New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

Brilliant show guys. I stayed up way past my bedtime to listen to all your comments and was not disappointed! Am i ever?
I think you truly pulled it out the bag at very short notice and preparation time. Proving your actual knowledge was what supported your spidey senses :-)
The likeness to the Roman Empire was great. Though i was waiting for you to highlight that this all took place on Caesars birthday!
Or maybe i missed that bit.
Yet that would also mean that Trump also chose his rally unconsciously for Caesar's bithday too.
Anything is possible as we have just witnessed.
May DCM bless you all :-)
We're about to do a show on (guess what, the failed Trump assassination!), but I can't find the YT link for y'all...

Hopefully it'll show up somewhere soon. had disconnected us from all our platforms. I've only got time to reconnect us with, and re-schedule a show for, the NewsReal YT account. Hopefully y'all can see it:

No show today folks, Joe's all out of puns!

We're still recovering from the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

It's stomach-churning enough to have watched clips of it on social media. To comment on it in long-form would leave us heaving all over the studio. 🤮

We're in kind of wait-and-see mode. Something is about to drop, possibly at the Olympics...
Given how there was a lot of rain during these starting days of the Olympics, as if the heavens themselves disapproved of the farce, i hope that the "something" will be Wrath of God and further "Divine Interventions" screwing up with PTB plans. 😜
(just for the funzies, please? pretty please?)
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