In this interview, the discussion of the 'strange sounds' and general earth changes are of interest, as Linda is reknowned for sticking 'to the facts' and i understand the C's say she is incorruptable?? Veritas - to me - is fairly stuck on chemtrails and keeps referring back.
First 15 mins on youtube, or just go direct to Veritas for the first free hour.
For those of us who may be 'in the wrong place when the SHTF'. I am based in the UK. This discussion is very interesting.
The guy is a swiss prepper with a book out: Survive the economic collapse. Originally he was a trader who spotted issues in the market in 2005, bought a farm in switzerland, traveled the world meeting preppers. He explains why the UK in particular, similarly France, will suffer due to the 'racial/cultural' differences in the population. Why collapse is imminent and what to do. But overall, it's interesting because it's not the usual 'prepper' discussion, there's a lot of sociological examination and what's most interesting is nearer to the end, the discussion settles on the collapse of civilisations and the same issues which proceed them. Having read CATHOM it's funny how close they are, but they just miss it.
Full interview on Youtube, but you can d/l the episode in the link provided
First 15 mins on youtube, or just go direct to Veritas for the first free hour.
Veritas Radio - Linda Moulton Howe - Earth Changes, Government Secrecy, UFO & E.T. Cover-Up During this riveting interview, Lind Moulton Howe returns with new information that shows the undeniable fact that earth changes are occuring. From the mysterious booms, explosions and trumpets heard around the world, government secrecy and a whistleblower who shares why the United States continues its cover-up on UFOs and the E.T. reality. Who or What is Behind the Cattle Mutilations?
For those of us who may be 'in the wrong place when the SHTF'. I am based in the UK. This discussion is very interesting.
The guy is a swiss prepper with a book out: Survive the economic collapse. Originally he was a trader who spotted issues in the market in 2005, bought a farm in switzerland, traveled the world meeting preppers. He explains why the UK in particular, similarly France, will suffer due to the 'racial/cultural' differences in the population. Why collapse is imminent and what to do. But overall, it's interesting because it's not the usual 'prepper' discussion, there's a lot of sociological examination and what's most interesting is nearer to the end, the discussion settles on the collapse of civilisations and the same issues which proceed them. Having read CATHOM it's funny how close they are, but they just miss it.
Full interview on Youtube, but you can d/l the episode in the link provided
Piero San Giorgio -- Thinking About Hard Times: A Swiss View of ... ~ The Plane Truth ~ PTS3101