Night Incidents

Re: Requesting Insight

DanielS said:

Thank you DanielS! I read both of the Wave topics that you posted and it was some very interesting information provided in each. I appreciate the assistance. I find it interesting because I have had a conversation in recent weeks with a friend on the forum and we were discussing some things about programming and he suggested I look up the Greenbaum speech. I read that and I had this feeling of dispair because this could be anybody and that was a hard pill for me to swallow at first. It seems the more information I am given on this topic to digest I am not becoming comfortable or complacent but I am able to accept this as a part of our reality! Reading chapter 21 of the Wave series from the beginning went right into the mind programming theme. I do have another question during one of the sessions with the C's in The Wave series chapter 21

"Q: (L) What do these sound waves in the ultra high frequencies do?
A: They can alter chemical balances within the body of the subject, thereby also the brain, using the physical path to cause distress by altering these chemical imbalances into place."

Could this have possibly been attempted in reference to what happened to me during that night? I do not feel out of sorts, but I do feel the urge to understand what did possibly take place.
Re: Requesting Insight

Won8d said:
I do have a question. Reading what you stated about signals being beemed to the population as a whole and picking up on them affects people below the threshold of everyday awareness, would this be because of my lack of knowledge on this in particular or knowledge in general. Would it also be true that now that I am aware of such an instance especially since it is a personal experience I can protect myself by learning as much as I can with the information available?

Yes, I do think ALL kinds of knowledge is required that keeps coming in on a continuous basis and then learning how to utilize it. This includes self knowledge (consciousness) and the development of intuition and awareness. Then I think protection will follow. I think what naturally develops from this is a greater ability to see the unseen and increased powers of insight (perspicacity) along with greater powers of discernment and critical thinking that one can apply to those things that one is seeing. This I think helps to recognize and better understand the dynamics of those unseen energy exchanges that go on “behind the curtain” as it were.

*Edit from kenlee : Note: I inadvertently posted my response here and it came up on Won8d's message box. My mistake! I re-posted it below in my message box. --kenlee
bjorn said:
Well- I clearly saw a figure, it was really small. As I lied flat on my bed, my head slightly was turned up. I only could see it’s torso. And a part of it’s his legs. It’s body, it seemed it was not solid. Like it existed out of light. You partly could look right through it. As for where it was standing. Just against my bed. It only took a second or 2 before I out of response put my arm towards it. Than it disappeared in, It just disappeared like it’s lights inside where slowly turned out. I clearly heard something cracking, it sounded electronically - inside my right ear when it, well disappeared.

After speaking with my wife about the incident yesterday evening she informed me of thinking she seen a figure in our room near the window after I went back to sleep. She chalked it up to being tired and feeling her vision was not all the way in focus, but I did ask her to describe to me what she had seen. If you can recall the movie Predator from the 80's she described the figure as looking transparent but noticeable like the predator did when he was invisible. This seems similar to what you are describing.
Won8d said:
I do have a question. Reading what you stated about signals being beemed to the population as a whole and picking up on them affects people below the threshold of everyday awareness, would this be because of my lack of knowledge on this in particular or knowledge in general. Would it also be true that now that I am aware of such an instance especially since it is a personal experience I can protect myself by learning as much as I can with the information available?

Yes, I do think ALL kinds of knowledge is required that keeps coming in on a continuous basis and then learning how to utilize it. This includes self knowledge (consciousness) and the development of intuition and awareness. Then I think protection will follow. I think what naturally develops from this is a greater ability to see the unseen and increased powers of insight (perspicacity) along with greater powers of discernment and critical thinking that one can apply to those things that one is seeing. This I think helps to recognize and better understand the dynamics of those unseen energy exchanges that go on “behind the curtain” as it were.

Thank you for the recommended reading, I will definitely look into it... I never thought of doing POTS, I'll try and remember if it happends again. Last night did the full EE program and fell asleep as soon as the meditation began and slept the entire night like a baby! :zzz: :)
Won8d said:
bjorn said:
Well- I clearly saw a figure, it was really small. As I lied flat on my bed, my head slightly was turned up. I only could see it’s torso. And a part of it’s his legs. It’s body, it seemed it was not solid. Like it existed out of light. You partly could look right through it. As for where it was standing. Just against my bed. It only took a second or 2 before I out of response put my arm towards it. Than it disappeared in, It just disappeared like it’s lights inside where slowly turned out. I clearly heard something cracking, it sounded electronically - inside my right ear when it, well disappeared.

