Observation? (Emotional 'Cellular' Membrane)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I've been wondering about sharing an observation.....it is potentially quite subjective, but its dawned on me that I've had the same observation in the past followed by a lot of life drama....having more clearly observed the same effect, and now having more drama crop up in my life (general law?) I want to share it before I forget it again.

My initial observation years ago (before sott) was to do with how my life seemed to have 'nothing happen'.....I was safe in a bubble of nothing....nothing bad...but nothing good. At that moment I could feel (hence the subjectivity) a literal bubble around me keeping 'all the bad in life' (so also 'all the good') from reaching me....I resolved to change its setting and allow life in. That day I met my now girlfriend and got involved with a heck of a lot of dramas (and promptly forgot about this observation).....it was like I'd opened the flood gates to life (and lessons).

My observation a few days ago (although I didn't make the connection to the first observation until now) expanded on the first. It was early morning and I could hear my dad in the bathroom getting ready for work. I'd been thinking recently how I tend to be overreactive to my parents emotional states...there emotional state carrying an unhealthy weight and impact on my own internal state. The analogy came to me of that of a cells membrane with receptors on. My understanding is that the receptors can change...and that they draw down from the outside of the cell when activated (my understanding is limited and perhaps inaccurate).
I then thought about projected emotions that others may project onto you......and I could again feel (hence subjective) a bubble around me with different sensations on it in relation to my father who was in the next room......
So my analogy (and I do wonder how literal it is?)....is that we are like cells (on some sort of energy level) that have receptors on there surface...and this is the mechanism by which things become distorted (too many 'dads emotions' receptors....to few 'empathic' receptors etc).
Perhaps this is the glowing golden egg of awareness that Carlos Castaneda talks about? I'm not sure having only read snippets on the forum.

Either way, once I could feel it I decided that it needs to be balanced.....I can't do anything if my input from the (emotional) world around me is faulty. It was interesting to note that it felt like it changed (and so far I don't seem to be taking my parents usual behaviour the same way as I use too).....I also noticed how many part of this I am completely oblivious too....like all my focus had been on one or two (painful) areas of input.

As to weather at some level there is a bubble of something....or perhaps its just my own mind represented as such I don't know......hopefully I'm not wondering off into delusions though (if I am please correct me).
One thing of note is that it does seem to have a 'set and forget' quality to it. You set the intentions and it just follows them. But given I've observed it only twice...perhaps there is to little data to say that for sure.

Perhaps this is of some use? If however I am wondering off into subjectivity though, I really would like to have my compass reset.
Hey Redfox, I think the analogy is apropos, though it may have more to do with FRV. It also seems to be the principle upon which 'the secret' seems to work. It's like setting an intention then forgetting about it and just letting nature take its course. I've seen it happen twice now, and it is interesting to observe.

With myself I tend do the opposite. I maintain a near-constant self awareness and sort of nudge myself towards the direction I want to go in any particular situation. It seems to work better when I'm alone. ::shrugs::

This could also have to do with how psychopaths and other predators identify their marks. A sort of psychic 'receptor' to their predations. Perhaps with self-awareness we can learn to see our own receptors and switch them around as needed - assuming we have a continual input of psychological knowledge and feedback from the network.
RedFox said:
So my analogy (and I do wonder how literal it is?)....is that we are like cells (on some sort of energy level) that have receptors on there surface...and this is the mechanism by which things become distorted (too many 'dads emotions' receptors....to few 'empathic' receptors etc).

fwiw, I think that analogy is useful because it's consistent with the view of the whole biological organism as a sensing device. After all, even the skin is a sense organ, accepting and absorbing environmental data.

RedFox said:
As to weather at some level there is a bubble of something....or perhaps its just my own mind represented as such I don't know......

I'd say the bubble analogy is a good one too as it's consistent with the whole idea of how we can hold onto a particular world view and only see what we want to see. I'm sure you've read in the Wave how what we believe can determine what we see?

But that doesn't imply a receptor issue, necessarily, rather an issue of conscious awareness . I think ALL available data enters our bubble, but if we are sitting inside our bubble, viewing reality from that point, then we edit out what we don't believe or what is inconsistent with our beliefs, BEFORE we perceive it (the data is there, just ignored).

