some political turmoil with Turkey, over Greek territory, said to be caused by the fact that vast oil deposits exist in the Aegean, the Balkans and the Mediterranian between the Balkans and Lybia, even extending to the Black Sea. Actually this has been known for decades, as has been known that the extent of this deposit exceeds that of Saudi Arabia. There is an even greater deposit beneath Argentina extending to the South Atlantic, and possibly north to Brazil.

Even if Peak Oil were true, the true extent of existing deposites is not fully disclosed, not the truth regarding the ease with which the oil can be brought to the surface.

As you said, preparation is the last thing the PTB want. They want people to think there is no oil, so they can create a crisis and feed off of it.
And about Mr. Outsider,

George Carlin once said about offensive stuff on the radio - "there are two knobs on your radio - one turns the volume way down, and the other changes the station." The great thing about the internet is that if you don't like what you read, stuff you do like to read is only a mouse-click and/or a few keystrokes away. Drag your mouse pointer to the top of your browser, enter another URL, and away you go.

And it's very inconsiderate to be rude to your hosts, as they're doing the schlepping to keep their server running. It's their server (or its their rented space on a server), and they can run it as they see fit. That's the other great thing about the internet - if you think you have something better to say, run your own server (or rent space on someone else's). It's not hard to do - google for "blogging" and "webhosting".

I don't think the hosts here mind substantive debate, but I'm pretty sure they won't tolerate the equivalent of a small child stirring up an ant's nest just to see the ants run around.
EsoQuest said:
Perhaps oil in the world does have biological origins. It still doesn't discount the possibility of abiotic processes, however. .
Don't know how this fits in with the hypothesis of abiogenic petroleum but Velikovsky
did speak of the oil deposits as possibly being of extraterrestrial origin.

I present here some results of my research based upon inquiry in different material, historical, geological, physical, geophysical, pertaining to folklore and to history of religions. A full description of results of my research will appear in book form, and there the material will be presented in full.

The results to which I arrived, appear to be of fundamental importance to science in all its branches.

To begin with, our Earth collided (contacted) in the fifteenth century before this era with a comet. The head of the comet exchanged violent electrical discharges with our planet, and also with its own tail. The Earth changed the poles, south becoming north, changed axis, changed the orbit of revolution changed speed. As a result, the year that consisted previously of 260 became 36o days (our orbit was approximately that of Venus today). The moon changed its orbit, and the month of 20 days became of 36. Iron previously neared to the core of the Earth, appeared in upper layers. Neft poured from sky and built the present deposit. Meteorites fell in abundance. Harras in desert of Arabia are meteorites fields. Lava streamed on the surface of the Earth not only from volcanoes, but also from clefts. Continents and seas changed places. Rivers disappeared, others appeared, still others inversed their direction (f.e. Jordan, that flow previously to the Meditteraneum, Dead sea being not in existence). A major part of human kind perished. A double tide of immense high swept seas and continents. In general conflagration woods burned down, rivers boiled; magnetic storms reached degree hurtful to bioplasma; immense hurricane accompanied the change of rotation of the Earth. In places struck by electrical contact with the comet nitogren was converted into (deposits) of saltpeter. Air became filled with clouds of carbons or hydrocarbons, and Earth was enveloped in them during a number of years. These compounds of carbon precipitated slowly in the process of cooling.

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