Newly Discovered Rope Worm Infection

Not sure if this would be the same one, but my step brother had one when we were kids being babysat. he went to have a bowel movement, and had to stay on the toilet cause what looked like a big earthworm was halfway out of his anus. Apparently dead. It would have had to be more than a foot long. We were told at the time that it would have been things like chewing gum off the street that would have caused this.
I wanted to give a brief update here, but fear I can't say much more than has already been said on other forums discussing this topic.
The Fenbendazole is something to be very careful with, especially if you suspect you're pretty loaded with this stuff.
It took me about a week before I realized that even the small dosage I was taking was clearing things out faster than my body could keep up with.
I couldn't say how many ropes I killed with the Fenbend, but it was amazing to see how effective it was against morgellons.


This was a bunch of fibers I collected off my skin one night after taking it.
After showers I was just covered with the stuff and joked that I was the human cotton candy machine. :P

Since I was overwhelmed with this method I went to a Holistic Dr for a parasite cleanse. The cleanse was the usual black walnut, wormwood, clove.
She assured me it would kill anything and that may be true, but even after extending the protocol the difference is minimal and I would have to repeat it many times.
The ropes have been coming out broken up and in pieces, but the extreme discomfort in my upper intestine is still there which tells me they are too.
Fendbendazole (safeguard) proved to be extremely useful with morgellons, and most likely rope also, but don't jump in too fast!
It may be wiser to try natural antihelminths to relieve some of the burden before trying this.

I'm going to experiment with other methods, and forgo the dewormer paste for awhile.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the picture shows the fibers the night of and the day after.
Infestations with parasites and worms are a real thread for people eating a normal western diet, as these critters thrive and prosper on carbohydrates and sugar. As I learned modern medicine is not really interested in investigating this problem further, as there are only a few medications on the market, which are so strong that you can only take them for a few days. Most p/w have a much longer life cycle, so you certainly won't solve this problem that way.

I know, most people find this topic totally disgusting. I had my own lesson to learn, as I curiously drank a big cup of superbitter wormwood tea after reading about it for the first time, a few years ago. And guess what, I found a fingerlong earthwormish thing in my stool afterwards. WOW! :scared: To me it was enough proof, that these beasties exist without the hosts' awareness.
Concerned and shocked I tried to research this topic and found a comprehensive overview on and quite an extensive bulk of parasite pictures on
I tested the humaworm formula once, but by now, after the implementation of codex alimentarius, they unfortunately no longer ship to most european countrys. The Humaworm company was referenced in another thread, questioning it's credibility, which I didn't really understand, because they offer and share a lot of information about their dedication and their products on their site and the product prizes are really fair.

Personally I would do a parasite cleanse once a year, especially when you live with pets but I couldn't find any comparable herbal formula so far. So by now I'm sticking with the keto-diet, smoking and bitter tasting foods. About a month ago I included Olive Leaf Extract (Sinoplasan natur) which is brutally bitter, but said to be curing in a lot of chronic indications.

For those who are still sceptical, if parasitic infestation in humans is a real thread, please go and check it out on youtube.
But you have to be strong though :cry:
Laura said:
⚫ Green hulls of black walnut: is known to have powerful effects on killing many varieties of parasites.The dried and ground green hull of the Black Walnut contains tannin, which is organic iodine, as well as juglandin. Black walnut has been used for centuries to expel various types of worms, including parasites that cause skin irritations such as ringworm. It oxygenates the blood, which also helps kill parasites. Black Walnut is very effective against tapeworms, pinworms, Candida albicans (yeast infections) and malaria. It is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels, and helping the body rid itself of toxins.

⚫ Wormwood: Named for its ability to expel parasites, this bitter herb is known world wide for its strong killing ability. This is one of the MOST POWERFUL tools in the parasite-killing herb kingdom. It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood contains the potent chemicals thujone and isothujone, which are the primary components that kill parasites. Wormwood also contains santonin, an effective remedy for parasitic diseases. Wormwood is the second most bitter herb known to man and has been proven as a POWERFUL remedy for malaria. Wormwood also contains sesquiterpene lactones, which work similarly to peroxide by weakening the parasites membranes therefore killing them. Wormwood also helps produce bile, which in turn helps the liver and gallbladder.

