No Desire, No Purpose

[quote author=Buddy]If a loss of aim of some degree would be a manifestation of this, what could be the mechanism? I mean, how could this ability cause such a dispersion?[/quote]

Not the loss of an aim, but the need for a practical one.

Consider the mixed functioning of the centers for a moment. The intellectual center processes a lot information of many subjects through categorization, prioritization, association, etc., without necessarily needing a linear process such as "complete one task before going to another." At the same time the emotional center is participating by reacting to the information and, being less developed, often needs more time to "deal with it." Meanwhile, the motor's issues of restlessness/lethargy have a part to play in the matter as well.

The information brought in by the intellect may produce many inspirations to act. Their variety and numbers may have an overwhelming effect. When the need for the cooperation of proper functioning centers for a conscious will is added, a step by step graduation approach to aim becomes necessary. The "no desire no purpose" dilemma could actually be an intuitive understanding of "no will," or stated differently, "I desire will."

Also, distinction between the idea of aim in the Work, and such things as "orientation" or "purpose" seems to be in order.

Would the newly realized desire for will create a new mental frame of reference that would cause a temporary loss of connection to the previously held information?

Not to the previously held information necessarily, but maybe to previously held desires?
Thank you very much for that explanation, Mountain Crown. That makes a lot of sense. It also points to an are where I need to deepen my knowledge (the centers).
chachachick said:
No matter what job I hold, I eventually begin to view it as an extreme inconvenience to my real life -- something to keep me too distracted and tired to explore my true interests
Actually something that's surprised me is that I find I'm better able to Self Remember at work than home. At work I have frequent breaks to get water or (cause and effect) nip to the loo and I find myself becoming present at these times. At home on the other hand, I'm more distracted with looking after a toddler, cooking, talking... lots to keep the monkey mind occupied. Work seems to be less demanding in terms of mental energy. I've also got scope for listening to audio talks at work quite discretely which makes me feel like being there isn't 100% futile.

chachachick said:
The Spoon said:
My 'small thing' I've being trying for the past couple of days is to Self-Remember (or just be present enough) to Reiki money whenever I hand it over
Do you mean that you send Reiki energy onto the money you give in financial transactions? If so, what is the purpose of this?
Yes indeed. Well the purpose is based on the assumption that energy signatures (whatever that might mean) are recorded in materials when touched and that, by deliberately recording a positive signature (by being in a positive, present and focused state) there is some possiblity of sharing that positivity with the hundreds of people who will subsequently handle that money. OK, zero data to back that up, it's pure light and fluffy. That's not the main point though, the main point is that I'm trying to integrate my spiritual life with my domestic everyday mindless automation life by using a 'trigger' for fuller consciousness and giving myself a 'task' to try to achieve.

It's proving to be madeningly difficult! Over the past 3 days I've Self Remembered maybe 10 times and made about 8 financial transactions of which I've managed to be 'Present' for 0 (zero). For example this morning I was thinking about it as I walked in the shop, then I was completely mindless for the entire duration of the shopping including the payment and then I hit the fresh air again and DOH! Actually I could probably put a post-it note on the next tenner in my wallet which would help, but is probably cheating.
mountaincrown said:
Consider the mixed functioning of the centers for a moment. The intellectual center processes a lot information of many subjects through categorization, prioritization, association, etc., without necessarily needing a linear process such as "complete one task before going to another." At the same time the emotional center is participating by reacting to the information and, being less developed, often needs more time to "deal with it." Meanwhile, the motor's issues of restlessness/lethargy have a part to play in the matter as well.

Actually, to my understanding, the emotional center is the 'quickest' of all of the centers. It moves with lightening speed, so it wouldn't necessarily require more 'time' to deal with it. It might require an awakening, via shocks, to be able to actually engage in the process, but the speed with which the emotional center acts is unrivaled by the other centers - which makes it so powerful and so possibly detrimental if you're considering the negative half of the emotional center. So, it very well might be a case of a sleeping emotional center, as opposed to an emotional center that 'needs more time'. Fwiw.
spoon said:
Yes indeed.   Well the purpose is based on the assumption that energy signatures (whatever that might mean) are recorded in materials when touched and that, by deliberately recording a positive signature (by being in a positive, present and focused state) there is some possiblity of sharing that positivity with the hundreds of people who will subsequently handle that money.  OK, zero data to back that up, it's pure light and fluffy. 

