New year's resolutions

Hi Abstract and all,

I actually did make a resolution this year, to make use of my time and house space (now that my son has flown the nest) so I can stop procrastinating, and seriously get with the program, The Work that is.
Buddy said:
abstract said:
C'mon, everybody has them. Every thinks at the end of the year that they should do this and that and figure out some new year's resolutions. Even if you don't keep them (and a lot of us don't)
what are you resolving to get done this year? :huh: I'll kick it off with my list:
1. detox more
2. solve anger problems
3. reduce procrastination (that one covers a lot of bases :))

1. Stop making New Year's resolutions
2. If I do accidentally make a New Years resolution, start looking for that roundtuit :D

Here, Here! NO New Year's resolutions! I'm glad we got that resolved :P
I have to admit that I am a bit surprised at the strong reactions this topic seems to be generating. I've never followed the tradition of New Year's resolutions myself, and I think the argument that you can make a resolution any day of the year has validity, but I don't really see what is wrong if someone does want to follow the tradition. If nothing else, it has inherent within it the possibility of learning a lesson, even if that lesson is that New Year's resolutions may not be that effective -- but I couldn't say for sure that this was true for everyone. I guess I think that the content of the resolutions (if you decide to make them in the first place) is worth more scrutiny than the actual decision to make them or not.
abstract said:
C'mon, everybody has them. Every thinks at the end of the year that they should do this and that and figure out some new year's resolutions. Even if you don't keep them (and a lot of us don't)
what are you resolving to get done this year? :huh: I'll kick it off with my list:
1. detox more
2. solve anger problems
3. reduce procrastination (that one covers a lot of bases :))

Historically, each time I've resolved to do something for myself its blown up in my face. :rolleyes: When its a resolution to do for someone else, it flows, but doesn't discount the hard work involved in getting there. ;)

That's the nature of Contrary energy when you're stuck with it from birth....the second you set your thoughts toward doing 'x', every circumstance and general law will array against you. Its as if, by making a firm decision to do something, you end up doing the exact opposite of what you intended to do.

Dumping resolutions, expectations, and socially pressured 'intentions' (and it doesn't have to be around New Years) is a way to get round that glitch.

I didn't realize it was a holiday til I went to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription and saw a sign that said they would be open New Years Day. :D The days tend to flow one into the other for me, I don't really notice them unless its near an anniversary or birthday.

So no, no resolutions, just the same ol same ol..... :D
My resolution for 2009 was to start and maintain the diet/detox program. The fact that I succeeded in the endeavor was very satisfying. So for those who are pooh-poohing the New Year's resolutions ritual, remember that it CAN be used to motivate oneself and, if successful, be a source of pride and confidence that one can actually DO something towards improving one's quality of life.
Gosh, and here I was thinking I was just going to generate a little conversation about new years, in addition to the other new year's thread. It ended up basically as "yes it does" "no it doesn't". :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't get me wrong, you all made good points. :P
Shijing said:
I have to admit that I am a bit surprised at the strong reactions this topic seems to be generating. I've never followed the tradition of New Year's resolutions myself, and I think the argument that you can make a resolution any day of the year has validity, but I don't really see what is wrong if someone does want to follow the tradition. If nothing else, it has inherent within it the possibility of learning a lesson, even if that lesson is that New Year's resolutions may not be that effective -- but I couldn't say for sure that this was true for everyone. I guess I think that the content of the resolutions (if you decide to make them in the first place) is worth more scrutiny than the actual decision to make them or not.

I felt the exact same way Shijing. I was quite surprised at the heated responses :shock:

I've always made New year's resolutions, as far as I can remember so will always do it because it helps me put my goals in to perspective.

But anyway, here are mine:

1) Learn Japanese
2) Continuing with detox, meditation/EE
3) Read and interact more on the forum
4) Exercise more often...
It was far from any intention of mine to become 'heated' in response to abstract's initial post about New Year's resolutions, and I apologize to all if I over-stepped, assumed, or made light of anyone's sincere attempts toward resolve. I was attempting to poke holes in what I thought was something of a sacred cow among the vast majority in the popular culture who vow on New Years to make a resolution and then within a matter of days forget all about it. This is something I have observed year after year in people around me during the course of my life. I do have an emotional response to this, and I did assume that others would get this without explanation. The fact that abstract bounced back with a response exactly along those lines provoked my further response, which admittedly was one more intended for him than for the wider forum, and may have contributed to the perception that this exchange had become 'heated'. I sincerely apologize if I have trounced on anyone who is using the opportunity of making resolutions on the start of the New Year to their benefit, as this was nowhere in my intent. I do not wish to oppose, diminish, obstruct or otherwise make less of anyone's efforts to better themselves or further strengthen their efforts or resolve. We all know what a difficult task it is. I very much am inspired by and respect the efforts made by all those who contribute here, and as a part of this network, I also benefit from all those efforts everyone makes, in whatever manner is effective. Far from being critical of such efforts, I am grateful for them.
It was far from any intention of mine to become 'heated' in response to abstract's initial post about New Year's resolutions, and I apologize to all if I over-stepped, assumed, or made light of anyone's sincere attempts toward resolve.