⚫ Cloves: Cloves contains the most powerful germicidal agent in the herbal kingdom known as eugenol. It also contains caryophyllene which is powerful antimicrobial agents. These components travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. Cloves are tremendously effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi, including Candida. Cloves also destroy all species of Shigella, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus.

I ordered 'Clarkia' a few weeks back on _ . (In the past I've done just the pills separately.) It's actually very strong in smell and taste, even in small amounts.

Clarkia is an extra strong alcohol-based tincture made from these three herbs: the green hull of black walnut, cloves & wormwood leaves and flowers.

Those who have ever lived with cats that have fleas, actually, maybe the reason for a parasite detox may be higher, given _ . When the cats get on the tables where food and drink are, sometimes the fleas come off and jump around, and they're not all that accurate in where they intend to go... :shock:
Thanks for your reply skyalmian, the herbs on the quoted list above, are only 3 out of 25 herbs the humaworm people use in their formula. That's why I think their products are the most powerful and elaborated organic herbal dewormers on the market, so far.

Checking their site again yesterday, I was surprised to see that their countries's shipping list changed:

WE CANNOT SHIP TO THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES:Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates

So Germany and France are back on their shipping list again. That's great news to me at least :)
I am wondering how the parasite is contracted? Ive been looking on search engines and can find a slew of info on their makeup, treatments etc. but no info on how one actually can be infected. Im familiar with round, whip,and tape worms, but mostly in animals. If a link or information has been provided that I missed, or that would answer my question Id really appreciate it.
Thanks all
Delizco said:
I am wondering how the parasite is contracted? Ive been looking on search engines and can find a slew of info on their makeup, treatments etc. but no info on how one actually can be infected. Im familiar with round, whip,and tape worms, but mostly in animals. If a link or information has been provided that I missed, or that would answer my question Id really appreciate it.
Thanks all

I copied the passage directly from the humaworm page (


First, you need to understand that you’re not actually eating worms to become infected – you’re getting infected from the microscopic parasite eggs that can be virtually anywhere. If after reading this section you're thinking "If parasite eggs are everywhere and are so easy to obtain, then why aren't we ALL infected?" The answer? 90% of us ALREADY ARE. Here are some examples of how easily you can become a parasite host:

Water is the primary way parasites infect humans. For example, over 50% of our lakes, river streams and creeks are infected with the protozoa parasite Giardia Lambia. This parasite is not killed by chlorine and is steadily finding it’s way into urban areas with “treated” drinking water. Symptoms of an infestation include, diarrhea and cramping that lasts for over a week and is most often misdiagnosed as the stomach flu.
ALSO when swimmers have parasites and they swim in places with others, the water is then contaminated with eggs from their bodies. It only takes a very small amount of swallowed water to become infected.

You can obtain parasite eggs from other humans very easily. Since most infections come from the anal-oral route think about this – someone has parasites, they use the restroom, do not wash their hands afterwards, then they sit down and use the salt shaker on the restaurant’s table – they have just deposited microscopic eggs onto this object. You are the next person to sit at this table and use the salt shaker – you then lick your finger or even put your hand to your face – you are now the new host to parasites. Parasite eggs can live under human fingernails for up to 2 months. Think of how many common objects you come into contact with on a daily basis. Even more common infections come from kissing, holding hands, sharing eating utensils and of course, sexual contact.
Usually if one family member is a host to parasites, the entire family is infected. There are many parasite eggs that can live without a host for weeks – for example, microscopic pinworms eggs become airborne and can travel ANYWHERE and they can live for two days outside of a host. These microscopic eggs are inhaled where they then hatch inside your body.

Animals, including pets, can spread 240 diseases to humans via parasites. By petting or grooming animals, you are picking up eggs that pass from them to us via hands, nose and mouth. ALSO parasite infected fleas and ticks and parasite infected animal feces are concerns. This is why walking barefoot where animals have defecated is a major source of parasite infections - especially when you CAN'T SEE the actual animal feces - you just happen to be walking where they have been before. THINK about this – when your pet (or someone else’s) licks their anus, they are depositing thousands of eggs onto their tongues – then they lick you and those eggs have just been transmitted to their new host. YOU. Americans now have the highest rate of toxoplasmosis parasites in the world. You have probably heard of this one as all pregnant women are warned about toxplasmosis because they can die from an infestation.
Pets and domesticated animals are not the only ones spreading parasites – mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, lice and all other biting insects transmit protozoa (one cell) parasites to humans.