After speaking with my wife about the incident yesterday evening she informed me of thinking she seen a figure in our room near the window after I went back to sleep. She chalked it up to being tired and feeling her vision was not all the way in focus, but I did ask her to describe to me what she had seen. If you can recall the movie Predator from the 80's she described the figure as looking transparent but noticeable like the predator did when he was invisible. This seems similar to what you are describing.
she must be very brave. couple of years back, I had similar experience , particularly on a day I was calm and had lot of energy, I felt some thing is moving near the window where my bed was and I felt some sort of chill in my body and some presence near my body I woke up and it ran away and I was so scared to sleep again .
[quote author=Won8d]bjorn,
After speaking with my wife about the incident yesterday evening she informed me of thinking she seen a figure in our room near the window after I went back to sleep. She chalked it up to being tired and feeling her vision was not all the way in focus, but I did ask her to describe to me what she had seen. If you can recall the movie Predator from the 80's she described the figure as looking transparent but noticeable like the predator did when he was invisible. This seems similar to what you are describing.[/quote]

Well by far it was not similar to the predator. Like I said it was really small. It stood next to my bed and I only saw it’s torso. Part of it’s arms and legs.

It just now came up to my mind, but did you ever read the book High Strangeness, 2nd Edition?

If not and you want to, you can order it on this site:

It deals with a lot of 'High Strangeness' on this planet.

You know - and what others also has already pointed out is:

Knowledge protects, ignorance’s endangers

It may be some good advice.
seek10 said:
couple of years back, I had similar experience , particularly on a day I was calm and had lot of energy, I felt some thing is moving near the window where my bed was and I felt some sort of chill in my body and some presence near my body I woke up and it ran away and I was so scared to sleep again .

A few years back I had a period of fears coming up at night, noises, thoughts, imagining all sorts of high-strangeness as a result. Finally it dawned on me that I had to control my inner state in order to get a handle on it. If there was some-thing or presence in the room or outside the house, then being scared wasn't going to help, if anything it was making the experience worse. Objectively, if there was something there, then it was there, having a fear response and being flooded with chemicals wasn't going to change that - other than perhaps make one more open to further manipulation.

Sometimes you gotta just go look out the window or around the house if that's what it takes, gather your wits, shield yourself mentally in whatever way feels appropriate and take control. Try and operate from the intellect and keep the emotional horses in line. Seems to work too, over time with this kind of approach ones openness to these kind of night fears diminishes. The creaks and bangs and what not in the night might continue but your responses to them can change.

Perhaps these kind of experiences are even set up to knock people off the track, to focus attention on the external and the habitual pattern of not being in control of oneself. Designed to evoke reactions of helplessness, but we can learn to be different I think. Maybe if it is seen that we use such experiences for new learning opportunities they become unprofitable for those doing the tinkering?
bjorn said:
[quote author=Won8d]bjorn,
After speaking with my wife about the incident yesterday evening she informed me of thinking she seen a figure in our room near the window after I went back to sleep. She chalked it up to being tired and feeling her vision was not all the way in focus, but I did ask her to describe to me what she had seen. If you can recall the movie Predator from the 80's she described the figure as looking transparent but noticeable like the predator did when he was invisible. This seems similar to what you are describing.

Well by far it was not similar to the predator. Like I said it was really small. It stood next to my bed and I only saw it’s torso. Part of it’s arms and legs.

It just now came up to my mind, but did you ever read the book High Strangeness, 2nd Edition?

If not and you want to, you can order it on this site:

It deals with a lot of 'High Strangeness' on this planet.

You know - and what others also has already pointed out is:

Knowledge protects, ignorance’s endangers

It may be some good advice.

The similarity I was speaking of was in reference to how the object/entity appeared not the actual predator itself. Just that it appeared transparent but noticeable.

I do have the high strangeness book 2nd edition. I have just began reading Political Ponerolgy, and I have just started the first chapter of high strangeness I will be sure to continue and thank you for the advice.
Alada said:
seek10 said:
couple of years back, I had similar experience , particularly on a day I was calm and had lot of energy, I felt some thing is moving near the window where my bed was and I felt some sort of chill in my body and some presence near my body I woke up and it ran away and I was so scared to sleep again .

A few years back I had a period of fears coming up at night, noises, thoughts, imagining all sorts of high-strangeness as a result. Finally it dawned on me that I had to control my inner state in order to get a handle on it. If there was some-thing or presence in the room or outside the house, then being scared wasn't going to help, if anything it was making the experience worse. Objectively, if there was something there, then it was there, having a fear response and being flooded with chemicals wasn't going to change that - other than perhaps make one more open to further manipulation.

Sometimes you gotta just go look out the window or around the house if that's what it takes, gather your wits, shield yourself mentally in whatever way feels appropriate and take control. Try and operate from the intellect and keep the emotional horses in line. Seems to work too, over time with this kind of approach ones openness to these kind of night fears diminishes. The creaks and bangs and what not in the night might continue but your responses to them can change.

Perhaps these kind of experiences are even set up to knock people off the track, to focus attention on the external and the habitual pattern of not being in control of oneself. Designed to evoke reactions of helplessness, but we can learn to be different I think. Maybe if it is seen that we use such experiences for new learning opportunities they become unprofitable for those doing the tinkering?

Very interesting insight. I will most certainly keep this in mind if this event happens again in the future!

Thank you!
Alada said:
seek10 said:
couple of years back, I had similar experience , particularly on a day I was calm and had lot of energy, I felt some thing is moving near the window where my bed was and I felt some sort of chill in my body and some presence near my body I woke up and it ran away and I was so scared to sleep again .