I'm certainly not offended. :lol:

I was attempting to poke holes in what I thought was something of a sacred cow among the vast majority in the popular culture who vow on New Years to make a resolution and then within a matter of days forget all about it.

Very true! However, aren't these the same people who, how shall we say, are blasted with so much radiation and toxicity, it's a wonder anyone can remember to lock the door when they leave the house? myself included... :-[
This year first i want to be more active on the forum ;) ,second practice EE breathing program regulary....
My family (me, my mom and dad, my sis and her husband) has made it sort of an unofficial tradition to at the end of the year talk about our new years resolutions, write them down, and evaluate the ones we made a year earlier. We're always bit hesitant to make them, but most of the time we all come up with a few and we are even, though not always, succeeding in following through with them. My dad mostly refuses to make any resolutions, so the rest of the family goes on to, in a humorous and fair way, pressure him a little into making one up. The rules are pretty much that the resolution must have a more or less morally 'good' outcome, and/or not be selfish. So stuff like eating healthier or making more time for your spouse or kids makes for good resolutions. Resolving to finally trade in that old but perfectly okay car for an expensive new one probably won't be accepted as a new years resolution, which of course doesn't have to stop you from buying that car anyway. Point is, it is not making you or other peoples' lives better to do so. Of course, anything is open to discussion.

I found that I'm also hesitant and tend to hold back when making them, for fear of not fulfilling them and then having to deal with that failure. So this topic here made me think. Why is that? Why do I fear taking on a new years resolution, one that I can come up with myself, something I can choose myself what it is, and may even be beneficial to myself? Better still, I won't get punished if I don't follow through, the worst that could happen is that I have a few uncomfortable moments next year round when asked about how I'd follow through with them. I think it is because of my fear of failure, fear of not being able to do the all the work that comes with them, fear of falling into old habits, fear of not having the willpower to change myself. The things I came up with while being with my family was first of all not falling back into my old drug abuse habit, and second cleaning up my house and keeping it that way, to live in a nice and orderly house. Which, I presume, is not that bad after all. It has the benefit of me seeing that it is actually very beneficial to myself, although it will require work and changing of habits.

Before reading this thread I read Laura's new years resolution here:

I am resolving to get all of the transcripts up in this sub-forum this year. I will try to post at least one every day. If I miss a day, I'll try to catch up and get more than one up. I will post the sessions that have been carefully compared to the board notes and, if anything is questionable, I will go to the original recording to ascertain the accuracy of the transcript. I will also add explanatory footnotes where needed.

I found that to be really inspiring. I mean, that's putting the bar really high. So Laura if you read this, thank you for that!

So, without further ado, and not necessarily in this order, these are my new years resolutions:

1) I will not fall back into my old drug abuse habit.
2) I will put my daughters needs above my own.
3) I will work to go from living in a house that is badly organized and messy to living in a house that is organised, clutter free, clean, and above all a warm and friendly home to live in. And I will keep it that way.
4) I will network more on this forum.
5) I will start seriously doing the EE program as opposed to once in a while, incorporate it into my daily routine, and don't stop doing it.
6) I will detox my body, and switch to a steady healthy diet.

Thank you all for this discussion, and let's come back next year to see how we've done :)
I have One New years resolution, and is to start DO'ing to the best of my abilities, instead of just reading and thinking about it :/
Funny, I didn't even think about making a resolution until I saw this thread. So thanks for the reminder, abstract. No resolution, oh my!
Here's mine: I resolve to continue to unload useless "things" from my life.
This thread offers an opportunity to put in writing my resolve:

-to STAY CONSCIOUS moment by moment to the best of my ability

-to maintain consistency with the Eiriu-Eolas Breathing Program

-to cherish every moment of this most precious time to continue learning and deepening my understanding of All That Is, taking advantage of the Recommended Reading list (with special attention to The Wave series) as well as learning from the accumulated wisdom represented on this Forum and on the entire Cassiopaean site

-to grow in my understanding and demonstration of what it means to be a member of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind
I very seldom make new years resolutions, mainly because if I decide to do something (or try to) then I go ahead and work on it. This is good and bad, if I fail no-one knows and if I succeed no-one knows (except me).

I am really trying to get into all of this. I have been exposed to it for many years but never tried to seriously learn and understand it. I am trying now. I'm trying to catch up on my reading and learning and even doing. I am trying to be more involved and post more. A lot of times I won't post because someone else has said what I would have or sometimes because I don't really have anything to add.

If I was to make a resolution it would be to;

Learn more and become more involved.

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