Undercooked meats are a very high source of parasite infections. Commercial pork products are also notorious for infections – bacon, ham, pork chops, cold cuts, hot dogs, etc. Also cuts of meat such as beef, lamb, chicken and fish contain parasite eggs. Sushi (raw fish) alone contains eggs and larvae of several species of parasites. We trust the cattle, pork and chicken producers to keep their livestock wormed on a regular basis, but over 50% of animals that go to slaughter are parasite infected.

Unwashed fruit and vegetables are also a big source of parasite carriers. A lot of vegetables are eaten raw and according to the Center for Disease Control diseases from fruit and vegetables are on the rise. With a huge demand for fruit and vegetables, we Americans import 30 billion tons of food per year. Some of this food comes from countries where animal manure and human feces are used as fertilizer. This practice greatly increases the spread of parasites. The practice of eating out is also on the rise. Salad bars, infected food handlers, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables are all sources for parasites.

In our modern age, world travel is a way of life for many. These travelers are bringing home parasites that were once almost unknown in America. Airplanes are a great source for parasite transmission. It's very common for a family to go on vacation and bring back uninvited guests with them. We also have a huge influx of refugee and immigrant populations who are bringing us their countries’ parasites.

REMEMBER this – if parasites are so easy to “catch” then why isn’t everyone infected? Over 90% of us ALREADY ARE – it’s just the parasite’s mission to remain undetected.
Follow the age old advice of DON’T DRINK THE WATER – especially on camping trips, while traveling in foreign countries and when swimming in public places. Filtering your home drinking water also helps, as does boiling water to drink while away from home (camping, in foreign countries, etc.).
Avoid putting your hands in your mouth or touching your face and wash your hands often when out and about shopping, eating out, etc.
Worm your pets (and livestock) twice per year and do not walk barefoot where animals have been known to defecate. Do not allow animals to lick you in the face or mouth.
Thoroughly cook all meats – stay away from raw meats (including sushi) and cold cuts (including hot dogs) if possible.
Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before consuming.
Deworm YOURSELF and your family twice per year to stay clear of any parasitic infestations!

Hope it helps
This is my first actual post but I've already done the newbie greeting part so I hope I'm in order.

I would hope more people with or without parasites (or aliens or threads or plants or whatever these horrific terrorist organisms be) might want to try a cutting-edge tool that is being produced by American Biotech Labs ( ) in Utah. It's called Silver Solution (or Silver Gel, used topically on skin) and even if it did not kill the internal units it would certainly beef up your immune system like crazy. It's engineered to kill everything bad while enhancing everything good in the body, and this is NOT your mama's colloidal silver. It is truly miraculous imho, and is being used wherever possible by the VA and by medics on wounded soldiers thereby avoiding infections and gangrene etc to wounds.

Silver Sol is now being used by disaster remediation companies, especially for such things as black mold cleanup where it can be used without contamination of the environment (unlike caustic chemicals such as clorox and such) and with no fear of harm to animals or humans. To my mind, something that can kill superbugs like MRSA has got to at least be of interest. One caveat - if you're loading up on salt, I'm not sure Silver Sol can do its work. One would need to check that out.

I always buy mine on amazon for the best pricing. Hope this is helpful at all to anyone.

= =
All is well.
Everything is working out for my highest good.
Out of this situation only good will come.
I am safe, and I am loved.
Just one comment, although I'm wondering if you are just here to promote a product, "loading up on salt" is not a bad thing if you are using unprocessed salt, such as Real Salt, Celtic Salt, or Himalayan Salt. As a matter of fact, we need salt. So unless it is table salt, which has been processed with chemicals that leach all of the other minerals out of it, salt (and a lot more than what we are being told to consume) is a must.

You might want to read our Life Without Bread and Ketogenic Diet threads. A lot of our problems have to do with the Standard America Diet we have been told to follow for decades.

Added: By the way, the product you are discussing sound a lot like Life Silver that is a product that one of our members is involved with. Maybe it's the same product with a new name?
Hello, and thank you for this post, I registered on this site after reading your post to give my testimony and ask for help.

