Facing this fear gives a sense of control and acceptance of this world's atrocities; It is not my job to save the world; that would be a serious violation of the other incarnations' free will. All one can do is trying to make a difference in the evil situations one comes in personal contact with, and the righteous anger is of better use in those concrete situations. M2C :)
But see, here is the free will thing that is such a fine line for me. I know we cannot all save the world. But, think for a minute- most of the kids that are on the receiving end of crazy stuff are going to develop some major issues. Feminine vampires and borderlines, MPD etc, most all come from some type of abuse that is heavy duty. Heck- even by our on criteria here we technically should stay away from them. But by default, those very people who were abused, are now sucked into some dark crazy energy, and on top of that, society shuns them and turns their head. That in turn makes the spiral down even worse. And if they are so badly damaged that they cannot get out of it, well, then, I guess dna married with soul energy and it is their lesson.
As parents, most would not want their kids associating with these types of kids. The further down the socio- economic food chain you go, the less likely information is available or that help that would matter exists.
It has been my experience that many of these people are never really HEARD. These books and documentaries and all the gory details are their story. If one cannot handle that, one is quite ill prepared to handle it in real life . What tends to happen is that people will , like I said, change the subject, or look away, do anything not to see what is real. They certainly do not want to get involved The issue goes far beyond just the initial heinous acts these vile predators commit . Most of the damaged people I have known do not even know what is wrong with them. So is it a free will violation to tell them? Where is the line that you do not get involved? At what point is another human more important than our "frequency"?
I only say this because it is so so easy for the thoughts expressed here in this thread to become rationalizations to not "see".