So, have you considered that you might be violating the Free Will of others by sending them 'love and light' via your money?  

spoon said:
That's not the main point though, the main point is that I'm trying to integrate my spiritual life with my domestic everyday mindless automation life by using a 'trigger' for fuller consciousness and giving myself a 'task' to try to achieve.

Using the handling of money as a reminder to self-remember is one thing, and it may be helpful for a time - heck, anything that helps to self-remember is helpful.  However, I think you might want to revisit the idea of trying to send out 'positivity' via your money  -  this is no different from the newage followers sending buckets of love and light that are received as 'buckets of vomit', as the C's said.  I'm just wondering if you've considered that aspect of it?
[quote author=anart]Actually, to my understanding, the emotional center is the 'quickest' of all of the centers. It moves with lightening speed, so it wouldn't necessarily require more 'time' to deal with it. It might require an awakening, via shocks, to be able to actually engage in the process, but the speed with which the emotional center acts is unrivaled by the other centers - which makes it so powerful and so possibly detrimental if you're considering the negative half of the emotional center. So, it very well might be a case of a sleeping emotional center, as opposed to an emotional center that 'needs more time'. Fwiw.[/quote]

This clarifies it a great deal, thanks. I was thinking that the emotional center may be unprepared; it would have been better just to say that.
The Spoon said:
Rather than being in a state of bankruptcy, I'm comfortable. Mild boredom. Middle class angst we'd call it in the UK. I feel a bit like an amoeba - lack of stimulus, lack of response. No difficulties, no lessons, no growth.

Seems like you're just 'waking up' to how much programs and programming run and influence your life at the moment. Pretty boring, isn't it? When a person doesn't get challenged and does nothing but conform to those programs (some of which they aren't even AWARE of).... It certainly has its drawbacks, to say the least. A person may be running a lot more of them than they think, and then telling themselves that they're not really programs at all, but 'goals' or 'ideals'! This is perhaps a common 'trap' and can function also as a method of social control.

But we've all been in this situation when life just kind of 'stalls' and we're left scratching our head going "how-come this isn't working and nothing's changing?" And saying to ourselves: "Am I just going through a 'slow' time.... or is there something I'm not seeing.....? It depends on how long the 'stall' lasts for, I suppose.

I'm curious - why on earth would you reiki money? Does it need it? I personally think you'd be better off reiking yourself, your life (as a concept, or even life's purpose), your work place, your boss, your family - particularly the ones facing difficulties - or being 'difficult'. Even your enemies. I would be interested to know what benefits there are to reiking something inanimate (like money) over something that is definately animate? Or supposed to be... :huh:

And, I guess, if you don't know the the number of programs that you have accepted and received, life is just going to continue in 'stall' mode. You could tell yourself that this is 'ok' and just go back to sleep... or not. ;) It certainly is great to have choices.
[quote author=The Spoon today] At home on the other hand, I'm more distracted with looking after a toddler, cooking, talking... lots to keep the monkey mind occupied. [/quote]

Hi Spoon,

You might just think this is a very nosy question, so feel free to tell me to mind my own business and take a running jump, but -

How much do you actually interact with your toddler, other than doing the necessary wiping up of the leakages and auto-responding to the 'Feed me now' bellow? Do you colour pictures with him/her, read a big picture book with him/her, play 'Catch' with a ball? I ask because when I'm playing with my grandchildren, and doing all of the above, my mind becomes very focused and alert, even though we are only playing 'childish games' *. I started reading with my grandson when he was old enough to sit up and focus, and he now loves his books. My grandaughter is more active, and much prefers ball throwing and building blocks. Either one can gather and 'concentrate' my attention to where it could fit on the head of a pin, and this is a feeling I try to replicate in day-to-day activities; the self-remembering that comes so easily in the games.

Also, with whom are you talking? Is there another adult with you, or is it just your toddler? And if you don't like cooking, it can become a chore, and chores are not supposed to be enjoyable (or so we are told).

