Q: (Joe) And the previous comment was about the hygiene of those “around you”, which means us. So we can’t be daydreaming, and if you find yourself going off in la-la land, you basically have to air it out. Talk to people about it.
(L) I think that people need to know what their weaknesses are, and when they know it, if they find themselves having thoughts along the lines of those weaknesses they tell somebody. It’s not good to try to struggle through it on your own. We’ve seen how manytimes talking about it is what makes other people aware. It’s the group awareness that busts the bubble and blocks the 4D STS abilities to interfere.
(Joe) I would say you can notice it when you find yourself suddenly thinking in a particularly negative way or whatever… a kind of unusual thought pattern that is invasive and persistent…
A: Negative thoughts can be “dreams”too.
Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn’t objectively true,that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn’t necessarily have to be negative.
A:It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.
Q:(Andromeda)So basically it’s like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you’re not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach.
(L)Okay, so somebody’s dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they’re living in la-la land. Then there’s the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?
A:It can activate subconscious programs and alsoutilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.
Q: (Joe)Sounds like a feedback loop.
(L) So, say I’m in wishful thinking of some sort. I’m dreaming. Say I’m dreaming about winning the lottery. Or I could be thinking negative thoughts toward somebody. Either way, it’s a drain. So I’m in this condition, and that allows an STS feeding tube to be anchored in me, which means basically there’s an energetic connection between me and some kind of 4D STS forces.
Then if I’m just dreaming or dissociating a little bit, the connection can accelerate that, make it worse. I can feel worse, or believe it harder or stronger. And then that can enhance physiological processes like brain chemistry,hormones, etc. And usually we get triggered to think things because of stuff we’re not even always aware of. In the Wave, I used the example of a blue hat. A kid gets exposed to somebody abusive who’s wearing a blue hat. They then always go into a state of fear when they see a person in a blue hat, but they don’t even realize what’s going on.
They get triggered and have negative feelings toward that person and the person may be totally innocent and benevolent.But because of the blue-hat programming, the dissociated person acts negatively toward them and thus begins a negative dynamic. The other way would be somebody whose favorite relative always wore checkered shirts. So when they see checkered shirts, they always feel warm and fuzzy and are naturally attracted to the person wearing the checkered shirt, but they don’t know why. They may feel very favorable toward a psychopath in a checkered shirt who takes them for everything they have or destroys them emotionally. In both cases, the initial beliefs about the other person or situation has no basis in reality. That could be a subconscious trigger for just the beginning - the opening- of the whole process.
And then it will snowball…
(Joe)It’s very similar to mind programming and the way people are going off all over the world today.
(L) Yes. People can be programmed to be antagonistic toward each other without even any secret government involvement. So basically, any person here in our community, this could happen to that person if they have such programs. And it is almost certain that everyone has programs of this sort that incline them to favor this thing and not favor that thing,all based on experiences of the past, most of which they cannot remember and which don’t apply at all to current experiences.
That could then lead them into either la-la land, or very dark thoughts,very negative thoughts. That in itself creates an opening that allows this 4D STS energy in. The basic energy generated by the program is then souped up, accelerated and made ten times worse and the person falls into a pit of thinking that is out of control. And it can be negative thinking or it can be apparently positive, like thinking you are in love with the psychopath in the checkered shirt, or at least,the wrong person. A person might then automatically run programs that manipulate other people and set off their programs – either positively or negatively.
Like if they think they are in love because a program has been triggered, they’ll send out “mating signals” which then trigger responses. And then they all start falling like dominoes. Or, they start thinking negative thoughts and act negatively in a more active way and cause all sorts of issues tod evelop. That’s really creepy when you think about it.