So here, I still play sports, I am a vegetarian for 20 years, I'm 47, and I'm not a fan of sugars ..
Although I admit, has 20 years I ate sugars, sodas, meats etc, like most people in this world.

Nevertheless after a body weight of 100kg dry, when I practiced boxing pro, I find myself for almost 20 years with worries of gastric disorders, burns in the stomach after meals despite becoming vegetarian, and decision substantial weight that is spend a 150kg, while I'm not a big eater.
In recent months I found myself had to get up at night with breathing trouble like I was suffocating, my larynx was crushed.
My girlfriend told me you're certainly become gluten intolerant.
This was disturbing because I tell you I'm not a big eater.
My friend pointed out to me, your belly swells and it is becoming bigger.
Being very much a listening healthy things, I say good, I can be a candidiasis.
I have drastically changed my diet even more severely, no sugar, wholemeal bread in small quantities, no milk for years, etc.
Nothing changes. always the same worries.
So I returned in an investigation on the internet and I discovered the MMS-CDH-CDS.
I felt immediately in tune with the universe, philosophy, and all seems incredible to me, I adhere to the protocol Clara then to 1,000.
I do a week of Clara protocol arrival 6x3 drops the urge to vomit was very strong, I tell myself that the protocol in 1000 might be easier to bear, so I switched to the protocol in 1000 3x8 daily.
Very quickly I felt revived, more digestive problems, fatigue more worries, no more worries to think, the desire to go back to the conquest of the world income, great.
Nevertheless I am before my girlfriend there ten days, I look at her and told her I felt something that goes down my esophagus, she asks me do you mean?
I repeat it, I promise a ramp thing in my esophagus, I show him the way he travels, and he put in my throat and began pushing out like ....
I told him a worm trying to get out of my throat through my mouth !!!!!
it was there 10 days ... from this verse is in my throat trying to get out sometimes I fight with him .. he bites me behind the trachea and does not let me sleep, every 30 minutes if I trying to sleep, he bites the back of my tongue, push to exit, moves into my neck to the back of my head, is also trying to enter my lung bronchi, so 10 days no sleep.
I do my research, is a roundworm, tapeworm ?? No! I discovered that the only one who did that was the Rope Worm a new kid.
And I found your post.
Yesterday I went for emergencies, because I do not know how to, blocking my tongue, I controlled it more and it happened a stir. Panic on board for me!
I put everything that came into my mouth, garlic, alcohol that I keep in my mouth. I swallow burning tea olive leaves mixed with thyme, burning my throat, and he fell back into my belly ...
So I found your post, or you give advice to buy the kit Clarkia parasite cleaner has basic walnut, wormwood and clove, I buy, I expect.
I try Vermox (2x200mg / day for 3 days), it does not work .. nothing changes. I have not tried to extend the duration of treatment, because of the risk of hair loss. I discovered 2 protocols basic chemical medicines, 1 a basic mebendazole, and the site curezone has basic Albendazole, I opt for one of
So I buy Albendzole 600mg, Bactrim, and I have to receive Ivermectin and diatomaceous earth.
I felt them to move into my body, they are more and move in me as one who is in my throat. I do not panic and I thank God for making me discover these monsters in me!
Oh yes !! thank you my God.
I kind of hate on the people of MMs and their website, which has no time say, if you make one of our protocols, you must accompany it with an anti parasitic protocol ..
I am amazed to read in curezone that MMS does not kill the worms, they would have been nice to indicate this on the official website of MMS ...
Here, I tell you everything.
thank you for your super post again.