Fwiw, you are being unjust with youself if you think it's only your 'monkey brain' that keeps you going during your non-working hours, osit. How do you know that what you are feeling isn't a programme, initiated to make you think that your monkey brain is the top dog, as it were, and which keeps you in the same unhappy loop? It seems that way to me, but I'm still a novice in the work; any one of the more advanced forum members can give you better advice.

Like I wrote, feel free to tell me to take a running jump! Free will, and all that... :flowers: x10!

* Growing up in the austerity of a post-war Britain, there weren't a great many toys around, and the ones that were around needed 'ration points'; much too precious to waste on non-essentials. So I am 'feeding' my neglected (imo) inner child when I'm engaged in these games, osit. I must confess to having as much fun as the children!
Ruth said:
I'm curious - why on earth would you reiki money? Does it need it? I personally think you'd be better off reiking yourself, your life (as a concept, or even life's purpose), your work place, your boss, your family - particularly the ones facing difficulties - or being 'difficult'. Even your enemies. I would be interested to know what benefits there are to reiking something inanimate (like money) over something that is definately animate? Or supposed to be... :huh:

And, I guess, if you don't know the the number of programs that you have accepted and received, life is just going to continue in 'stall' mode. You could tell yourself that this is 'ok' and just go back to sleep... or not. ;) It certainly is great to have choices.

As you said, why on earth would you reiki your work place, your boss, your family - particularly the ones facing difficulties - or being 'difficult'. Even your enemies. :huh:

A few post ago Anart said:

Anart said:
So, have you considered that you might be violating the Free Will of others by sending them 'love and light' via your money?


Anart said:
However, I think you might want to revisit the idea of trying to send out 'positivity' via your money - this is no different from the newage followers sending buckets of love and light that are received as 'buckets of vomit', as the C's said. I'm just wondering if you've considered that aspect of it?

It seems to me that it is the same thing, Violation of the Free will and newage program.
anart said:
I think you might want to revisit the idea of trying to send out 'positivity' via your money - this is no different from the newage followers sending buckets of love and light that are received as 'buckets of vomit', as the C's said. I'm just wondering if you've considered that aspect of it?
I hadn't considered that aspect of it - obviously I'm running something of a mental habit there. Thanks for the reminder, Anart.

Ruth said:
I'm curious - why on earth would you reiki money? Does it need it? I personally think you'd be better off reiking yourself
It was just something that crossed my mind as something I could try to remember, but I think you're right Ruth, I would be better Reiking myself and there's no Free Will issues there. I'll try that instead.

On a practical note, often, many students of the Fourth way come up against a block, after studying it for a long period. Nothing seems to to be happening at a conscious level, yet much is happening inside.

It is possible that, when learning has progressed to a certain stage in the Work, and you are 'visible' that obstacles are placed in your way by the General Law, and this could be where you are at. The efforts required to overcome this is less than easy, yet is required for you to move forward. In this case, you have the choice: capitulate to the General Law, or continue to learn the lessons. In fact, where you are is a lesson in itself for you now. What are the positive learnings from it that will enable you to move forward?

At another level, for those of you who are bored at work, have a bit of fun whilst at work, with a simple aim or two, pay attention, increase your awareness at the same time: determine who is/are the unconscious 'emotional vampire agents' - who do people cluster to, to divest their negative emotions (to feed 4D STS), who regularly elicits these 'negative emotions' from people? Add to this if you are familiar with Martha Stout's, or Hare's, writings of how to spot a sociopath. What aspects of their lists are these (or other people) manifesting? Just keep the answers to yourself at work though!

This is one way of easing the boredom and learning at the same time, and may provide the impetus to get you moving forward again.

Practice, practice and practice is the only guaranteed approach; become aware of what is happening in the everyday world around you, waht you hear, feel, and observe as a consequence. :)
Namaste said:
As you said, why on earth would you reiki your work place, your boss, your family - particularly the ones facing difficulties - or being 'difficult'. Even your enemies. :huh:
It seems to me that it is the same thing, Violation of the Free will and newage program.

It seems you do no understand what reiki is. I am only a chanel. Therefore it does not come from me, it only flows through me. It is a universal life force (which could mean anything to anyone from health to awarness to removing obstacles).

When I reiki, part of the process I go through is 'calling up' the person or situation I am going to reiki. The intended receiver then has free will to accept or reject the healing with the caveat that it must be 'for the highest good'. You don't get many rejections, but then I am not a very experienced in terms of years reiki practioner. The reiki master who 'tuned' my chanel only ever had one. And that person was never obliged to tell her why.
Ruth said:
It seems you do no understand what reiki is.

