Oddball Animation: Butter Lover


The Living Force
This video may suffer from gender dysphoria and contains a swear towards the end, but I thought someone here might find this amusing. I dunno, tell me what you think.


It makes me wonder if whatever lives down that hole is smarter than the both of them. :D
Ughh. The creepy guy lures the store worker out so he can attack him.
Hmm, fair enough. That does seem to summarize the plot concisely. The first time I watched it, I didn't actually watch past the credits, so I thought that "it loves butter" was the punchline. That said, I did see that last part before I posted it, and perhaps didn't fully process how much it changes the interpretation.
HowToBe said:
Hmm, fair enough. That does seem to summarize the plot concisely. The first time I watched it, I didn't actually watch past the credits, so I thought that "it loves butter" was the punchline. That said, I did see that last part before I posted it, and perhaps didn't fully process how much it changes the interpretation.

I was wondering, because I found it creepy. I let it run past the credits and was a bit shocked at the ending. Without seeing the ending, I am not sure it would have made any sense.

Although unintended, something that could be taken away from it could be that the store clerk could have shown more awareness. That he was able to be so easily led was his downfall. If you are not diligent, you can end up being lunch :violin:

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