  • TESTIMONIAL en francais.txt
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this a new update ,yesterday the worm sting me like a spider at the right side of my tang, i think is deeper under my tang , but this is hurt me all the day, that why i decide to jump in war now ,i can t wait the herbal.
And i see on curezone herbal cant do nothing on rope worm if the worm migrate out of the bowel.
i forgot to say, yesterday its the third day i dont eat nothing, my girl beggin to scream on me,and say "you want kill this worm but please dont kill you for in the same time" :-[
And for real yesterday all stay with no perturbation in my physical in my troath nothing.. in morning the sting but after all the day nothing.
i say to my girl, i dont want maybe he beggin to die, she insiste, and i say "ok but not a lot", just soup and some salade.
when i eat!!! nobody can imagine here.. many worms coming out from my stomac, go to all direction,my pancreatic,my liver,and i feel some get out from my tube troath to go in my heart direction...and pain begginto happen tome ,oh yes big pain..
my side heart hurt me like somebody bit me with a bat, my side liver beggin to be big and hurt me like somebody put gaz inside with pressure, my prancreatik give me electrical pain, this morning my 2 kidney go inside the festival..i feel me like many guys shoot me on the ground and my arm is weck with no protection..i put my hand on my liver side ,i feel like my kidney and my liver is one piece..with pain conection, i say to my girl when she weck up, im hurt boo...realy hurt....
that why now i eat albendazole, bactrim.. i say stop!!! the worm terrorism is finish in my body.. i say finiiiiissh!!!
when i take the food this morning all pain stop max 2 minutes after the food and the Albendazole eating and the bactrim.
now i have to fight with the worm, put garlic fresh pressed with rhum in my troath each 5 minutes because some worm try to pass my troath and pass on my face under my skin close to my noose ........ :scared:never ever ...
Albendazole its like a bomb H anti worm .... let me use it!!!!!!!
i hope all the worm die in familly assembly, remake of Titanic ,im ready to give him the big fall water.
sorry for my english , but this satanic worm have to give me back my soul..
this intrusion have to be stoped now!!!!
Satanic worm.... the new soldier of the 3 world wars conspiracy... i catch you!!!!
Essayez avec cette orthographe : nouvelle du jour, je suis a mon deuxieme jour d'albendazole+bactrim, le premier jour a ete atroce , les vers ropes me piquaient de l'interieur du corps , cela est tres douloureux. Ils essayent de sortir de mon corps en passant par la bouche..ces betes doivent avoir des crochets venimeux, car ma langue etait acrochee et piquer ,et cela faisait aussi tres mal. Ils me piquaient de partout a faire des petit bon de douleur. comme des araignee sous la peau. Hier ce fut l'enfer plus que les autres jours, les vers ce deplacaient tres vite dans ma chair, je les sentaient ,ils me blessaient me bousculant des muscles et touchant mes organes internes a vive allure en les traversant comme dans du beurre (comment cela est il possible??), en ce deplacant rapidement ils me faisaient peur et ils mon tourmente pendant 15 heures au moins apres la prise du premier albendazole, mais cela fait 10 jours que je ne dors pas, hier soir je n'ai pu rester eveiller a surveiller que ces vers ne viennent pas coincer ma trachee ou sortir par ma bouche. je suis tomber d'epuisement a 1heures du matin. a 2heures les vers m'ont reveiller , ils tiraient ma langue en arriere, ma langue etait accrochee de chaque cote par des crochets invisible mais urtiquant, je vous le jure ces vers brulent et piquent tres fort.. je suis allee aux toilettes voir ma langue, les cotes etaient violace anormalement et le centre blanchatre son aspect habituel, ma langue me brulait tres fort. je suis retourner me coucher, car cela ne me faisait plus rien, j'etait comme a bout, resigner.. je me reveille ce main 7 heures, j'ai fait un coma d'epuisement et de surmenage. quelque chose a changer,ma langue a encore un legere douleur temoin et elle est un peu coincer engourdie, mais je ne ressent pas de vers dans ma gorge qui me mordent la trachee.. je ne sent plus d'etrinte de l'interieur de la glote et du cou.. Ils commencent a mourir, leurs force est moindre, et meme si au moment ou je vous parle un me brule dans l'interieur du cou a droite et un autre me mord la trachee dsur le cote gauche, c est supportable. Ce matin au petit dejeuner, un etait en trin de me mordre sur le cote droit de ma trachee, mais sa morssure etait supportable, meme si toute deglutition est impossible, sauf en position d'avaler de la nouriture, oui il est impossible de deglutir,la glote ce coince, car le vers ce loge dedans, le ou les vers je ne sais pas? enormement moins de puissance de morsure et de brulure dans les picures me sont supprtable..(mais ils piquent encore quand meme) merci Albandazole.. merci au protocole Albandazole de curezone..Enorme amelioration en 24 heures seulement..genial. ceux qui m'ont permis de prendre conaissance de ce protocole, Dieu vous protege. carces vers militaire ou sataniue je ne sais pas , c'est l'enfer de les avoir en soit.. L'ENFER!!!!!
news of the day, I had my second day albendzole bactrim +, the first day was terrible, worms ropes stung me inside the body, it is very painful. They try to get out of my body through the beasts bouche..ces must have fangs, because my tongue was acrochee and prick, and it was also very bad. They stung me around a little to make good pain. like spider under the skin.
Yesterday it was hell more than the other days to this very quickly moved into my flesh, I felt them, they hurt me knocking me touching my muscles and internal organs has high speed crossing the like butter (how this is it possible ??), in fast moving they made me afraid and my torment at least for 15 hours after taking the first albendazole, but it has been 10 days that I do not sleep last night I could not stay awaken to monitor that these do not come into my trachea or stuck out through my mouth. I fall from exhaustion has 1hour in the morning.
I had 2 hours to have the wake, they drew my tongue back, my tongue was hanging on each side by invisible hooks urtiquant but I swear to burn and sting these very strong .. I see my allee to the toilet language, ratings were abnormally purplish whitish and the center's usual appearance, my tongue was burning me very hard.