A few years back I had a period of fears coming up at night, noises, thoughts, imagining all sorts of high-strangeness as a result. Finally it dawned on me that I had to control my inner state in order to get a handle on it. If there was some-thing or presence in the room or outside the house, then being scared wasn't going to help, if anything it was making the experience worse. Objectively, if there was something there, then it was there, having a fear response and being flooded with chemicals wasn't going to change that - other than perhaps make one more open to further manipulation.

Sometimes you gotta just go look out the window or around the house if that's what it takes, gather your wits, shield yourself mentally in whatever way feels appropriate and take control. Try and operate from the intellect and keep the emotional horses in line. Seems to work too, over time with this kind of approach ones openness to these kind of night fears diminishes. The creaks and bangs and what not in the night might continue but your responses to them can change.

Perhaps these kind of experiences are even set up to knock people off the track, to focus attention on the external and the habitual pattern of not being in control of oneself. Designed to evoke reactions of helplessness, but we can learn to be different I think. Maybe if it is seen that we use such experiences for new learning opportunities they become unprofitable for those doing the tinkering?
Great advice. though I find it to difficult to follow this, this is some thing I have to do. Thank you for the advice.
Alada said:
Sometimes you gotta just go look out the window or around the house if that's what it takes, gather your wits, shield yourself mentally in whatever way feels appropriate and take control. Try and operate from the intellect and keep the emotional horses in line. Seems to work too, over time with this kind of approach ones openness to these kind of night fears diminishes. The creaks and bangs and what not in the night might continue but your responses to them can change.

Perhaps these kind of experiences are even set up to knock people off the track, to focus attention on the external and the habitual pattern of not being in control of oneself. Designed to evoke reactions of helplessness, but we can learn to be different I think. Maybe if it is seen that we use such experiences for new learning opportunities they become unprofitable for those doing the tinkering?

I absolutely agree. There were times I felt absolutely ridiculous getting up to look out the window numerous times but what I eventually found was that there was usually a cause for what was happening. Many times it turned out to be human related which makes sense to me as STS works through people. Eventually one of two things happens: either it diminishes or you stop focusing on it and notice it less. I never figured out which of the two it was and it really doesn't matter.

I personally know people who have gotten caught up in every distraction that comes their way and none of them are doing well at the moment. They are scared out of their wits and exhausted. This is no way to live.

When we start to use these experiences as practice, I think it also frees up out minds to be able to discern what may be STS from STO. Sometimes these things are a warning (as in Laura's experience with the cast iron skillet). If we're too caught up in being afraid, we become unable to see possible warnings. This is a dangerous road to go down. When we're stuck in fear, we become unable to act and are therefore unable to help anyone, especially ourselves.
Alada, very well said and great advice.

seek10 said:
Alada said:
Sometimes you gotta just go look out the window or around the house if that's what it takes, gather your wits, shield yourself mentally in whatever way feels appropriate and take control. Try and operate from the intellect and keep the emotional horses in line. Seems to work too, over time with this kind of approach ones openness to these kind of night fears diminishes. The creaks and bangs and what not in the night might continue but your responses to them can change.

Great advice. though I find it to difficult to follow this, this is some thing I have to do. Thank you for the advice.

Maybe for those who have a hard time going and "looking out the window" could use the pipe breathing to calm themselves down first for a few breaths. I have found that it only takes two or three pipe breaths to get the tenseness to go away. Then, get up and look around. You can even continue doing the pipe breath as you go.

Laura said:
I would suspect some kind of program being beamed your way and you are picking it up in sleep and interacting with it. That would explain it happening to the child. Probably it is something that susceptible people are influenced by, or people with a particular genetic make-up.

In my effort to understand this I have recently been searching the forum. I understand now that this experience was a result of being targeted by having a program beamed to me and my son and interacting with it in our sleep. I did not understand it or partially comprehend it at first but now I think I do. Reading some of the sessions (and I apologize for not quoting the exact one) but the C's stated that nobody is nobody and it is not a problem for 4th density STS to target individuals. I think that was where the block was at. Because I am thinking to myself why would we be targeted. I understand it is because of my interest in pursuing higher knowledge. The part about people with a particular genetic make-up had me stumped for a long "time." Now I think I am beginning to understand. Reading information on the forum about the blood. That some people at present have the blood of Shamans in their genetic make up (I hope I am saying this correctly) and because it possible that I have that in me? Passed this onto my son and that is why it affected him as well?

Which lead me to this question because I also read a post by Laura stating that Shamans are born and made. Which is why the breathing and mediation and POTS so important to our development. My question is how does one know that they are of this bloodline so to speak? Is because of the choice to seek knowledge about the things we perceive in this reality and wanting to find the explanation?

Is that the clue the potential for soul development lies in our genetic make up and also in our ability seek and understand knowledge that will allow the individual to activate this quality and be prepared when the Wave comes?

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