New interpretation on an old dream


FOTCM Member
At the original time of this dream I'd just been through an agonising time about coming out to my family about being lesbian. I'd told them and then all communication stopped between us for about 3 weeks. During the time of making my decision to tell them I'd come to my own decision that I had to be open and honest even if it meant them totally rejecting me. I had come to the place that I had to be true to me even if it meant losing them.

In the 3rd week of silence from them I had a dream. A little back ground behind the dream is that my younger sister is in a wheel chair as a result of a car accident. At the time of the dream she was about 7 months pregnant.

In the dream I was driving to my sisters house at night. As I arrived at the house, it was well engulfed with flames. I was screaming out for my sister...I wanted to save her and get her out, but I couldn't see her for the flames. She was screaming back at me "get the baby!". As I made the decision to get the baby and then go for my sister, I physically felt a tiny babies hand being placed in mine.

I told a friend about this dream and the interpretation she gave was that my relationship with my sister would be reborn. I accepted that interpretation at the time because about 3 days later my sister called me and asked me if I would be godmother to the baby. So I'm not sure that this interpretation is entirely wrong.

This dream popped into my memory the other day but it seemed to have a new interpretation to it. This time, the babies hand was not that of my yet to be born niece...but it was my own baby hand...this time it was about me reaching out to and getting hold of a repressed part of myself.

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