I go back to bed because it did not mind, I was like a tip, re-sign ..
I wake up 7:00 this hand, I made a coma of exhaustion and overwork.
something has changed, my tongue still has a slight pain and witness it is a bit stuck numb, but I do not feel in my throat to bite me the trachea .. I feel more etrinte the inside the glote and neck ..
They begin to die, their strength is less, and even though at the time I speak in a burned me inside the neck to the right and another one bites me the trachea Dkey the left side, c is bearable.
This morning at breakfast, was in a triune to bite me on the right side of my trachea, but his morssure was bearable, even if any swallowing is impossible, except in position to swallow food packages, so it is impossible to swallow The glote it stuck, because to this lodge in, or the worms I do not know? enormously less power bite and burn in the picures are supprtable me .. (but they still sting anyway)
thank you .. thank you to Albandazole Albandazole protocol curezone..Enorme seulement..genial improvement in 24 hours.
those who allowed me to take conaissance this protocol, God protects you.
carces to military or sataniue I do not know, it's hell to have them either ..
HELL !!!!!
news of the day, I had my second day albendzole bactrim +, the first day was terrible, worms ropes stung me inside the body, it is very painful. They try to get out of my body through the beasts bouche..ces must have fangs, because my tongue was acrochee and prick, and it was also very bad. They stung me around a little to make good pain. like spider under the skin.
Yesterday it was hell more than the other days to this very quickly moved into my flesh, I felt them, they hurt me knocking me touching my muscles and internal organs has high speed crossing the like butter (how this is it possible ??), in fast moving they made me afraid and my torment at least for 15 hours after taking the first albendazole, but it has been 10 days that I do not sleep last night I could not stay awaken to monitor that these do not come into my trachea or stuck out through my mouth. I fall from exhaustion has 1hour in the morning.
I had 2 hours to have the wake, they drew my tongue back, my tongue was hanging on each side by invisible hooks urtiquant but I swear to burn and sting these very strong .. I see my allee to the toilet language, ratings were abnormally purplish whitish and the center's usual appearance, my tongue was burning me very hard.
I go back to bed because it did not mind, I was like a tip, re-sign ..
I wake up 7:00 this hand, I made a coma of exhaustion and overwork.
something has changed, my tongue still has a slight pain and witness it is a bit stuck numb, but I do not feel in my throat to bite me the trachea .. I feel more etrinte the inside the glote and neck ..
They begin to die, their strength is less, and even though at the time I speak in a burned me inside the neck to the right and another one bites me the trachea Dkey the left side, c is bearable.
This morning at breakfast, was in a triune to bite me on the right side of my trachea, but his morssure was bearable, even if any swallowing is impossible, except in position to swallow food packages, so it is impossible to swallow The glote it stuck, because to this lodge in, or the worms I do not know? enormously less power bite and burn in the picures are supprtable me .. (but they still sting anyway)
thank you .. thank you to Albandazole Albandazole protocol curezone..Enorme seulement..genial improvement in 24 hours.
those who allowed me to take conaissance this protocol, God protects you.
carces to military or sataniue I do not know, it's hell to have them either ..
HELL !!!!!
Man oh man, Low Profile, you really are going through the mill.
Please keep us up to date with your progress on this, as most people don't even realise that they are carrying a load of parasites around with them.
Just the one Human Liver Fluke has eleven stages of development.
Each stage can infect different organs of the body depending on what toxins you are imbibing, and each of these results in a different 'disease', and of course has different treatment protocols. (search "Dr. Hulda Clark" for more details)
And there are thousands of different parasites, protozoas, viruses, bacteria and fungi that can invade our bodies.
It will be interesting to discover what your particular parasite is, as it sounds particularly nasty.
Best Wishes.
Your words do me good and they touch me deeply, because such extreme conditions could have led me to a disarray of the total soul .. I happily supported by God since my childhood, and the woman he began to my side for me and love me RAISED caught in these arms like a child during this ordeal, for all this I say have never been not alone! Neither at home nor in my heart and it saves me from everything.
I was afraid I suffered and I fight, but in a protective love and an extreme sweetness Guerrit all ..
I've always believed in love as the summit of all attainable thing, and it is through him that I pass this epreuve..oui thanks to the love of God in my little person.
This thing is ui in my body is something that has been create and develop for the 3 rd war.
it has the role to destroy the man but before making them decrease.
I view this to me in my treaverserrentrer organs rendants douloureux.ce me move me like a shark in the water, without any stop or my whole body penetration of gene, and I swear this is not an image I've seen and felt they went through my body, my face returned to my head, immediatly a headache it woke, they entered the enfroit as my heart and immediatly as a pain of up to the elbow that triggered .. like liver, pancreatic like .. some of their progression in my flesh hustled me making me feel like I was a big shit, they had the opportunity to treat me as detritus.
I tell you we are invaded, those who were to create this type of intrusive for men, we began to destroy a distance while making the benefit of all souls magma.le final goal being the eyes of man and decrepitude of its civilization.
Thank you for your sweet words MusicMan, peace on your soul.
thank you for giving me a MMs show the monster in my body.
Thank you to those who know and who share the echappee my animal state aservi my return in the skin of a man free to think and act ..
thank you my God for all your well.
Reality is greater than fiction, I am witness since childhood.