RedFox said:
Perhaps this is the glowing golden egg of awareness that Carlos Castaneda talks about? I'm not sure having only read snippets on the forum.

My take on that is as a metaphor...particularly as it's presented at staying at the level of the toes to maintain a bare subsistence level. To me, this represents the problem of having disconnected our internal 'map' of reality from the ground of our being (integrated reality) and proceeded to pick and choose our knowledge packets from then on, based on what is accepted by family, society, culture and the accepted 'world view' we have; our implicit paradigm (A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them).

This is just my view though and I could be off.
Hi RedFox,

For what its worth, I think it is a good analogy, I also thought something similar a few years ago. I didn't think about projection, or their receptor vs. my receptor though. I think it is fairly accurate to say that some influences are not in our control and we take "their receptors" through their influence.

My thinking was that inability to see Relity as it is comes from receptors which contain mutations in their genetic code. This mutation causes conformational changes in the receptor proteins and they do not bind the ligand they normally bind, insted they bind to something that fits into them, something fake, like laziness, demand for instant gratification, feeding on others etc. This causes a distortion of perceived reality and in the end, the job of STO candidate is finding that mutation and correct it through repair mechanisms. A cellular debugging, if you will. I consider it as an analogy of narcissistic wounding.

Just my two cents, fwiw.
Thanks for the feedback.

Biomiast said:
This causes a distortion of perceived reality and in the end, the job of STO candidate is finding that mutation and correct it through repair mechanisms. A cellular debugging, if you will. I consider it as an analogy of narcissistic wounding.
Your right....I did notice the connection between this faulty interface and narcissistic wounding. I don't know if it is the mechanism by which it happens, or just an analogy/metaphor. Either way, to me at the time of the observation it had a tangable shape and purpose which I could interact with. Perhaps it is just simply the result of asking to 'see' how these things work?

One lasting effect this observation has had on me is that I now seem more aware of how other are effecting me (the information is there right in front of me if I remember to look)....and perhaps (although this is more unclear) what I may be projecting onto others.

Bud said:
I'd say the bubble analogy is a good one too as it's consistent with the whole idea of how we can hold onto a particular world view and only see what we want to see. I'm sure you've read in the Wave how what we believe can determine what we see?
Yes, but I never finished the on line version so am now reading through the books. I've been taking a hard look at myself...and find myself extremely embarrassed to say that I've been here so long and posted so much and Not finished reading the wave series....the core essence of what being here is about. :( So I've set myself the task of reading for an hour a night...so far so good.

Bud said:
But that doesn't imply a receptor issue, necessarily, rather an issue of conscious awareness . I think ALL available data enters our bubble, but if we are sitting inside our bubble, viewing reality from that point, then we edit out what we don't believe or what is inconsistent with our beliefs, BEFORE we perceive it (the data is there, just ignored).
You're right, I think what I mistook as receptor type behaviour is the automatic filtering that seemed to be going on.....maybe with some work I can learn to not filter any data.

Puck said:
Hey Redfox, I think the analogy is apropos, though it may have more to do with FRV. It also seems to be the principle upon which 'the secret' seems to work. It's like setting an intention then forgetting about it and just letting nature take its course. I've seen it happen twice now, and it is interesting to observe.
Perhaps so, expanding on what Bud says about awareness....perhaps the 'set and forget' aspect is to do with how your perception filters work when you are not aware.....there default state?

Puck said:
With myself I tend do the opposite. I maintain a near-constant self awareness and sort of nudge myself towards the direction I want to go in any particular situation. It seems to work better when I'm alone. ::shrugs::
Its possible it works better when alone because you require all your awareness to deal with others (not enough spare awareness to go around)....and/or the awareness when you are alone is perhaps not as accurate as you think, and being around people shows you this? fwiw

Puck said:
This could also have to do with how psychopaths and other predators identify their marks. A sort of psychic 'receptor' to their predations. Perhaps with self-awareness we can learn to see our own receptors and switch them around as needed - assuming we have a continual input of psychological knowledge and feedback from the network.
I have often wondered if something like this was the case with psychopaths....how they pick up on things. I hadn't considered that perhaps they it could also act as a masking system by sending stuff back out...hm ok getting pretty subjective/lacking too much data here, but an interesting idea none the less.
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