Jedi Master
Over the course of the last two weeks, I've heard interviews/debates and read articles on whether the US should attack Iran. The most impalatable being NPRs guest, Michael Kroenig, warmongering for an attack in the guise of foreign policy. His article, titled: Time to Attack Iran, Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option, according to Stephen Walt (Foreign Policy) is " a textbook example of war-mongering disguised as "analysis"."
It's no surprise, the big push to pull US into another military involvement is being orchestrated by AIPAC; the connections are easy enough to find.
Philip Weiss, Founder and Co-Editor of, has a link to "Occupy AIPAC"
From Occupy AIPAC's homepage:
It's assuring to see growing awareness of AIPAC's self-serving intentions and how harmful they are to US interests, but not holding breath for wide-spread media exposure of this occupy movement... it'll probably be spun as anti-semitic, as usual, (ad nauseum), but even that tactic is being recognized for what it is.
It's no surprise, the big push to pull US into another military involvement is being orchestrated by AIPAC; the connections are easy enough to find.
Philip Weiss, Founder and Co-Editor of, has a link to "Occupy AIPAC"
From Occupy AIPAC's homepage:
We are excited to announce that plans for OCCUPY AIPAC are under way and we hope you will join us March 2-6 in Washington DC....
Timed to coincide with the annual AIPAC policy conference in March 2012, the Occupy AIPAC summit will be a long weekend of teach-ins, cultural performances, protests and creative direct actions, and a sneak preview of the forthcoming film Roadmap to Apartheid. Co-sponsored by The Nation, the Institute of Policy Studies, CODEPINK and Just Foreign Policy, the Saturday conference will feature educational panels on Iran, Palestine, the Arab Uprisings and the Occupy Movement (see the list of speakers). The Occupy AIPAC summit is endorsed and supported by a variety of organizations including the Interfaith Peace Builders (IFPB), the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine chapters, and over 120 other groups.
Right now AIPAC is trying to drag us into a disastrous conflict with Iran, just as they had pushed for the Iraq war. We must show our opposition by exposing AIPAC and standing against a war with Iran. AIPAC’s underhanded tactics and their manipulation of our political process destroys the possibility of a just peace in the Middle East. Recent public criticisms of the Israel lobby make the call to Occupy AIPAC all the more relevant.
Now is the time to make a large, people-powered push to show our opposition to the stranglehold the Israel lobby continues to hold over our government.
It's assuring to see growing awareness of AIPAC's self-serving intentions and how harmful they are to US interests, but not holding breath for wide-spread media exposure of this occupy movement... it'll probably be spun as anti-semitic, as usual, (ad nauseum), but even that tactic is being recognized for what it is.