en francais

Tes mots me font du bien et ils me touchent profondement, car une tel situation extreme aurait pu me mener a un desarroi de l'ame total.. je suis heureusement soutenu par Dieu depuis ma tendre enfance , et la femme qu'il a mit a mes cote pour m'aimer m'a relevee et pris dans ces bras comme un enfant pendant cette epreuve, pour tout cela je dis n'ai jamais ete seul! Ni chez moi, ni dans mon coeur et cela me sauve de tout.
J'ai eu peur, j'ai souffert et je lutte ,mais dans un amour protecteur et d'une douceur extreme qui guerrit de tout..
J'ai toujours cru en l'amour comme le sommet de toute chose atteignable,et c'est grace a lui que je passe cette epreuve..oui grace a l'amour de Dieu sur ma petite personne.
Cette chose ui est dans mon corps est une chose qui a ete creer et developper pour la 3 eme guerre.
il a le role de detruire les homme mais par avant de les rendre diminuer.
J'ai vue ce vers me treaverserrentrer dans mes organes me les rendants douloureux.ce deplacer en moi comme un requin dans l eau, sans aucun arret ni gene de penetration de tout mon corps, et je le jure ce n'est pas une image, je l'ai vue et ressentie ils passaient dans tout mon corps, par mon visage rentrait dans ma tete ,imediatement un mal de tete ce reveillait, ils entraient dans des enfroit comme mon coeur et imediatement comme une douleur allant jusqu au coude ce declenchait.. foie pareil, pancrea pareil.. certaines de leurs progression dans ma chair me bousculait me faisant mal, comme si j'etait une grosse merde, qu'ils avaient la possibilite de me traiter en detritus.
Je vous le dis nous sommes envahie, ceux qui on creer ce type de vers intrusif pour les hommes , commence a nous detruire a distance tout en tirant le benefice de tout ce magma.le but final ames yeux etant la decrepitude de l'homme et de sa civilisation.
Merci pour tes mots doux MusicMan,paix sur ton ame.
merci a MMs de m'avoir montrer ces monstre dans mon corps.
Merci a ceux qui savent et qui ont partage l'echappee de mon etat d'animal aservi a mon retour dans la peau d'un homme libre de penser et d'agir..
merci mon Dieu pour tout tes bien fait.
La réalité est plus grande que la fiction, j'en suis temoin depuis tout petit.
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