I'm not sure why you came to this conclusion, as I had the same thought that Namaste has expressed about what you wrote, and I do have some understanding of what Reiki is, as he does as well.

ruth said:
I am only a chanel. Therefore it does not come from me, it only flows through me. It is a universal life force (which could mean anything to anyone from health to awarness to removing obstacles).

Hi Ruth, I must admit that this is a rather odd statement. Just because it does not come from you does not mean that you are not directing it. As I'm sure you know, Reiki can be 'turned on and off' as it were - thus when you direct it toward people who have not asked for it, you are the one making that decision - it is not done through you, since you have made the decision to send energy to a person.

From what you have written here, it appears that you do so without asking, which is, to my understanding, a violation of Free Will.

ruth said:
When I reiki, part of the process I go through is 'calling up' the person or situation I am going to reiki.

And, exactly, how do you do this? Is it only in your own mind? If so, this is not asking that person.

ruth said:
The intended receiver then has free will to accept or reject the healing with the caveat that it must be 'for the highest good'.

As long as this is done verbally with the intended receiver, and not only in your own mind, then, yes, this would be getting permission. Considering that you stated that you send it to your 'enemies', I'm rather confused over why they would accept such a thing.

ruth said:
You don't get many rejections, but then I am not a very experienced in terms of years reiki practioner.

Some clarity would be appreciated here - if you are asking only in your own mind, how would you know? Hopefully I'm misunderstanding you and you do actually ask verbally and with 'full disclosure' to the intended recipient.

ruth said:
The reiki master who 'tuned' my chanel only ever had one. And that person was never obliged to tell her why.

Apologies for being unclear on what you mean here, but 'only ever had one' what?
bedower said:
How much do you actually interact with your toddler, other than doing the necessary wiping up of the leakages and auto-responding to the 'Feed me now' bellow? Do you colour pictures with him/her, read a big picture book with him/her, play 'Catch' with a ball? I ask because when I'm playing with my grandchildren, and doing all of the above, my mind becomes very focused and alert, even though we are only playing 'childish games'.

Thanks Bedower, that got me thinking.

I know the state you mean. I had a very enjoyable play session with my son in the garden last summer when I wasn't trying to do anything else at the same time, I just totally got into his world and was Self Remembering. Too often though, I'm not giving him 100% of my attention or I'm setting boundaries (No playdoh on the floor! No painting the sofa!), or I'm doing play-as-learning (What colour is the Train? Can you fit these two bits together?). Which means I'm present and focused on the play, but Self Remembering seems to happen for me when I'm not focused on 'trying' to do something. Generally I 'come to' when I'm walking or sitting on a bus and there's no other immediate demands on my attention.

I think that's why trying to Self Remember at the same time as making a money transaction is proving to be so difficult - because it demands attention. I managed it this morning, but that's because the cashier wasn't there, so I had time to think about it until they arrived.

bedower said:
Also, with whom are you talking? Is there another adult with you, or is it just your toddler? And if you don't like cooking, it can become a chore, and chores are not supposed to be enjoyable (or so we are told).
Talking with my wife. Usually I only Self Remember at those times if we're having an argument. I've something to reply to this but before I do can I ask you: What relationship - if any - are you making here between an activity being enjoyable (or not) and Self Remembering?

The Spoon
The Spoon said:
Rather than being in a state of bankruptcy, I'm comfortable. Mild boredom. Middle class angst we'd call it in the UK. I feel a bit like an amoeba - lack of stimulus, lack of response. No difficulties, no lessons, no growth.

Any advice appreciated. Apologies for the high 'I' count of this posting.

Sleep is comfortable, waking up is bitter.

This isn't my quote....I'd say it was more bittersweet! I found it doing a search as I had read somewhere about the hazards of "comfort". I thought it may have been Gurdjieff or Ouspensky.....couldn't find anything so it may have been Manly P Hall, Castaneda, Mouravieff.....can't remember at the moment. It may come to me sooner rather than later..... I hope.

Push against (an out) of it I suppose, try to introduce a little bit of discomfort in your life.
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